There I sat at peace with myself and in total harmony with the panorama which spread out before me. I could see the rays from the sun,dappling the peaks of the distant mountains and twinkling upon an azure blue sea. Fields of daffodils bowed their heads gracefully in the gentle breeze I watched newly-born lambs gamboling in the nearby meadow. A lovely young maiden sat beneath a tree singing a beautiful melody whilst accompanying herself on a mandolin. Two lovers strolled by hand in hand, pausing briefly to embrace tenderly.
As I sat there drinking in the wonderful vista before me and looking at the beauty of our world, I said to myself.........
11:37 pm Saturday, 24th October, 2015
.....bugger! I left the gas ring on. My bacon and eggs will be fried to a cinder. |
5:21 am Sunday, 25th October, 2015
As a postscript to my above meanderings , I should mention that my views of Utopia, Arcadia, Sylvan Scenes,Paradise ( whatever you wish to cal it ) are now totally obscured as I have now fitted a door on that particular loo and have to content myself by doing the Daily Telegraph crossword !
8:17 am Sunday, 25th October, 2015
Indeed it is beautiful Fetch...img src="imagesadultemoticons013.gif" My landscape totally different at the moment but when I travel to new places...I always think we r lucky to have such a beautiful world. I just hope we take care of it for future generations to come :) |
11:01 am Sunday, 25th October, 2015
Cue for Louis Armstrong, perhaps.....?? :-)
11:41 am Sunday, 25th October, 2015
Fancy a nice apple, Sir Fetch? :-) |
9:12 pm Monday, 26th October, 2015
10:57 pm Monday, 26th October, 2015
Always a cabin on the shaded side of the ship - so your IPA didn't get too warm once the sun was below the yard-arm! Chin Chin! [just to mix the metaphor as it were] |
6:15 am Tuesday, 27th October, 2015
Welcu,. Thank you for your contribution from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang..I too would like to pay a little tribute from that, to all the delightful ladies on here " You're my little Chuchi face, my Oochy Coochy, Oochy Woochy, Chuchi Face,every time I look at you I sigh " ( any resemblance to the late Gert Froebe who also played Goldfinger and sang that song with the hilarious Anna Quayle, is purely co-incidental) |
5:25 pm Tuesday, 27th October, 2015
5:38 am Wednesday, 28th October, 2015
It is a fun place Openisland and I hope one day we will have the chance to perform this little number as a duet.However, if you remember the film, the characters were insulting each other in a veiled way and trying to damage each other also. Perish the thought that I would ever stoop to doing such a thing and I can only request that you be gentle with me !img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif" |
6:07 am Wednesday, 28th October, 2015
Two fellows got chatting in a bar in Hawaii.The first guy said " I'm a tourist, do do pronounce the name of this place as HAWAII or HAVAII ? " The other chap responded " It's HAVAII " .." Thank you very much " said the first man to which the second man said " Oy Vey !You're velcome already "
3:06 pm Wednesday, 28th October, 2015
Fetch: I'm beginning to think you have an Oy Vey fetish :-)
8:50 am Monday, 2nd November, 2015
shit i'm jealousy Fletch, stuck in a dump in China. yes with good people for company but paradise it isn't .... |
12:23 pm Monday, 2nd November, 2015
China Mersey ? I thought you were in Kings Lynn which is paradise if you happen to have an addiction to Campbells Soup .xx |
I'm afaid I'm often unable to read messages sent to me or reply to them so please catch me in the chat rooms .Thanks .Now on with my flight of fancy !