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Am I cut out to blog?

10:47 pm Tuesday, 22nd September, 2015

Not sure if blogging is for me. Don't get me wrong, there are lots of wonderful intentions such as .....oh I will write once a week..... well maybe once a month is adequate. It has transpired that I could not find where the blog I started was stored. Am I a bit dense? Try as I might I could not find it and quickly gave up as the pictures of 'my matches' rolled by.
So now that I have found my blog again, how do I know if it has been published to the wonderful members of this site to view? Are there any pages to view the statistics of my blog? If there are, how will I find them? I am assuming no living person has read my blog....come to think of it I don't think any dead people have either!
Having failed my first blogging target of writing a blog a week, I have now decided on a more achievable goal of writing 'when I can'. Which is probably short for when I can find it again.
So this, my second attempt at a blog has rapidly descended into how IT savvy I am not. It would be wrong to say that I do not like or cannot use a computer, having taught myself to type....well when I say type I mean use to fingers and I don't even type symmetrically either. One hand uses the middle finger and the opposite an index finger.....what is that all about? Plus when I say type, it is the hunting and pecking technique that is employed.....why do I not know where the letters are on the keyboard? It is not as if they have moved in the past 30 years, they are all sitting in their correct places year after year. Never once has the letter K wished to swap places with the letter T. They are all quite home loving letters whose roots are firmly planted on every keyboard.
Right then back on track, now I have found my blog My new goal is to find if there is a statistics page for me to view?? Any feedback would be appreciated to my erratic ramblings, it also serves as feedback, encouraging my quest to find the mythical golden stats page of fable and legend.......

11:04 pm Wednesday, 23rd September, 2015

Right O chuck. No stats just comments. Thank for taking my virginity in blogville. There no need for Nothernism me 'ol ducks.

11:33 pm Wednesday, 23rd September, 2015

Lillie you sexy, CD, Southerner there is no such place as The Wirral, unless you shop in The Asda. It is Wirral. Again thank you for partly taking my virginity too. Next time you are in The Fortnum and Masons treat yourself to a reet Northern dish of mash butties. Hope to banter with you nutters often

5:42 am Thursday, 24th September, 2015

Sue, your Northern cocktail would not be complete without a tray of nibbles. Black Pudding or Pig's Trotters for preference. ( My Northern buddies know I only jest )
Lillie.Port Sunlight is located on the Wirral ( Lever Brothers originally ) but you spread sunlight on here !
Your Bi Bull. Wait until the Muses comes upon you then you will find it much easier to express yourself in the written word.Alternatively, do as I do, just spout rubbish !

8:12 am Thursday, 24th September, 2015

Ahem. Just for the record I consider that the Wirral is more midlands than north. That said I have to go to Fraserburgh again soon and by heck that is north...

6:46 pm Thursday, 24th September, 2015

Oh and I am off to Blackpool next week....rock with "rigger" all the way through it and a Kiss Me Quick hat.

8:02 pm Thursday, 24th September, 2015

Aye Rigger,thone cheels doon by thone Liverpool ca'in themselves northerners,thone's a richt laugh! :)

8:18 pm Thursday, 24th September, 2015

More a softly spoken Yan Tan Tethera man myself (or missen if you prefer). That said my travels have made my dialect somewhat less distinct.

8:31 pm Friday, 25th September, 2015

I'm near Helensburgh tonight and it's tropical compared to Fraserburgh! If you just go a few miles around the corner they've got palm trees FFS!!!! :D

2:01 pm Saturday, 26th September, 2015

" ... there is no such place as The Wirral."

You'll find that it's often referred to as The Wirral, as in live "on the Wirral Peninsula", but only if you're dead posh like.

4:33 pm Saturday, 26th September, 2015

You lot are worse than me!! Thanks for your input and friendliness

7:13 pm Sunday, 27th September, 2015

No star trekking then Mac?

11:28 pm Sunday, 27th September, 2015

chocolate buttons even

8:58 pm Monday, 28th September, 2015

How do i put a blog on here?????

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