John Travers was now a very frightened man, he felt sure that Harry Blake was somehow behind the explosion at his hotel. Worse still although he was Blake's guest he felt distinctly like a prisoner. Harry Blake was forty years old, he was of medium build running to fat, and was tall with short thinning blonde hair. He was the all too common arrogant South African business, except if anything he was even more ruthless. In his opinion Britain had gone soft and would never amount to anything again until they treated the Kaffirs the way his government did. Fortunate most Britain's ( to his eternal surprise ) did not subscribe to this view. There were racists in Britain but they hadn't managed to form a government yet! He knew that Travers was afraid of him and this pleased him greatly. At the moment the two men were sat in the drawing room of Blake's house. "I must go!", said Travers, "The police will be looking for