it was a warm summer day and i had arranged to meet my friend in our local forest car park for a chat and a coffee
in the small forest cafe,as it as warm very warm i was in my shorts and although i have not done this before i went commando it felt rather nice with a warm breeze gently blowing up my legs any way i arrived first and my friend about 15 mins later we parked our cars side by side and when we meet we hugged and kissed and she was supprisingly passionatly her tongue slipping into my mouth wow that was very sexy and caught me by supprise
but i retuned the treat and our tongues were licking eachothers tongues almost like a sword fight but soft and sexy
we parted and walked hand in hand to the caffe we had a coffee or two and chated about alsorts of things
then i felt her foot rubbing my leg under the table i looked at her and she had the most amazing smile,i slipped my shoe off and slipped my foot up inbetween her legs and she parted then for me,and i slowly rubbed my toes