Now, this blog has taken me very long to be written. To find the right words to try to explain something I have seen and noticed day by day in the site is not an easy task.
I call these people 'the dreamers' 'the unconfident' 'the ones who do not dare'. This blog is not about the timewasters, fake people, or even 'key warriors'. This is about a certain type of individuals in the site (and I am sure in the online world) who do exist, who do have dreams, who do have a face, who do have a personality but when reality hits them, they would never dare to go forward and meet.
I have asked around and I have noticed them too. They like to write many things in chartrooms, they really think they can achieve the desired goal to meet someone, they cam, they chat, they exchange pictures. These people really do exist. They even arrange meetings and when it is close, they realize they are not as brave as they thought, they could not live up to expectations, or that they could not just do it.
Have you ever encountered people like this? Do you have a theory about why these people come here but they would never meet you? I am very interested in getting as many responses.
8:56 am Friday, 1st May, 2015
Hello Free, I do simply call these kind of people cowards |
9:37 am Friday, 1st May, 2015
I think there may be more than one type of person involved here. There are both singles and couples who may want the extra thrill of camming or chatting with others about things they fantasise about - but would never want to do in real life (maybe something as simple as swapping, maybe the 'kinkier' side like WS or fetish). There are also people - not just in sexual things - who dream of doing something (starting their own business, meeting for sex or anything a little scary) but when it comes down to it, it is one step too far. |
10:16 am Friday, 1st May, 2015
Don't imagine i'm going to be popular after i share my opinion.
10:52 am Friday, 1st May, 2015
Sorry that was meant to be * new breed or Voyeur. |
11:17 am Friday, 1st May, 2015
...hmmm...I think perhaps, these people are maybe just very low in confidence. Its easy to be brave when texting, messaging, emailing're anonymous, your brainmind can and will make you feel confident. But when 'reality' starts to get closer their mind then starts to play on the negative bits about themselves or their bodies etc etc and then the confidence they had just goes....sadly....and they end up not meeting etc. Thanks for reading, Phil x x |
1:54 pm Friday, 1st May, 2015
My Dear Cleo.
2:07 pm Friday, 1st May, 2015
Everyone has the right to change their mind. When first chatting two people may think they would like to take things to the next stage but as time goes on and they get to know one and other a little better that differences in what they wantneed or even expect become more apparent so they make the decision that meeting would not be for the best. That happens in the real world all the time so i wouldn't imagine the 'virtual world' is any different.
6:51 pm Friday, 1st May, 2015
Darling Free :)
10:25 pm Friday, 1st May, 2015
I love all the replies guys! I brought the topic not in a way of criticism as such but more as a way to explain many things to all the readers and maybe to let many people express their feelings.
5:42 am Saturday, 2nd May, 2015
Sometimes all it takes is making one right connection to get the self image and confidence levels back up. I met one woman from a completely different site. Travelled to see me yet also too see her friends in this city (and that's the key to enjoying travel in confidence - never make it about seeing the person, always about seeing the place) and the way we clicked and treated one another brought a lot of peace of mind and totally brought to a conclusion a long chapter in my life. Never met anyone on this site yet, not too active. But I try and keep it purely to calls and in person nowadays. I couldn't go back to the text life myself, it's a matter of feeling alive and survival. |
6:14 am Saturday, 2nd May, 2015
LIbraman: Thanks for your reply and welcome to the land of blogs. Your comments are indeed thoughtful :)img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif" |
6:26 am Saturday, 2nd May, 2015
Grazie :) looking at your profile it's a small world. We're both fluent in French. You're going to Italy. Before I moved back to the UK I lived in Italy. The woman I met came over from Shanghai. Synergy is everywhere I look. |
2:52 pm Sunday, 3rd May, 2015
This is such a good question! Yes, who are 'dreamers'? While such people are no doubt frustrating to those who are in for the real action, I appreciate them. Fantasy is a wonderful thing: it lets us all live out 'as-if' realities we can't really bare to experience, it lets us do things we'd never do in real life. In fantasy we can taste the excitement, without really swallowing. Does this make them cowards? Perhaps with some, but I suspect for many it has nothing to do with cowardice.
