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What would you have done.

9:37 pm Tuesday, 3rd March, 2015

OK. so ive got in from a night out. Its around 2.15 am. Just look in on my messages and one drops in my box from a female member. She asks if I fancy meeting her straight away. As she was only about ten minutes away I thought id go over and at least introduce myself and maybe arrange something for next day. I couldn,t have done anything there and then as id been up for 23 hours and had no energy.
So, she gives me her details and off I go expecting this friendly nice lass to open the door.
On arriving I knock at the door and I walk in to be confronted by this woman, stark naked and trying to put my hands on her breasts. To be honest, I was mortified.

This woman put herself in serious danger by doing this. An absolute stranger, no clothes on. After trying to persuade her I was too tired to play, I advised her about not inviting strangers to her house because it might not be who it seems.

Seems my advice hasnt worked as ive been blacklisted by her, but I do fear for any woman who

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Guy wants to escape from the norm

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