Imagine this my sweet,We've made a deal . In exchange for my incredible ingenuity at creating cunt watering orgasms, you've surrendered control of your nipples. Whenever asked politely, of course.
They are mine to tease and please. I can suck them, flick them, rub them pinch them, pull on them, tickle them, and torture them, anytime I want. You go bra-less in thin silk blouses, opening your jacket for dinner, letting me lust after their hard appearance. Sometimes you wear thin cotton shirts letting their dark rimmed appearance show through.
I crave them; you expose them completely in the car for the drive home. I fondle them with one hand, tweaking and pinching and rubbing and caressing -- I make you reach down and collect your sticky dew from between your swollen lips to rub on them.
At home I tie your hands out of the way behind your back and plant my cock deep inside you as I scratch and suck on your pencil eraser nipples, using my fingernails I elicit a de