We are now over a month member on this site and we wonder really about some etiquette of some members here. First of all when a member is new, it's like the whole world wants to meet up. I see the logic in that.
Specifically overwhelmed by the hungry male members we adjusted our profile. Especially living in a Central-American country shows less respect from male members (by the way, funny word play here). They think that when somebody is in the lifestyle they are just easy fucks. So no much of an introduction or seducing words. Let alone full sentences. It mostly sticks to "Want to meet" or "my whatsapp number is....".
Second we encountered some couples that want to chat with us and for some odd reasons asking a few standards questions leave the chat. I find that specific behaviour very rude. We have no idea the why. It's mostly like: "Hi there, how are you, what is your age, your interest and where are you from". After giving some info the chat becomes numb. Trying to ask why they left, or what happened, is only answered by a deafening silence.
Imagine that somebody starts chatting with you in real live and while you start talking that person just walks away. I am not sure that this is an internet thing, but I am sure that everybody agrees that some form of etiquette should always be in place.
Maybe some people are not that comfortable chatting with strangers on the net, but when they approach us I would think that they would have some genuine interest and like to exchange a bit more then some odd default questions.
Then third there is are a lot of people from India that wants to befriend us. Also there we had some strange encounters. Curious about these requests we responded positively after finding out that some are not even couples, or some just become numb to after a few lines of chat. In our mind a conversation should always end with some form of good-bye, don't you agree?
So far we didn't had much luck with meeting people. Our first couple we met for drinks gave a good chemistry and click, but they ran into relational problems after our second meet. Another couple gave a no-show making us feel a bit silly. It won't be much easier because the amount of couples in the lifestyle here are about 10 to 12 in the whole country. So go figure.
Anyway, we like to know your thoughts about this topic, the lack of class and decency and if this is a normal experience, part of the online swinging lifestyle. Maybe it is part of where we live, maybe it happens everywhere and is part of the selecting process. For us it's strange and also very time consuming.
4:24 am Wednesday, 6th April, 2016
Hi! I think that people are scared and rightly so. There are tons of taboos and people aren't sure of what to expect.
3:30 pm Monday, 7th November, 2016
Todo comienza con saber relacionarse y si tu actitud es apropiada. He observado que normalmente es como un juego de abirse. Y de reglas deseos encontrados. Que sucede. Bien sólo que no se trata de que te entiendan a ti. Se trata de sobre escuchar. Ninguna conversación es buena cuando esperamos que el otro sea el que se acerca. No entiendo porque hay tanta sensibilidad. Es sólo un juego. Es una relación de aprender a dejarse llevar. Si no hay click con los mensajes talvez es porque no manejas bien el español. Ó la falta de entendimiento no te ayuda. Esto es asunto de relajarse y vivir la vida. Saber que lo que es será y no hay que pensar mucho. Aprender a relacionarse es un problema más grande cuando las personas son de diferentes culturas. |