Male Apprentice finds tormenting women is no fun.
I was once employed by a large engineering firm in Birmingham as an apprentice, there were 15 of us all male and 1 unfortunate girl.
The apprentice school where we did out first years training was up stairs behind the coil winding department. This department was mainly woman, older Brummy women, they had seen it all done it all and got not only the tee shirts but the jumpers and topcoats as well. They were employed because of their dexterity they could manipulate anything in their hands their soft white fingers, and they were evil if crossed and were just wicked if not.
Anyway a digress, Jackie that was the girls name the only female apprentice in the history of the company, was an attractive girl even in green overalls she tuned heads and she was pretty good as an apprentice. There was however one particular boy who decided that 'girls' should not be in engineering and definitely not scoring more than h