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4:59 am Sunday, 24th January, 2016

Hi all,

I hope you had a fantastic Xmas and a Great New Year. I had a break and as all breaks, it was fantastic. I feel sometimes you need to be away and then come back with new energy. After all, it is 2016 now and I am planning to be in the UK again :)

I am starting with a new blog and in a way a new style. I am still the same person. However, I feel that this year should bring me more. I have learned a lot from a lot of people. but the most important I have learned to appreciate life and know myself more.

This blog comes from a very long conversation I had with a male friend. He is a flirt and he likes to make comments to make me feel embarrassed. He was actually laughing at the fact that I could not even swear. Later during our chat, I could just not reply in a coherent way after he confessed that he would take me to bed as he found me attractive.

Now, he did not say that, he actually said it in such a way that the colour of my cheeks were flaming red.The truth is I like him, I desire him but I could not just say it. Literally, I could just no articulate all this just wild desire.

He noticed him. We have been friends for too long now and he is a very intelligent and bright person. Therefore, he said that it was normal that this generation of 30+ of today were sexually repressed. We could just not say what we wanted, we could just not be straight honest and say, I want this and you should do it this way.

He said that actually men like this "A woman who knew what she wanted and above all expressed it". Now, of course this is a generalisation but and these are my questions for you for today.

1. Do you think the statement that most women can't just say what they want in a clear way and without being embarrassed is true?
2. Do most men prefer women that are sexually aggressive and take and say what they want?

Now, my defence was that he was far away. I mean there is no point in telling him all what I wanted when in reality I could not even touch him. I truly believe explicit is good but there is the time and the place for it. After all, what better way that whispering it, right? ;)

I hope men and women join this discussion. I am looking forward to your replies.

10:04 pm Sunday, 24th January, 2016

Hi Free,
Theres me reading you post, thinking "ah, she wrote this blog about me"..
That lasted to the point you wrote " he is intelligent"...oh cobblers!!
To your first question, i feel there are a majority that find it difficult to be forward in expressing our desires..well, we are British, its just not the done thing..
And to be honest, having read blunt commemts made in chat, well they come across just a little crass.
For the most of us, our upbringing defines how we behave, one of which is to not discuss sex in an open and frank way...just cast your minds back to sex education at school and just how embarrassing it was for all involved..well at least the teacher who had to put up with the comments and sniggers from thirty teens.

Fot point two, for me the answer is yes...
Its a turn on to hear a lady explain what she would like me to do..
It doesn't happen very often, but to be asked to fit a shelf or change a lightbulb for an energy efficient type....well, the sheer thought sends a shiver down my spine.

So if anyone needs any diy, i am very good with my hands.

2:58 am Monday, 25th January, 2016

I always say if i'm interest, you won't know if you don't ask, with one exception if its someone i work with then your playing in the minefield of pc and sexual harassment if the feeling isn't mutual or if someone else entirely gets the hump.

5:51 am Monday, 25th January, 2016

Hello Free,how good to see you back and I hope the New Year brings you all the nice things you desire..I think one of the problems with the way the fairer sex express themselves is that their nuances and turn of phrases are sometimes lost on some guys. Of course one should always be on the lookout for signals but some fellows are not very good at reading between the lines.In consequence,they form the impression that a woman is not interested in them and she in turn, gets angry and frustrated that he is not reacting to her words. Now you know I am in favour of the use of vocabulary and command of language but sometimes plain speaking is what is needed.So don't feel embarrased about articulating clearly what you need,want and desire. Forthrightness can be a very attractive asset. xx

5:55 am Monday, 25th January, 2016

img src="imagesadultemoticons013.gif"

2:25 pm Monday, 25th January, 2016

I would have thought that in this day and age women on sites such as this would have no problems articulating their desires, but on the whole I've found that despite being "liberated" and having the anonymity of the internet platform, "traditional" roles still prevail. In other words, women (on the whole) *want* to be chased, and initially want to give - at least the impression of - being "chaste" :-) Of course there are exceptions, but I reckon the ratio of unsolicited mails from women "expressing interest" would be vastly outnumbered by a factor of about 500:1 by the number of "inquiry" mails I send to women. I guess old sexual interactive roles die hard. I wouldn't say it's a generation thing either: it's across the board in my experience.

