Intense paroxysmal excitement is always our goal when we engage in the act of coitus. Being able to engage in this act, perform with vehement passion, and make every part of the body tingle with excitement- this is my forte.. from the first touch of the lips down to the very seismic orgasm, i work my way through that.. i rarely stay passive when it comes to bed.. i toss and turn.. i move.. i speak of what i want to try, of what i want to feel and how i want to feel it.. i always believed that engaging in such act involves two people who should work to achieve both of their desires.. it just doesn't involve one person who works and performs all the way through..
My sex life was never boring.. and up until this very moment, it is still very alive and exciting.. talking with your partner about how you want to do it or about both your fantasies helps a lot in keeping your sex life very exciting.. it works like magic..