My mentor once told me a story of a donkey with a reputation for clumsiness. It often found itself tripping over things and other animals on the farm where it lived. The farmer that owned the donkey merely tolerated the animal's existence--he waited for the time when it would no longer be useful to him so he would have an excuse to get rid of it.
One day, the donkey tripped and fell, this time into a deep pit that the farmer had dug.
The farmer heard the animal braying and promptly went to investigate. Seeing that the creature could not possibly climb its way out of the pit, the farmer concluded that it wasn't worth the effort to get the clumsy beast out of its predicament. He decided to bury it alive instead.
The farmer then took a shovel and began dumping earth on the poor donkey. At first, the animal was alarmed. It brayed and kicked and panicked as the farmer continued to shovel piles of dirt on it.
As clumsy as the creature was, however, it was also somewhat observant. The donkey noticed that whenever the farmer dumped a shovelful of earth on its back, part of the dirt would fall off of it and collect in the form of a small pile underneath. It wasn't long before the pile grew large enough for the donkey to step on.
This continued for many minutes. Every time the farmer tossed more and more earth into the pit, the donkey would simply shake the dirt off and step up onto the ever-growing pile. Eventually, the pile that the animal stood on grew so tall that the donkey reached the rim of the pit and trotted off to freedom, much to the surprise of the farmer.
And I'm not just talking about donkeys.
It has been my deepest pleasure to bring this series to you. It is also my fervent intention that you find something meaningful, useful and applicable from it. Thank you very much for reading and take care.
2:53 am Sunday, 27th March, 2016
Much appreciated, MztyFyd. I wasn't just talking to your natural mind, though. :) |
4:39 am Tuesday, 29th March, 2016
I have heard that story told, usually as a response to the quandary of low self-esteem brought about by the condemnation of the majority who have an opposing view towards one person.
5:09 am Tuesday, 29th March, 2016
Thank you for your kind words, Paraowave. Actually, the source that I heard this story from told it in a context that involved neither neediness nor low self-esteem. It amazes me how stories can yield new insights when told in different contexts and used for different purposes. |
3:57 pm Tuesday, 29th March, 2016
We also attract who we are, openislandcpl. :) |
3:15 am Wednesday, 30th March, 2016
Just noticed the word "open" in your name. Hrm Hrm. :) |