Personally I would welcome any woman who approached me purely out of interest, on the proviso that anything is up for discussionconsideration (as would also be the case for the other way around). I must say, though, it's difficult to draw the line between a woman I would regard as simply a liberated free spirit and one who is aggressively predatory and verging on the "femdom". It's not just women's physical charms and intelligence that get me hot, it's also those nuances of character that distinguish them from men, and one thing that I find an incredible turn-on is that gradual transition from (perhaps feigned) demure composure to ravening lust. I think this contrast can be more pronounced in some cultures than in others - without mentioning any particular ones, but in my own experience I'm sure you can guess :-)

I'm pretty rubbish at flirting. Usually if I have any contact with a woman via these channels it generally means I'm "interested", otherwise I wouldn't have contacted her. I mean.....would she honestly think I simply want to go for a tour round the Tate Britain and discuss The Lady of Shalott ?? (who I find pretty hot, incidentally) :-) On the other hand, while watching US-style porn (as one does....), I can't help feeling I'd be somewhat intimidated were I to meet one of those boob-job, collagen-lipped Amazons who harangue their hapless male drones into delivering that extra - and ultimate - orgasm. Wham-bang? Er....no thank you ma'am (with fond apologies to the late, great David Bowie).

4:31 am Wednesday, 27th January, 2016

Hahaha, has this blig just been invaded? img src="imagesadultemoticons012.gif"

4:43 am Wednesday, 27th January, 2016

Gee, what a bad speller and sentence above....:)

Now, replying your kind replies...I have been thinking about this. I am very curious about the male mind. It is funny but I have learned more about it during the past year than in the 30 before then...

In Latin America, we have two big things going on:
1. Religion: You should not behave in a certain way because if not you would go to hell.
2. Social: Women do not tell what they want, they wait for men to do it. If you do, you are considered "easy"

Now, I know this has been changing recently in Latin America, and I doubt these two factors have got as much influenced as before. However, I always think there is a certain stigma is a woman is too liberal. Therefore, I imagine in relation to sex, the same factors apply.

I would always go with balance now of course but as someone was saying in the chatroom, to find the balance and the cut point is the difficult issue.

11:23 am Wednesday, 27th January, 2016

Hahahaha...No worries Maria....However, I think your fans are going to complain if u lose your curves lady :P

6:23 pm Wednesday, 27th January, 2016

Amiga go for it!!! Don't wait, listen me I m a man

9:18 am Thursday, 28th January, 2016

Hahaha, I am laughing manhon. I think I will go today and just kiss the first guy it crosses my path...:P

On second thoughts, nahhhh! img src="imagesadultemoticons021.gif"

2:14 am Friday, 29th January, 2016

In this context I recently read an interesting article about sexual roles (I suppose I could have copied and pasted it, but I'd probably be breaching copyright). Basically it said that - in general - sexual roles are hard-wired, and that women have become so accustomed to being "pursued" that they have really no desire to be "forward" about clarifying their interestavailability. They can generally rest assured that all they have to do is lie there languidly peeling a grape, while males keep frantically sending mating signals. In fact the article went on to say that this situation also largely explains why women tend to be more "romantic" than men: for women (especially on a site like this, perhaps??) each day brings a cornucopia of untold delights and entertainment from would-be suitors, and so all a woman has to do is fantasize wistfully about what might be coming next, or what kind of a hunky man of mystery is about to bring her her latest box of Milk Tray. For men, on the other hand, the mating game is a constant torment of worry, competition, planning and vexation about ways they can somehow try and stand out from the crowd in order to get attention. It's a constant chore and bloody hard work, so is it surprising that - after a while - the "romantic" element tends to wear a little thin ?? :-)
Disclaimer: This is the gist of the article, and may not necessarily reflect my own viewsopinionsmindset :-) Thought I'd better cover myself for fear of being branded an "unromantic bastard" :-)

3:01 am Friday, 29th January, 2016

I would love to read that article Skebbie. I am interested about the "frantically sending mating signals". Which signals are these? lol...

