On our journey, we've discovered that the primary reason for people hanging out here on The Hub isn't the sex.
It's the feeling of connection.
The sex is just the means to the end.
Consider this: Whether it's a one-night stand, a long-term friendship or something in between, people come here (no pun intended) to connect their hearts, their minds and their bodies with kindred spirits. Otherwise, they could have just stayed home and spanked the monkey.
For us, there's something innately pleasurable--even joyful--about reaching out and touching people's minds and hearts first before touching their genitals. Even the most basic fuck-and-forget session still has elements of human connection in it, however superficial it may appear to be.
Perhaps the best gift to give anyone this Christmas is the gift of you.
What do you think?
3:08 pm Friday, 25th December, 2015
Wow... wow... wow... this is so well put... |
6:43 pm Friday, 25th December, 2015
All excellent points, folks. Thank you very much for the insights. :) |
7:16 pm Friday, 25th December, 2015
@Harveyspecter I take it you are talking about preference and resonance?