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So this happened the other day...

2:38 pm Sunday, 18th October, 2015

So our profile is new on this site and something quite amusing just happened to me yesterday. I never got the chance to write it immediately because I was so busy laughing my ass off.

Anyway, let's cut to the chase. I know you're here for the story and I don't wanna waste your time.

So I sent a pm to this lovely-looking couple days ago to ask if they wanna connect back. They're in their mid 20's and looking really great. Nice clothes, nice smiles. I really didn't have high hopes because they are indeed a pretty couple and me and my wife are not Brad and Angelina. Still, I gave an effort to connect because hey - you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. For the purposes of this story, let's call them the 'Stalins.'

So I asked whoever's handling the account if they'll be interested in what's written in our profile.

The Stalins messaged back and said that they're not interested because his wife does n't like how we look.

So I said something along the lines of 'Alright, man. That's cool. Everyone's got different tastes. Happy hunting.'

Here's where it got interesting.

I got a message from Stalin along the lines of:

'Next time, bago ka mag ask ng other couples, make sure na ka-'level' mo sila. Long hair long hair ka pa, mukha kang dugyot, para ko nang pina-sex sa taong grasa ang partner ko kung sayo, blah blah blah.'

At this point, I was taken aback and almost punched myself in the face. I looked at the calendar and checked if it's the Bronze age. But it's not. I'm still in 2015.

For some reason, someone died and made Stalin the standard of human aesthetics for basic site subscriptions.

Alright, I gotta admit I got mildly infuriated and called Stalin 'dimwit' and that he has a shitty attitude.

But seriously: what did I do to Stalin to deserve his disrespect?

Am I taking crazy pills here?

And at that point, I just laughed in disbelief until I made dolphin noises.

Verbatim message from Stalin:

'Alam ko na bakit kayo naghahanap ng hot girl na mag blow sayo.kasi di pa rin tanggap ng asawa mo na bakla ka kaya tinetheraphy ka nya lol'

'Tis better to keep quiet and be thot a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

And with this, I end my entry.

Hi Stalin! How's the view from your high horse? xo

8:46 am Monday, 19th October, 2015

Crazy pills some in all shapes and forms, and seems a few were accidently dropped into the Stalins' bottles of milk during infancy.

Personality is all, in my opinion, and they seem to have none.

9:03 am Monday, 19th October, 2015

Oooh what a pleasant surprise! Hallo!

I hope you don't encounter them when you seek partners in Manila PH. On second thought, maybe you should so you can personally witness the parody.

Thanks for the appreciation, eroticgoddess.


9:36 am Monday, 19th October, 2015

Well that's not very nice of them is it, people become very brave and assertive when its via a blog ;-)
any case beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and beauty is more than skin deep so if this is true then polysapio I think that you are lucky to have dodged meeting an ugly couple ;-)

10:01 am Monday, 19th October, 2015

Yeah, pretty much dodged a bullet.
Maybe they're not the types who see the beauty of things beyond the superficial. Fans of form, not of essence.
Thanks for the appreciation @nous2bkk. You got a great photo set. ;)

10:04 am Monday, 19th October, 2015

Did they both have bushy moustaches, smoke a pipe and bump all their friends off ,just like the original Joseph Stalin ?

10:18 am Monday, 19th October, 2015

I wish the guy did. hahahahahahahahah

Thanks @fetch1

3:13 pm Monday, 19th October, 2015

Mate, that just made me laugh so hard I almost followed through, I think these kids chavs makes up there own words as they hadn't worked out how to put the spell checker on there smart phones, and not wanting to sound or look silly as the incorrectly spell "I" or "a" I think you had a lucky escape there my friend 😊

7:31 pm Tuesday, 20th October, 2015

That was RUDE! They were rude! Lucky you to have not met those monsters or things might get even worst.

3:17 am Wednesday, 21st October, 2015

@Avinitlarge3 I wish it works out for the dude in the long run.

@openislandcpl Agree. That's the best thing about having friends who really know and understand what you're all about. Without judgment and all. You're a lucky dude. :)

@Maid1234 He speaks Filipino and yeah, that was a bullet dodged for me. I feel like Neo from the Matrix. lol

@JandM2003 Yeah man. Quite disappointing since they are a cute couple.

1:41 pm Wednesday, 21st October, 2015

I'm sorry but I haven't a clue wtf they wrote.
Always thought I was trendy and ' in with it' , guess I've been deluded all these years.
If someone could spare the time and translate for an old boy!
Otherwise concur with others to say you've had a lucky escape.

2:05 pm Wednesday, 21st October, 2015

@dejo I love heavy metal and I celebrate it by growing my hair long so he thought I was gay.

So he said "I think you and your wife are looking for a gal to blow you because your wife thinks you're gay and it's her form of therapy to get you to be a straight guy."

Bigoted people are hilarious.

4:10 pm Wednesday, 21st October, 2015

Thank you for the translation, very kind of you.
I'm still at a loss how the gobbledygook transforms itself to that, but hey lidiots in every shape and form.
Ps first concert I ever attended was Black Sabbath- long time ago.

2:01 am Friday, 23rd October, 2015

@dejo WHOA! That's a concert I could only DREAM of going. Damn, you're one lucky dude!

@maid FREEBIRD!!! Glad to hear I have tribe mates. If you're into Skynyrd, check out Raging Slab's "Don't Dog Me." :D

8:03 am Friday, 23rd October, 2015

Lucky dodge if you ask me! ;)

10:50 am Friday, 23rd October, 2015

Yes PolySapio it was an experience. I swear at some point during War Pigs , ozzy looked in my direction in the pits and gave his trademark peace sign, or was it the fingers!??
Awesome volume, ears rang for days after

11:25 pm Friday, 23rd October, 2015

Wow deborose, that is serious metal. Way to loud for a man of my age!

2:00 am Sunday, 25th October, 2015

@debrose1 really love your insights. Rammstein and Marilyn Manson are neck brakers. Check out Rammstein's music video "Pussy". Youtube doesn't allow graphic sex scenes on videos so Rammstein uploaded it on YouPornRedtube. It's THAT graphic. :D

What I love about MM is he considers himself the "enemy". The "villain" persona. Some people look at him like a freak but his lyricism is excellent. As Dee Snider said in one interview about MM "This guy knows what it's all about!"

Rammstein, is well... Rammstein. haha

1:01 am Sunday, 25th October, 2015

@dejo No ears are too old for great tunes. ;)

3:05 am Sunday, 25th October, 2015

Hail, fellow long haired sexy beast and rock music aficionado. I saw your blog and it was hilarious. I had a similar experience before. Not here in this site, thankfully. It was an eyeball with members of an adult oriented bulletin board here in lovely Pinas. This one girl (I call her a girl, as no lady would ever behave as such) I was trying to cozy up to rudely and snobbishly shot me down. Fine, it was her choice, but I got practically the same "we're not the same level" treatment. And to think the eyeball was to meet up with people.

11:24 am Friday, 20th November, 2015

If they are looking at age and looks, they are missing out on all the diversity out there. Their loss!

12:18 pm Sunday, 7th February, 2016

Hrm. Do we like people because they are good-looking or are they good-looking because we like them?

Also, being of someone's level is BS. There is only resonance.

6:56 am Friday, 13th May, 2016

Respect all people that's the code we all should follow..

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