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ravenous (a love poem haha)

2:45 pm Tuesday, 23rd August, 2016

after all of the work is done
after the necktie comes undone
i hunt
and with a flick of a switch
and on the mouse a few clicks
i start

and now i’m logged in
right amongst you
just outside your field of vision
concealed in the fissure between one page and the next
buried in the gaps between the pictures and the texts

so what earthly delights are in store
when i open one of this site’s many doors?
a damsel remembering her shrieks between the sheets?
a married dame hinting about a frolic on the side?
or maybe a butch who wants to cross to the other side?

but i don’t know yet
so i click on
and i read on

i scan each profile
analyzing each word and line
looking for that weakness
searching for that sign
figuring out what makes you tick
reading between the lines

whoever you might be, my princess
wherever you might lurk, my queen
however exotic your kink is, my bitch
i can play your game
and you can play mine

for i can be the sage your mind is calling for
or that plaything your body is yearning for
and i will show you things
divine yet sinful things
that my lovejones can only conceive

for tonight, my doll, the work is done
and the necktie’s loose and undone
and from this quiet room where I’m hunched over
i hunt
lurking amongst the shadows
looking for ways to bait you
pounce on you
feast on you
and drink the sweet juice out of you
before my night and your night is through

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