Newcomers to a site such as this may initially think they've stumbled on an Aladdin's cave of willing flesh, and begin typing “applications” with feverish little fingers, anticipating an avalanche of ardent replies and a full dance card for several months ahead. After all, who could possibly resist what you have to offer? However, it soon becomes obvious that people (or at least the vast majority) have a variety of selection criteria, and there’s a sinking realization that you are not young (or old) enough, inked enough, tall enough, black enough, ripped enough or pierced enough to cut it out there.
I’ve always been one of those who believes a little homework is essential before arranging to meet anyone, because with a few mail/pic exchanges, two people can tell pretty quickly whether they’d get on, and it helps to avoid one of those situations where you wish you hadn’t shown up for a date because obviously it’s not going to work. I’m pretty honest, and if I suspect through mail chat that I’m not on the same wavelength, then I’ll say so. Conversely, if my correspondent realizes I’m not for her, then I’ll accept it gracefully. I must admit that I’m at an age now where it’s becoming less unusual to suffer abrupt unilateral termination of correspondence as soon as I’ve sent a face pic. Imagination is a wonderful thing, and the media you choose to put up on your profile form the basis of the mental image people construct. Sending a face photo after a few rounds of promising chat requires a deep breath, even for people who may feel confident about their looks. It’s the internet equivalent of a wolf rolling on its back to expose its belly. It shows your true colours and once you’ve hit the “send” button, the Rubicon has been crossed. Women may get excited about disembodied Abs, tats and dicks individually or collectively, but for them the face is the acid test that brings together the whole man. For example, you never hear women say something like “Yeah I wouldn’t mind shagging him if he put a bag over his head” (except in the context of BDSM perhaps……… :-)) Lately I’ve had a few experiences of the “face-pic suicide bomb” phenomenon that has blown to smithereens previously enthusiastic mail threads. It’s been almost as effective as sending, say, a photo of Freddy Krueger or John Kramer (why do these guys always begin with “K”??): you can almost hear a muffled “Awww………Jeezus!!” coming from somewhere down the pipe, as if they’ve put their hand on something slimy in the dark
Rejection and being rejected is a delicate business. No matter how brave a face you put on, and no matter what kind of self-image you possess, it still stings, even a little. On the other hand, it is a test of character and your response can say a lot about you.
So … I’m sort of curious to hear about people’s experiences of this. If you receive an off-putting face photo from an otherwise promising correspondent, what do you do? Suddenly go quiet and hope they’ll go away? Send them a polite reply and try not to hurt their feelings too much? Accuse them of having totally misleading profile media and wasting your time?
And if you are on the receiving end of rejection? Do you regard it as an intolerable insult to your pride? Do you resort to name-calling and abuse, or rant away with terms such as “your loss” (in sharp contrast to the almost sonnet-like qualities of your previous love-mails)?? Or do you just slink away to a dark corner, suck your thumb, and listen to Leonard Cohen?
I’m also intrigued about what kind of response (if any) you’d rather have from a “rejectee”. For example, if you’re a woman and have just blown out a guy, would absence of any response merely serve to justify your rejection of him (“yeah…I knew he was a wimp…”), or would you rather he come back at you with all that macho posturing? Enough material there for a psychological symposium .... :-)
12:53 am Wednesday, 19th October, 2016
Sounds like what happened to my original post. However, this gave me the chance to rework it, and I think the second attempt was an improvement. It's so bloody annoying when that happens, though. This time I worked on it using Word and saved it before posting. A lesson there, perhaps ? xx |
4:38 am Saturday, 22nd October, 2016
Very thoughtful post,Skebbie and it's nice also to read the words of other people whose opinions I value. There is a saying in the theatre " If you can't take rejection,don't audition ! "....... I'm still waiting to be invited to play Hamlet ! LOL |
2:11 pm Sunday, 23rd October, 2016
Actually this blog coincided with the arrival of a family member to Japan, so I haven't been able to give this as much attention as I would have liked, but I must say it's gratifying to see the emergence of a few of the "Golden Age Bloggers" in response. It's great to know you guys are still out there, and I guess it's at times like this you discover who your real friends are in this particular ecosystem. Unless you have food for the Muse, inspiration doesn't come easily......
