Biologically man is polygamous. Socially it may vary from society to society. Many people says that the western culture is very advance and having polygamy common. Romans were known to have polygamous lifestyle. India, land of Kamasutra has many proof of polygamy. Kind Dasarath was having three wife. Occasional squirting of Lord Shiva is mentioned well in Shiv Purana and resulting in birth of Hanuman. Daraupadi, also known as panchali was having five husband and Arjun as well as Bhim was having two wives. When Indians are accepting polygamous condition in religious script, why it is taboo in real society? Many sculpture are showing multiple partner sex in temples. Sex with animals are also present in some temples. Presenting multiple partners in sculpture is exhibitionism of those days. Indian has to rethink about sex and polygamy before labeling it as taboo.
10:37 am Thursday, 20th April, 2017
While I don't know a lot about Indian culture, customs or history, I have given the polyamorous debate quite a lot of thought. |
3:00 pm Wednesday, 13th December, 2017
👌👌👌👌👌 Very True |
11:28 am Saturday, 21st September, 2019
Truely said, but what can we do to change, nothing. That is worry |
12:54 am Monday, 18th July, 2022
Ya very good 👍 |