Having been fortunate to ba able to quit my career at a relatively young age,I pondered as to how best fill my spare time.An actor friend suggested that I enrol with his agent as an " Extra ",which I duly did..Subsequently,I starred in classic ,iconic ( and uncredited ) roles such as...Dead German Soldier, Man having a pint in the Queen Vic.Peasant in the crowd watching Anne Boleyn getting her head cut off, Scruffy member of a pirate crew and many other landmark roles.Needless to say,no Oscar or Bafta nominations were forthcoming !
The Agency asked a few of us if we would consider appearing in a porno film.I declined for the following reasons......
1.The background music for this type of performance is an assault on the ear,with either a discordant guitar twanging away or an off-key saxophone playing some dreadful dirge.
2.The plot or story-lines are even more predictable than some of the TV soaps.
3. There never seems to be any humour or comedy in these films.The performers are either po-faced or wear grimly determined expressions.
4' Dialogue ( if there is any ) seems to consist of fake moans and gasps and the standard of acting is terrible.
5.Some actresses are difficult and bad tempered in normal circumstances.Imagine having to deal with them when you're both stark naked and having sex !
6.Remuneration was below Equity minimum rates.
I don't regret turning this down on the grounds of " Artistic Integrity " and derived much more fun and enjoyment in the next engagement ,where I got into drag and fooled around as Pantomime Dame.
I think my choice of role was the correct one . Feel free to disagree if you are so inclined but Widow Twankey suited me much better than say Big Dick Thrust !
5:03 am Thursday, 28th July, 2016
Chrissy. Your words never fail to make me smile and if some of the actresses had your personality wit,intelligence and beauty,maybe I would have thought twice about my decision .! xxx |
9:58 am Wednesday, 3rd August, 2016
Running Girl. I am pleased to offer you a role in the forthcoming Panto Dick Whittinton. Either......
10:55 pm Thursday, 4th August, 2016
Only six reasons for declining?? Perhaps the saying 'he doth protest too much' comes into play and secretly you were actually wanting to be cast as the understudy in the less than stellar productions |
4:32 am Friday, 5th August, 2016
Mature Woman. That is no way to address a Super Star ! LOL My performance in Midsummer Nights Dream is still talked about by the theatrical cognisanti and people travelled miles for the opportunity to see my Bottom. LOL However,as it's you I'll let you get away with it ! xx |
I'm afaid I'm often unable to read messages sent to me or reply to them so please catch me in the chat rooms .Thanks .Now on with my flight of fancy !