Ok, so I spend a lot of time in hotel rooms, and have done for years, they tend to be pretty middle of the road type places, not palaces, not flea pits. You would think that you could get up to all sorts of mischief all the time, but it is amazing how repetitively dull it is most of the time. I suppose I could take up knitting, or mandarin chinese, or macrame or something like that, but honestly, you really spend the majority of the time, cock in hand watching porn. Now dont get me wrong, of the options listed, that is far and away the most fun, and I have pumped spunk into so many hotel bedroom sinks over the years I long ago lost count. Think about it the next time you stay away somewhere when you are brushing your teeth! and believe me, if it wasnt me, there are plenty of us out there!!!
So even though I havent yet stroked my dick to a pumping ejaculation this evening (fancied a later one tonight!), it had never really occured to me before to write some of this crap that wanders around my head down. Confession is supposed to be cathartic, but a wank blog is probably just a bit self absorbed, so this may be the first of many, or a complete one off.
You having fun on here? is it what you wanted? do you just look? and is the thrill of thinking that you could contact someone if you really wanted to enough to make your heart race, you can study the photos, read the descriptions and always find something not quite right, so you move on to the next? Nothing wrong with that. Sex is as much about anticipation, the thrill of the possibility, and so much of it is in your head. Or do you trawl through every ad, mailing anyone within half a days drive and even some beyond (if they sound particularly hot / cute / perverted -delete as applicable), playing the numbers game, you only need one to say yes!! but two would be more fun ;-).
I think I fall somewhere in the middle, or maybe just alternate between both. I love looking through the photos of beautiful naked and semi naked female bodies, tits and ass and pussy, (how women get out of bed in the morning is beyond me), especially the tight, firm, youthful yet ripe women, the mere sight of whom make me ache, and I want them all, the older I get, and the less likely I am to spend long strings of nights with nubile, perky minxes the the more I want them. God, life can be cruel! Then sometimes I dive in. I am pretty new to this site, but certainly not to swinging / illicit encounters type sites and between them, and the occasional swinging club, have had some interestng experiences, not enough of course, it's never enough is it? there will always be the next.... hopefully!
So to all the ladies that ever drop by, a warm welcome is always guaranteed, Its always fun to see which of us can teach the other something new...