I know we all are human trying to follow our urges regardless of what we do and how much we earn.
Yet I am still surprised when meeting wives who are seeking intimacy outside of marriage.
Business women/men and managers of big companies swinging.
Writers and contributors of famous magazines and newspapers.
Students who are just fine financially.
Sometimes I ask why, but I remember myself being here too, so i just respect their reasons regardless of reasonable or unrrasonable.No amount of porn made me ready for this experience. I am happy though, that everything so far is out of my expectations, which means that every meet is different, sometimes uncomfortable, sometimes super fun, sometimes awkward then changes to laughter. But at least we get to meet each other and tell the other people what we could not tell in public, that we want no strings attached sex and some fetishes out of the norm of society.Not all are succesful meetups but at least we get to shed our mask of being good men and women once in a while, away from what society expects from us.