4:00 pm Sunday, 3rd May, 2015
Can't help but say this subject topic has left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth.. As i really don't think anyone regadless of who they are or why they are on this site have the right to question others motives. NO ONE has the right to judge never mind question others reasons for being here. If they don't wish to meet they don't, it's as simple as that!
4:23 pm Sunday, 3rd May, 2015
Well said BBUK! Though i hope you hope rather than hop that no offence has been taken by people who only 'choose' to chat or flirt lol :-P xxx
4:49 pm Sunday, 3rd May, 2015
It is almost midnight in Beijing and I did feel compelled to reply the last comments. I truly think that one of the best features of this website is the diversity. I have never found so many different people in just one place. Every single person (including me) have come here for different reasons and I am sure each of us is trying hard to make himself or herself happy. One of the things I have always claimed and proclaimed is that every one deserves happiness as long as they don't hurt anyone and they are honest. This is why I come back again and again to this place. People welcome you mostly and share.
5:25 pm Sunday, 3rd May, 2015
'I call these people people 'the dreamers' 'the unconfident' 'the ones who do not dare'
5:33 pm Sunday, 3rd May, 2015
Agreed MrHappy. I suppose I shud apologize if I came across as judgmental. I am not the kind of person who is afraid of saying sorry if required. I am also learning after all. img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif" |
7:44 pm Sunday, 3rd May, 2015
I have to point out, too, that there is a big difference between people who don't meet and are here to chat only and people who say they'll meet but don't admit to anyone (often even themselves, I think?) that they never will. |
8:09 pm Sunday, 3rd May, 2015
You see that is where freedom of choice comes into play as it's any given persons right to choose if they meet or if they don't, everyone is entitle to change their mind (hell according to men us women change our minds as often as we change our knickers lol).
8:19 pm Sunday, 3rd May, 2015
*entitled |
9:04 pm Sunday, 3rd May, 2015
Of course they have the right to a private life. They even have the right to change their mind. What I find issue with is the ones who become intimately involved with someone over an extended period of time and then simply disappear, refuse to meet, etc.
10:28 pm Sunday, 3rd May, 2015
Yes I understand. The example you just pointed out can do harm to others. There is a difference between stringing someone along into commitments that won't be lived up to, as opposed to harmless fun. It's as much true for the online world as it is the offline world. |
5:46 am Monday, 4th May, 2015
Erotic: You have definitely got the best example of how people could hurt others here. I will not go into details as what happened to me but I was also a victim of one of these situations. I do agree everyone is entitled to make a free choice as long as both parties know clearly the final outcome. I do regret to say not everyone is straight. To be promised something and then vanish or to care about someone who suddenly disappears is something I do not wish to anyone here.
2:51 pm Monday, 4th May, 2015
Had been trying to hold my whisht but can't, so.......
10:29 am Tuesday, 5th May, 2015
Don't think it's a case of 'refusing' to meet it's that they 'choose' not to meet. Freedom of choice is something that many great people have fought and campaigned for each and every person to have for year's. I kind of wonder it the campaignes have been 'missed' by some on this site, as it comes across that some are missing the point that everyone has the right to make their own decisions. Doesn't matter how much 'one' person wants to meet another if that isn't a shared feeling that it just ain't going to happen.Best they can do is accept it and move on, me personally, i tend to accept people for whowhat they are and i'm grateful for their friendship, even if it's only after a length of time chatting that i find out 'they' don't want to meet, as i respect that is their choice and right.
11:38 am Tuesday, 5th May, 2015
I think some people also get cold feet before a meet, when the realisation has set in that they are actually going to meet up with the person or couple they have been talking to.
