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and the second needle....

11:42 pm Thursday, 24th June, 2010

"Always swab the intended part of flesh with alcohol or similar." she said as she dabbed at the swollen breast.
"I am going in again behind the nipple. Being careful not to pierce my own finger as the tip emerges underneath"
"J" held her breath as Zelda lined up the needle and made contact with her nipple.
"A steady pressure and you will feel the skin break and give way."
And so saying she drove the steel through the back of the nipple and out at the underside.
"You will note that there is just a trickle of blood when piercing. It is when you withdraw that you will get more of a bleed. Also that is when your slave will get more pain. Even more if you alter the angle and twist. That is up to you and how naughty she has been."
And to demonstrate, she gave both of "J's" needles a wicked little twist.
The muffled scream from behind the ball gag was illustration enough!
"Now are you ready to give it a try on your bitch?" T.B.C.

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