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Honour,friendship and doing the right thing.

11:08 am Monday, 5th October, 2015

A few days ago,I was introduced by a good pal, to his new lady friend. She was beautiful, intelligent, funny, cultured ,sexy and shared many common interests... ...all the attributes one could ever wish for. The instant mutual attraction ,chemistry and rapport hit both us like a thunderbolt. I will not pursue things further though, I have always held that one should never betray one's friends and it goes against everything I believe in to perpetrate something which would hurt my mate and sour relations between us,perhaps for ever. Do you agree with this rather out-dated view ?

2:14 pm Monday, 5th October, 2015

100% - end of discussion, Fetch.

A mate's a mate regardless of gender and also, as a wise old Dinky-di mate of mine used to say, 'never get your meat where you get your bread'! ;-)

2:28 pm Monday, 5th October, 2015

Oh Fetch---I'm so sorry there happened to be a good friend in the middle! You are not old fashioned in your thinking, simply very much the gentleman we all know you to be.

4:03 pm Monday, 5th October, 2015

I totally think you did the right and just thing Fetch. So glad to hear that there are still some 'men of honour', renews my faith in old fashioned values.

4:12 pm Monday, 5th October, 2015

Fetch: Nothing to add to what everyone has said except something my mum used to say to my siblings and me:
"You can find many men or women but you cant find friends easily. Good friends last forever, attraction or infatuation may not"

4:38 pm Monday, 5th October, 2015

I dont usually comment on blogs but seeing as its me ole mate fetchybabe I couldnt resist...... You did the right thing as you would... being the gentleman that you are and its a pity some on here dont have the same morals when it comes to this site and meets.Cya soon fetchy

5:16 pm Monday, 5th October, 2015

Are you sure the "mutual" part wasn't at least partly delusional ? :-) I'm notoriously hopeless at picking up signs, and as much as I'd like to think that attractive women are falling over themselves to get a piece of Dixon, my mind, or both, I always tend to end up giving myself a mental cold shower, assuming I've just developed a baseless hot flush :-) No disrespect intended, Fetch, naturally. I've been here long enough to realize you have many attributes that women appreciate. It's just that I have this dread of being led by my so-called instincts, because they tend to end up making me look like an arse :-)

5:49 pm Monday, 5th October, 2015

Ahhh Fetch Good on you!!! It's ever so refreshing to hear that there are still some men out there that posses a certain level of morals and integrity. So i'll applaud you for being a gentleman that follows the unwritten code of honour between friends. :-) x

5:58 pm Monday, 5th October, 2015

Short answer - yes.

And it is not an outdated view either in my opinion.

Next question please.....

8:51 pm Monday, 5th October, 2015

Good for you Fetch.
For those who know me well know how much I value my friendships and for what it's worth, I think you did the right thing - although I'm sure it doesn't feel like it right now.
Values like that will never go out of fashion.

10:10 pm Monday, 5th October, 2015

I've read all the comments and feel like I've just walked into a room with an enormously loud echo of:

"Fletch is bloomin' awesome!!"

I'm in complete agreement. Don't go changing, we love you just the way you are.

11:50 am Tuesday, 6th October, 2015

Lil: My buns are twitching in appreciation :-)

3:33 pm Tuesday, 6th October, 2015

Fetch: Consider yourself lucky that you never transgressed the honour code here in Japan. You'd have had to commit "seppuku" :-) However, your response indicates you are a true samurai :-)

7:44 pm Tuesday, 6th October, 2015

I would just like to say how touched I am by all the kind remarks,coming as they do from people i hold in high regard and have affection for. Thank you all.
Note to Skebbie. I am honoured you consider me to be a Samurai. I have appeared in " The Mikado " many times but I'm usually cast as Ko- Ko,the Titipu town idiot.

10:00 pm Wednesday, 7th October, 2015

There are probably a large number reading this thinking "look at them taking that moral high ground"
Considering the type of site this is, they do have a point.....sort of..
But, there is a line that should be thought about long and hard before being crossed.
Most of all, good friends are hard to find but mutual attractions come and go.
Good on yer Fetch.

Jack Nicholson once said "Don't mess with another mans rhubarb"

12:45 am Thursday, 8th October, 2015

Contrast with me on the other hand: a filthy opportunist with no moral compass whatever :-)

1:16 am Thursday, 8th October, 2015

Skibbie and Lillie: I like you both a lot...lol....Does this mean that my compass is also having calibration problems? :P

3:47 am Thursday, 8th October, 2015

Fetch - we go back a long way and have always known you to be honourable, honest & a gentleman - that is the essence of you.
i would never believe you would do anything to hurt or wound anyone, in fact quite the opposite where some people have abused your values.
Don't you ever change Fetch, you are THE most honourable man I know and you being you is why it was so important you were with me on my special day and why I cried like a baby when you finally said you had booked the flight.
There have only been three men in my life who I trust totally - my Dad, David & you, all with strong values and all loved by many xxxxx

7:07 am Thursday, 8th October, 2015

Skebbie and Lillie,
You might find if you remove the magnet from the back of your compass, it will work as it should then.

Not that i am perfect in that department, having stolen a freinds wife in the past...
But in that instance i wasn't taking anything that didn't want to be taken
As for the friend, unsurprisingly we are no longer but then he was a total berk' with a taste for violence against women and subsequently a policeman which got him thrown in the land of stripey sunshine for a few years.
Justification of my action, probably... It still don't change some people's perception of me as a marriage wrecker.

8:34 am Thursday, 8th October, 2015

Deb, i totally agree..
Not wishing to sound like the Fetch appreciation society, he has always come across as a sincere and perfect gent, and his actions are nothing less than i would have expected from him...
Yeh, we love yer man....
I would never judge anyone's moral stance for their actions, if people want to have extra marital affairs, its their business and having been on the receiving end of such actions fairly recent, like yourself, i know it feels shit.
We all have our reasons for our own actions, rightly or wrongly and we should not have to justify those actions to others just because they do not like them.
Being dishonest is sometimes an unavoidable reality in life, fortunately we have those like Fetch setting that moral benchmark for us to aspire to.

8:38 am Thursday, 8th October, 2015

Immoral - isn't that Mrs Betty Saxe-Coburg-Gotha's favourite destination each summer?

8:40 am Thursday, 8th October, 2015

It is not just a case of being a nice person. There is often a delicious smugness to be gained from doing the right thing even on a difficult day!

9:11 am Thursday, 8th October, 2015

.....and of course there's that amusing look of total incredulity on the woman's face when she discovers that some men can actually exercise some self-control :-)

3:43 pm Thursday, 8th October, 2015

OK If we are talking about spins....I like to spin the bottle :)....Who should I kiss? img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif"

5:23 pm Thursday, 8th October, 2015

Rien ne vas plus......says Dixon wearing a black tie :-) You can raise him for 200 :-)

Blog Introduction

I'm afaid I'm often unable to read messages sent to me or reply to them so please catch me in the chat rooms .Thanks .Now on with my flight of fancy !

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