I have found that many in the male population here are not that subtle in their signals which makes me believe they have indeed been losing sense of the way female's minds work. Woman like romance (not I am not talking about happily ever after) just the innuendos, the flirtation, etc. Someone in a chatroom yesterday said" "Men do not get it, the road to a woman's panties is their heart". Now, many here would say, but this is an adult site....Well, maybe these people should see overall who gets the meets...lol

Now back to the OP, I do think women should send more clear signals to make the job easier for men. Gosh!! I would not like to be a male tbh. I have heard about how tough it can be for a man to stand out.

Now Skeebie, you not being a romantic? Maybe tad sarcastic and honest...but I think you are...img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif"

3:16 am Friday, 29th January, 2016

Come and kiss me better ;) will be more enjoyable....

6:52 am Friday, 29th January, 2016

FFP: In the context of "romance", I think there's a difference between trying one's best to give one's prospective sexual partner a special time, while remaining realistic but respectful, and coming out with streams of obsequious overdone flattery. I would hope that whichever woman is on the receiving end would be sufficiently mature to tell the difference :-)

7:20 am Friday, 29th January, 2016

I'd echo that stance from a male viewpoint: in theory available, providing the time, expense and trouble do not outweigh the potential "benefits" :-) Of course it's all based on a sliding scale that is weighted according to attractiveness :-)

4:03 pm Friday, 29th January, 2016

hahahahaha.....Open, you always make me smile. I am sure many lions here are already picturing you :P

I think you have point out something really true. Believe it or not, no man has ever approached me in a cafe, bar, etc (except drunk screaming guys) just saying hello, my name is....... Sometimes, I have sat in a cafe by myself wondering if one day someone will not wait for me to actually make the obvious first move....I don't have the skirt skills but I do have the smile and dragging to my cave...Wait, no that was Sue's example ....lol..

3:14 am Saturday, 30th January, 2016

OIcpl: Sadly, not all young things have the same attitude as you, Chrissy :-) Most older males hold back because they know that in 99% of cases they'd be labeled as old perves :-)
FFP: When in UK, just tell me which bar you'll be in, and I can promise you an "old perve experience" :-)

3:27 am Saturday, 30th January, 2016

hahahaha, wow! what an offer Skebbie...Right now, whispering the name of the bar to you...Is this subtle enough? img src="imagesadultemoticons022.gif"

3:58 am Saturday, 30th January, 2016

Er.....slightly *too* subtle for an old perve, I think.... :-)

5:08 am Saturday, 30th January, 2016

Well it's not the "Rose and Crown" or the "Sailor's Arms", that's for sure.........

5:31 am Saturday, 30th January, 2016

Well I am between The Hung Drawn And Quartered in London or Poosie Nansie’s in Ayrshire....Decisions, decisions....You can vote until midnight tonight hahahaimg src="imagesadultemoticons022.gif"

5:41 am Saturday, 30th January, 2016

"Between"??? That would put you somewhere near the Boltmaker's Arms in Keighley :-) Better take my bullet-proof vest and derringer before swinging open the saloon doors :-)

12:42 am Sunday, 31st January, 2016

There you go, FFP. Looks like it's going to have to be a "young perve experience" after all..... :-)

10:02 am Sunday, 31st January, 2016

hahahahahahaha...I am laughing so hard...

MissV: I have not checked that specific super power.....yet....:P

Open and Skebbie: What about we compromise and our pervert is just right in the middle? or like Golden Locks would say "just right?"

10:45 am Sunday, 31st January, 2016

"i didn't know you could super size them!!"

Naahhhhh.......it's just an illusion created by the camera angle.
Dixon :-)

6:30 am Monday, 1st February, 2016

Well said HV...I bet your fans have increased now too ;P Thanks for the smiles :)

8:31 am Monday, 1st February, 2016

HV: Thanks for your light-hearted response. Says what a good guy you are. Sometimes I can't help feeling facetious, but those who know me here are aware of this and make allowances. It's a kind of affliction :-)

2:58 pm Monday, 1st February, 2016

Was I just call a Wallflower? Awwwww....Choco, nice to see u back in blogland! Open said it get out and get ur panda img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif"

12:45 pm Saturday, 6th February, 2016

Piss taking?? Where where where?? I'm well up for all forms of Saxon specialities!

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