11:43 am Tuesday, 5th May, 2015
I am going back to Psavours comment, at the end of the day - yes each of us has our own choice and can meet or not meet, declare or not - BUT - common decency and good manners still demand that you either tell the person you are supposed to be meeting in advance or at least apologise immediately afterwards. I have more than once travelled up to 250 mile round trip to meet someone - I would have been more than a little annoyed had they not let m know they had no intention of meeting - surely an apology at least would be in order. If someone doesn't wish to meet - then why are they making the arrangements? No need to say "I don't want to meet" if they don't want to - there are a million excuses for not meeting - use one of those. |
11:53 am Tuesday, 5th May, 2015
Bmale and Hull: You definitely got my support there. Freedom does not mean you can do anything you want. I am sorry for those people who think that is correct. Politeness and courtesy are free. img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif" |
12:16 pm Tuesday, 5th May, 2015
I agree Bmale as manners cost nothing!
12:29 pm Tuesday, 5th May, 2015
MrHappy: I am not sure we are on the same page now. I have never refered to people who just come here to chat with friends as I do that many times too. I think u shud read above when I did clarify that.
12:51 pm Tuesday, 5th May, 2015
I would never and have never suggest that 'Manners' and 'Common decency' should never be givenshown when people have arranged or have firm plans to meet, but I was referring to the OPs original post about when comnunicating by chatcam. If a meet has been agreed than an apology should be given if that meet for what ever reason can't go ahead. But where 'NO DEFINITE meet has been arranged the twp people are only and merely 'chatting' so why would anyone have to be required to apologize for the fact they only wish to chat and not meet?
12:56 pm Tuesday, 5th May, 2015
NB: In reality every coin has two sides as does every storydiscussiondebate... Or am i wrong? |
3:17 pm Tuesday, 5th May, 2015
I think we all have spells of 'selective hearing' now and then, but have to say i've never heard of selective 'blogging'! I've always thought that blogs posted were for 'ALL' to comment on not just a group of 'select 'people or people with only certain views, so Nope BB i don't think you are wrong in your train of thought. :-) x |
4:40 pm Tuesday, 5th May, 2015
Bigburd, maybe our reading of the original post differs - I am looking at "These people really do exist. They even arrange meetings " as being the point in this - if you don't arrange a meeting then there is no need to apologise. Of course there is the point of "leading someone on" - if you indicate that you are willing to meet and that you have strong feelings for them - with no actual intention to meet - then all I can say is that this is a very cruel way to treat peoples feelings. |
5:34 pm Tuesday, 5th May, 2015
very very very well said, psavour and bmale.
6:28 pm Tuesday, 5th May, 2015
Don't think there is any need for any somewhat personal attacks on anyone just because they don't see things as you do. Each and everyone of us will read things or more so process things in a different manner therefore maybe forming a different opinion. Just because that opinion or more so in this case,the point they gathered isn't the same as yours doesn't make their opinion wrong or any less valid, it's just different for yours. If we all thought the same, felt the same or acted the same the world would be a very boring place indeed. Heck i for one am glad i'm an individual with independant thoughts as i wouldn't like to give up my own thoughtsfeelings or opinions for anything. |
6:45 pm Tuesday, 5th May, 2015
Not intending to attack at all (if i'm the one you're referring to). I am actually a Very Nice person. But Free's (and other's) comments seem to have been misread over and over and's a bit frustrating. |
6:58 pm Tuesday, 5th May, 2015
Maybe in the same way that both BBuk's and MrHappy's have been also been misread, as i said we all read things and process things differently. :-) x
10:49 pm Tuesday, 5th May, 2015
Heck you really don't want me to do a wee Scottish rant do you Psavour lol |
10:48 am Wednesday, 6th May, 2015
The problem with this blog is that your making people feel like outsiders..... Them “the dreamers” and us “ the real people”! Your being dismissive, talking down to them !
11:20 am Wednesday, 6th May, 2015
Welcome to the blogs Crazzyhorse.
1:11 pm Wednesday, 6th May, 2015
Welcome to Blogland Crazzy, fasten your seat belt as it can be a bumpy ride at times lol. Good luck in your search, here's hoping your dreams come true and your enthusiasm never be snuffed out.
