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On Zoe Kors' Radically Intimate Sex

1:37 am Friday, 22nd April, 2016

Sometimes, what people think of as intimacy is often mistaken for sex. The two are often intertwined and it can get confusing to distinguish one from the other. Writer Zoe Kors did a superb job of doing so, however. Due to the fact that links posted here tend to be censored out, I figured it'd be best to summarize her article.

In a nutshell, Kors recommends taking the more counterintuitive route if people wish to experience greater intimacy during sex. This may include one or all of the following recommendations:

1. No talking--that is, no verbal communication. Let you and your partner's bodies do the talking for you.

2. Be literally anti-climactic. Leave the orgasm out of the picture for the meantime and just focus on the process en route to it. Bring yourselves close to the edge but do not go over it.

3. Take things really, really slow. No pounding or pumping away like there's no tomorrow.

4. Undress each other. Kiss the part of the body revealed after removing an article of clothing. This is one good way to honor that part.

5. Synchronize breathing. As your partner breathes in, breathe out and vice versa. Pause after each inhale and exhale and be mindful of the stillness.

6. Gaze into each other's eyes for several minutes without looking away. To make it more manageable, shift your focus from one eye to the other. If you want a real challenge, play and bring yourselves to orgasm but maintain the eye contact as you climax (if you can).

A tantric approach? Perhaps. It's an interesting contrast from the slam-bang-thank-you-Ma'am way of doing things. At the very least, it's worthy of an adventure.

Let us know how it works out for you. :)

1:41 am Sunday, 24th April, 2016

"There is no emotion. There is peace..." ;)

2:15 pm Monday, 25th April, 2016

Sounds like we have a few twin flames here on the site. :)

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