2:57 pm Sunday, 23rd October, 2016
Chrissy: I fully concur with your observations re. blog "improvements". I remain to be convinced. I have to admit that the beta version was preferable (at least to me), the main appealing feature being the ability to switch the order of posts. The current system where the latest post appears on top sucks: any logical person arriving at the thread would expect to see the earliest posts first and then follow them down. A continuous thread (without "episodes") would also be better. Of course this is how the "old blogs" were constructed. I just can't fathom why they changed the format. |
11:06 pm Sunday, 23rd October, 2016
Kryptoni: Excellent response. Thanks a lot. I'm entertaining a visitor for the next 36 hours here, but looking forward to returning to the blog later. |
5:53 am Monday, 24th October, 2016
Chrissy. I would put you on a pedestal as you'd be quite safe from me up there.Despite having served with the Airborne Forces for several years,I have a dislike or heights and therefore would not dare to climb up to get you ! LOL xxxx |
4:54 am Wednesday, 26th October, 2016
Oh Chrissie, the view looking up at you from the base of the pedestal is so enticing,I'm going to take my courage in both hands and climb up and get you ! Look out ! Here I come !to do my good deed and rescue a pussy from a high place ! LOL xxxx |
1:16 pm Thursday, 27th October, 2016
Guest dispatched back to UK this morning, so I’m back in the fray.
12:30 pm Friday, 28th October, 2016
Back to Kryptoni:
9:05 pm Friday, 28th October, 2016
Just for the record (if you excuse the pun) I can think of no circumstances or situation that would encourage or even mildly temp me to listen to Leonard Cohen. I will probably be howled down by many at this point as even I grudgingly admit that there must have been something about its art that appeals (at least to others if not me) but I suspect that is exactly the point that Skebbie is making, but his question, how do we respond to "rejection" (or perhaps better for this site, non-selection) is an interesting one.
5:46 am Saturday, 29th October, 2016
"remove the dead wood"
4:44 pm Saturday, 29th October, 2016
Llandudno Skebbie?
4:46 pm Saturday, 29th October, 2016
Oh and once upon a time,, again on a far off land in different times, Rigger's compadres lived by the credo "faint heart never fucked a steamroller..." |
4:58 am Sunday, 30th October, 2016
"faint heart never fucked a steamroller..."
10:52 am Sunday, 30th October, 2016
Sennelager as it happens.
11:19 am Sunday, 30th October, 2016
Rigger: Maybe we could set up shop as a sort of AH double-act?
3:06 pm Sunday, 30th October, 2016
Re: Captain Cook. I went to where his journey started (Whitby) and finished (Big Island), so it was a kind of pilgrimage for me, as an Englishman. But yes I agree, timing is everything. If the idiot hadn't come back and blown his cover, he'd have been OK. I suppose similar lessons can be learned in relation to activity on this site: Never take people for granted and never assume things will always remain the same :-) |
5:27 am Monday, 31st October, 2016
I like to think that I possess a degree of intelligence, Some people are of the opinion that I know damn nothing but let me tell you that I know damn all !
7:57 am Monday, 31st October, 2016
That's because the buggers shrink in the dark of the wardrobe fetch...... |
7:02 pm Monday, 31st October, 2016
Insightful and humorous ~ should be mandatory @ P1 DateSite school, esp. for "God's Gifted"... Cheers, PaulJo $img src="imagesadultemoticons017.gif" |
12:04 pm Tuesday, 8th November, 2016
Angelici: In that case I'd better get my thinking cap on for my next "creation", as I've got writer's block at the moment (a bit like those guys employed to write bogus profiles 🙂 |
4:50 am Tuesday, 15th November, 2016
psmith: In response to your request, I've mentioned Trump on another blog about coffee. I supose we can only hope..... 🙂 |