I don't even know why I keep doing stuff like this? Is it loneliness? The lack of a partner? Or is it the validation by society? You must have a healthy sex life to be accepted by society after all. Not to say that I am asexual(which is nothing to be ashamed off btw). I clearly have a sex drive. This is obvious. Hell I wouldn't even say that my libido is quite high(I can't judge this though because I have no reference material).
I just would say that this is something I have never really cared about until recently. I mean watching porn and masturbating is one thing but having intimate contact with someone is another.
I don't even know where I am going with this. It is just something I want to experience. I want it really badly but I seem to run into one hurdle after another. Hopefully that changes near the end of the month september(I would not get my hopes up though)