2:07 pm Wednesday, 6th May, 2015
'Your freedom ends where mine begins'
10:04 pm Wednesday, 6th May, 2015
Eh? Oh No G, tell me it's not so, please tell me your not packing up, moving on and leaving us!? Who on earth am i going to have a giggle in chat with about anything from goldfish to zipper accidents? img src="imagesadultemoticons009.gif" |
8:35 am Thursday, 7th May, 2015
The last time I saw this much thinly veiled contempt for one another in a swingers meetup, it was me and an ex girlfriend having some enticingly destructive sex in the club.
8:54 am Thursday, 7th May, 2015
Chocolate Panda: We have chatted in the chatroom so I will not say much but you know how much you mean to me and to many people on the site. We want you to be happy so you need to do what you need to do, darling :) I am still giving you the Panda though.
10:59 am Thursday, 7th May, 2015
I find this a very interesting topic as well as all the comments so I thought I'd throw in my tuppence worth.
3:37 pm Thursday, 7th May, 2015
Turquoise....yes, it was me who said that. And you have hit what I was saying....the two are completely different. There are those who for whatever reason can't or won't meet. And that is their prerogative.
3:44 pm Thursday, 7th May, 2015
Thank you MrHappyScotland and SunShineGirlUK. I will continue with my dreams and keep hoping they will come true. Felt had to post because was felt like I was being judged before Id even got started. All I can say is everyone should be welcomed all the time and expectations shouldnt be created. No one is more of a person just because they find it easier to meet than others. And no one should be regarded as a 2nd Class member because they cant drop everything to meet.
5:01 pm Thursday, 7th May, 2015
I'll refrain for commenting though i would love to post in reply to your comment Turquoise but sadly i read and process your comment differently to some other bloggers, so my opinion would obviously be regarded as wrong, unworthy and appears not to be welcome.
5:03 pm Thursday, 7th May, 2015
that should read * people that do accept everyone |
4:51 am Friday, 8th May, 2015
Light blue touchpaper and stand well clear Choco, as we all know you and naked flames are a lethal combination |
6:59 am Friday, 8th May, 2015
This i a bit weird stream of post. I read FFP's blog to be one of curiosity. Some people interpret this to be judgemental and are the questioning or critisizing her as if she was suggesting the dreamers should be banned or should not be on this site. Seems to me a simple misinterpretation of the intend and clear questions at the beginning and makes me wonder why some people find that so difficult to understand. There is no attack on attack on,liberty and motives. Just curiosity. So dont kill the cat for curiosity. I am sure FFP mixes and represents curiosity aith the highest standards of respect. |
9:48 am Friday, 8th May, 2015
Or then again Julian, it could be that you have have also misinterpreted the blog. It's all just a matter of opinion isn't it? |
10:55 am Friday, 8th May, 2015
It seems to me this blog is about two camps: those of us who know Free well and understand what she meant, and keep trying to get that idea across, and those who don't know her at all, and continue to insist that she meant the opposite. |
1:27 pm Friday, 8th May, 2015
Or 'two camps' that merely gatheredgainedprocured a different perspectiveviewpointopinion from one and other. I for one am not insisting anything, i had only given my opinion and thoughts on the blog topic as 'i' seen it. Meanwhile some are trying to insist that i totally ignore my own free thinking opinionmind and be brainwashed into accept theirs is the only right 'interpretation'.
1:59 pm Friday, 8th May, 2015
What was the writer hoping to gain from this blog? Did she not for 1 second think that some people who might see themselves falling within the dreamers boundaries could possibly feel upset or offended? If you blog you must be prepared that not everyone will agree with your opinion. Also that she is talking about members as if they wouldn't be reading this & is discussing these dreamers with the non-dreamers could also be seen as snobbish at best!
6:23 pm Friday, 8th May, 2015
Seriously? What on earth is happening here?
