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1:59 pm Tuesday, 17th May, 2016

Hi all,

Fantasies. Who does not have fantasies? They are the way we create, in our minds, pictures and images of secret desires with anyone, anywhere. Such freeedom!!! They steal smiles and sometimes make us forget reality. They make us close to those we like too. After all, if we decide to share them in this site or any, I assume it is with someone we would like to meet.

Today I got into an argument. Someone asked me a hypothetical question about us meeting. I say hypothetical because this person has clearly stated many times that we would never meet and I have accepted this because he is my friend. Yes, I fancy him, yes he fancies me but and I respect his decision.

I told him, I could not see any point in us dwelling about a situation that it may never happen. Why waste time on a probability? I can see myself answering to someone I can see myself meeting or I know I will meet. He told me it was just part of having some fun.

Of course, he did not get me. Of course I did not get him...Now, I need to see what you think.

Therefore, my questions are:
1. Do you share your fantasies with people you may never meet? After all, imagination is a powerful tool and the thought themselves can bring you happiness/pleasure?
2. If you are about to meet someone, do you talk in advance and in detail as what you are expecting or what your hopes are? Do you just go with the flow of the moment?

11:15 pm Tuesday, 17th May, 2016

Sometimes sharing a fantasy with a complete stranger is more erotic. The unpredictable twists and turns can send you off on an unexpected journey you might not have fantasised about and seem even more exciting x

12:43 am Wednesday, 18th May, 2016


4:15 am Wednesday, 18th May, 2016

Saintsboy, welcome to blogland. I was thinking about what u wrote. "A complete stranger is more erotic". Is this because of the anonymity? I am really curious about this as it seems something many people find alluring.

6:38 am Wednesday, 18th May, 2016

I've probably covered this before somewhere, but I tend to be a grounded realist and not given to flights of erotic fantasy. I'm not saying fantasizing is "wrong", and evidently many people get off on it big-time, but my own opinion is that "what I'm going to do to you" mails and texts are frankly hilarious if you've never met a person. There is no way of telling how two people will interact whenif they finally get to meet in the flesh.

It's true I can look at photos of attractive women on here and think to myself "blimey I'd give her one", but when it comes to building detailed erotic castles in the air, I simply don't have the time or inclination. I'd rather stick to the nitty-gritty of establishing that both parties are attracted to each other, and then go with the flow if a meeting finally occurs.

Of course I realize that detailed fantasizing is a form of "romance" for some people, bless 'em :-) But given the fact I've been led down too many blind alleys on this site recently after wasting an inordinate amount of time on mail tittle-tattle, I'm less inclined to invest so much time on idle dreaming now. I will, of course, respond in equal measure if someone wants to talk to me, but I'm not going to launch into a detailed treatise on how I'm going to smother them in baby oil, bind them with hemp rope, and shove all manner of objects into various orifices. It's all too laughable, ephemeral and upredictable.

7:58 am Wednesday, 18th May, 2016

Over the years i shared phantasies with many of all genders without ever having the illusion of meeting them in reality. Not totally sure, but the fact that we never ever gonna meet made it probably more fun too. Was that satisfying in any way you might think?
Some definitly were, others only for the time it took to formulate them,
It took us, (not really 100% sure about the others involved tho) on mental journeys where there are no limits, no fysical or emotional boundaries. Its like reading a book, a good story or something in that vein. It enriched my emotional geography to a certain extent.

The other question, did we discuss our dreams and plans beforehand, before the actual meeting if we found a certain level of trust and comfort in each other and did want to meet. In a limited way of course, I mean if there is no outspoken desire on both sides, why bother meeting. The chemistry of the moment may be totally different to the chemistry there wasis in the chat or mails, telephone calls or cam or whatever means of communicating we chose, and the chance for a dissapointing meet (a no-sex meeting to clearify my words) is always there, but thats is life, and life may be about fullfilling ones phantasies but reality bites, img src='imagesadultemoticons018.gif'

10:33 am Wednesday, 18th May, 2016

Skebbie: I read with interest "I'm going to smother them in baby oil....." Wow, actually no such a mad fantasy....Massage included right?...img src="imagesadultemoticons021.gif"

Helaes: Welcome to blogland. This particular statement is the one I would like to get "i shared phantasies with many of all genders without ever having the illusion of meeting them in reality" I am thinking to myself . Does it have to do with freedom, meaning I don't care what they think as there are not consequences in the future and just let my imagination take over? I have to say I am a little jealous in a way. I can't have fantasies unless I fancy the person a lot. Am I thinking things over too much?

11:04 am Wednesday, 18th May, 2016

Great topic, Free. This whole online life is a fantasy, I think? Sometimes it merges with the real world, and sometimes (more often) not.

1. Do you share your fantasies with people you may never meet? --yes, at times I do, or have done. The best way to become fully connected with someone, I think, is to discuss things openly and in a fun way, and go from there. That being said, fantasies don't always have to be sexual in nature. Fantasies are just that.....a break from reality, which is one thing that draws me onine in the first place.

2. If you are about to meet someone, do you talk in advance and in detail as what you are expecting or what your hopes are? Do you just go with the flow of the moment? --My opinion is, if the person I'm about to meet doesn't know what I am expecting and want, and vice versa, reality is most likely to be a big disappointment. I always meet people with ZERO expectations, though, so any enjoyment, whether a laugh or "more" is then an unexpected outcome.

12:50 pm Wednesday, 18th May, 2016

Hello free, nice to see you're still here.

I'll share a fantasy with anyone on here. My answers are based on speaking with people on sites like this. If you're never going to meet the person you may end up agreeing on a fantasy and frustrating yourselves. You may also see each other in a different eye.

If I was going to see someone we may have already spoken about what we like and fantasies. I do like a surprise but one way of enjoying sex with someone is to explore and talk about what each other likes.

1:59 pm Wednesday, 18th May, 2016

Thanks for the replies.

I was thinking if fantasies are also safe. A way to break out from your shell? like the first step to more? A way to dare to be someone else?

Sharing what you like and dislike sounds perfectly logical to me. However, it seems to me that more and more people ask for interaction when asking you what you would prefer....Making it more personal that way, more real.

6:59 pm Wednesday, 18th May, 2016


Hi Free , sometimes the anonymity helps. You would maybe push boundaries you wouldn't via the net. Attraction has changed for me over the years as I've gotten older. The skinny girl at the bar who loves the attention doesn't really do it for me anymore. I tend to look for a good communicator, chatty type as they usually have no problem telling you what they like in the bedroom, library, park, swimming pool etc😉

5:45 am Thursday, 19th May, 2016

Open: I love the way you use the language...Unpackage the Godiva...Talking about euphemisms :P

1:56 pm Thursday, 19th May, 2016

Ans. 1 --- Yes
Ans, 2 --- No

( if i pass this exam, you prefer to send prize or something. dont feel shy, send me your prize. i wont say No )

7:10 pm Friday, 20th May, 2016

Still there Open. Lol Just look closely and carefully, full of chocolate to replace some endorphins lol

1:05 pm Friday, 1st July, 2022

Incredible profile, thankyou.  To answer your questions yes I've shared these things with women on here that I'll never meet as like you say imagining it can be powerful aswell.  If I was about to meet someone it would depend on her and our interaction tbh as to whether we share details. 

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