A couple of years ago I had a problem with my legs that meant I was unable to walk more that about 50m at a time and subsequently gained a lot of weight. After the operation to cure this problem I started doing more but was unable to shift the weight I had gained regardless of diet.
Then about 5 months ago I slowly started to lose a little nothing drastic just a couple of pounds at first then 4 months ago I had a change in my diabetic medication and now 4 months later I have lost, what to me is an amazing amount in the time 17Kg (37.5 lbs)!
This is about half of what I had gained and so I am over the moon! But now I want to lose as much as I can ideally another 30kg and all I have done is a change in medication and cut portion sizes by about a third (as I lost appetite with the medication change.)
I will never be a small bloke but I will be lighter and find I now have more stamina.