11:36 pm Friday, 8th May, 2015
Seems to me that everyone is entitled to base an opinion on misreading yet being judgemental and doubting intentions of others is not a logical cause from. Seems that those who have problems with ffp's blog feel denied of their right to an opinion which to me isnt implied anywhere not even in between the lines. Simple curiosity about what drives people seems to be the start of this blog, simplistic dismisivemess the answer by some. Strange then to claim freedom of thought, a very typical idiosyncracy. |
11:47 pm Friday, 8th May, 2015
And more plain some responses to me seem amazingly misplaces, lacking a burd's eye view or are too happily scots responses to an alleged non existant monster. |
2:30 am Saturday, 9th May, 2015
We have been disapointed many times. Right up to the day and they no show. WHY? |
9:57 am Saturday, 9th May, 2015
Well pur psavour and liketowatch....very eloquent
5:59 pm Saturday, 9th May, 2015
There seem to be some that feel the need to cast aspersions as to others motives, or have decided that 'they are right' and no other interpretation is valid or could possibly be taken from the blog. In truth don't care a jot as it's only a bloody blog.
6:23 pm Saturday, 9th May, 2015
11:28 pm Saturday, 9th May, 2015
Sorry psavour but I'm a bit confused. You agree that this blog is open to interpretation then have a go at people who inflict pain and suffering "to get themselves off" & slag them off for good measure. Even after the writer has said she isnt talking about "the timewasters, fake people, or even 'key warriors' " . This leaves people who either need to take their time or find it hard to build trust or even find it difficult to arrange a meet due to their circumstances....... Unless you are including thse same people in with the "sub-life"???
12:31 am Sunday, 10th May, 2015
Heck if that is the case Crazzy that must mean i'd be classed as being in with the 'sub-life' if there is a certain time requirement within starting to chat to meeting. I for one have never rushed into anything. I have met people from this site, but never ever would i rush to meet in any circumstances, as one likes to be a sure as one can be that i'm not meeting a total screwball, luckily for me that paid off and they were true gentlemen. :-) x |
2:38 pm Sunday, 10th May, 2015
Wul haud ma wheesht fae ee'r on in as i've hud a belly fu the noo. Efter aw there ur two sides te every coin!! You cun huv the heid but, mibby a wee idea te remember some o thum may huv the tail is all i'll say on the matter. It's a gie dreich day when hings turn soor, bit it's a lang road withoot a turn.
2:45 pm Sunday, 10th May, 2015
Heck just surprised that the fairy didn't sprinkle any ***** over the above, makes a lovely change, though it's early days yet so it may not stay poot lol :-) x |
3:33 pm Sunday, 10th May, 2015
Freeforpleasure: Yes although I don't think either of us wanted to admit it was break-up sex at the time lol just two people being young and learning from mistakes. |
5:10 pm Sunday, 10th May, 2015
Had been half hoping you would have posted in Scottish Gaelic Sunshine,as i know you know some,really would have left most if not all stumped. |
9:34 pm Sunday, 10th May, 2015
Yeh!!! Even Scottish Gaelic is permitted, thank you Admin, i do promise the above post is all above board and polite :-) x |
9:54 pm Sunday, 10th May, 2015
Really!? Take that back, as obviously Gaelic isn't permitted after all
12:28 am Monday, 11th May, 2015
Shame Sunshine as i do like the Scottish tongue!! |
12:29 am Monday, 11th May, 2015
Hell i didn't mean that, that way, No pun was intended!! |
3:18 am Sunday, 30th August, 2015
I think that for people who lack in social graces, it is easy to be confident while sitting behind a keyboard. None of their personality is on display or idiosyncrasies that they lack confidence in while in public. They can articulate what they say through careful thought before typing and respond in a comfortable, safe, secure and well known environment when at their computer, thus allowing their natural likeable self to be partially seen. They are not being self aware and are operating outside of the personal insecurities that plague them when in public in the real world. To sum this up, I think that their problems are environmental issues, the difference between the safety of a well known and secure place where they feel confident, verses the dangers of being in the general public where they think all their I securities are on display to the world and insecurities can be debilitating. My thoughts anyway. |
3:10 pm Sunday, 30th August, 2015
Mags, I never thought of this carefully. However, as you said these r the people who want to satisfy what they need and they do by making promises and pretending to be someone they are not. I was indeed a victim and I have to say it is not a good feeling to know someone just lied so much. Therefore, honesty is the key word again. Thanks for your response and I hope you also find what u expect. :) |