Feb, March, April !
It has been a long cold dreary winter but everyone knows that. How did you use the time? Did you go out and force yourself to have fun? Did you hibernate the long winter, stocking up on water and frozen foods? I hibernated, true. I also wrote as if there were no tomorrow. First let me explain my motivation.
My old publishers, the fabulous Love You Divine (LYD) closed its doors last summer I learned a valuable lesson. Most of all my 100 plus titles were in e-books. It never occurred to me that when they went away so would my e-book presence on the web. Fortunately my new publishers at LydianPress, rebranded all my short stories, making them once again available online. It reminded me that like me, my short stories as e-books have a shelf life. (picture above of my space at the Rainbow Book Fair)
My current publisher brought it to my attention that many of my short stories lent themselves to anthologies. After 50 to 60 thousand words my short stories could