Now, I am fully acquainted with the female anatomy and over the years have had the pleasure many times. of encountering the subtle yet delightful variations that ladies possess.
I must admit however,that some of the photos on here are utterly confusing.Out-of-focus shots of a jumble of arms.legs, bodies etc. make it very difficult to appreciate things. To coin a well-known phrase " I can't tell arses from elbows."
Am I alone in this ? Three questions which repeatedly come to mind.
1. Are some people just rotten photographers ?
2. Do I need to visit Specsavers to get a stronger prescription ?
3. Is there a resurgence of interest in Abstract Art ?
Answers please, on the reverse of a sharply-defined, nicely posed photograph.
10:45 am Tuesday, 31st March, 2015
I think we all know what causes bad eyesight..... |
10:52 am Tuesday, 31st March, 2015
sensual self very good point about the paying :D I think if you are going to be really part of a community or website then do it properly it really doesn't cost that much and you get so much more in return (clear pics, messages and vetted members for starters). But that is a separate issue.
11:06 am Tuesday, 31st March, 2015
Sensual self .It's not just about pictures being blurred.Some people get themselves into very strange contorted positions that landmarks which would normally be evident, are completely lost amid indistinguishable flesh .xx
11:38 am Tuesday, 31st March, 2015
I'm sorry but can fetch and Ss please increase your font size I'm having trouble reading your comments img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif" |
1:23 pm Tuesday, 31st March, 2015
4:21 am Wednesday, 1st April, 2015
OK...Where should I start? I am not complaining about blurry pics. However, I am compaining about pics where it is obvious that it is not the best angle, light or situationplace for the "subject".
5:19 am Wednesday, 1st April, 2015
Not everyone is an Adonis or an Aphrodite, and I'm no exception. However, I think it's important to at least put up *some* sort of photo(s) on a profile to give people a rough idea of what to expect. The question is: how much is it possible to reveal without dashing the illusion that an individual *might* have some degree of physical appeal ? :-) I have a rough rule of thumb regarding the degree to which media reflect the true physical attractiveness of any individual: that is, potential attractiveness is directly proportional to the percentage body area depicted. In other words, people who have hang-ups about their appearance will tend to reveal proportionally smaller areas of their body, and vice versa. So for example, gym-fit body-pump maniacs will be happy to show off all their charms, whereas the more physicallyaesthetically challenged will not be persuaded to show anything more than - say - a tiny portion of cleavage, an isolated belly button, or an elbow.
7:16 am Wednesday, 1st April, 2015
I'm not interested in pictures of horses. All mine consist of my nag being last past the Finishing Post ! |
7:39 am Wednesday, 1st April, 2015
Lostman: I know what you mean. I now feel a little after Pavour's message. I do almost feel like hiding in a little corner to check if I tick some of the |
8:08 am Wednesday, 1st April, 2015
Would concur with what a lot of psavour advises, but I still say there's no need for PhotoShop - many people don't have the time or tekkiness for full-on pic-doctoring. Cropping is the amateur's best friend :-) And above all......never use flash except in special circumstances. You'll look like a rabbit caught in headlights with all your acne and blotchy skin on full display :-) |
10:06 am Wednesday, 1st April, 2015
I am actually laughing again. If i had been aware that I had to do that to get a decent pic, then I am sure I wud have been a mess. Offset? Dropped shoulder? Hahahaha...But i am.glad it gets ur approval img src="imagesadultemoticons021.gif" |
10:24 am Wednesday, 1st April, 2015
since we are on the subject of pics ... how about cock pics ... do women like them, do they make them laugh or worse reach for the sick bucket?
10:40 am Wednesday, 1st April, 2015
10:45 am Wednesday, 1st April, 2015
10:56 am Wednesday, 1st April, 2015
hullbuddy: It cuts both ways. For this particular bloke, point-blank shots of female pudenda do absolutely nothing for me. I much prefer to see the big picture (which perhaps brings us back to the main point of this thread). However, I know for a fact that some women *do* enjoy (reasonably aesthetically taken) pics of male equipment, which is why some are included on my profile. Perhaps the criteria that are applied to body shots in general (as discussed here) also apply to penises, when balanced by other profile photos. (?) I think there's a need to draw a line between something that is arguably "wholesome" and something that looks like a biological specimen :-) |
2:08 pm Wednesday, 1st April, 2015
I did not mention that in my previous comments but I really do not enjoy the pictures where guys just show their private parts....I quickly skip and I don't even read the profile. I am not saying some are not sexy but I think women in general are less visual and more into suggestive sexy pictures. However, I am just one woman, I am not sure maybe other women are completely different. :P |
2:41 pm Wednesday, 1st April, 2015
FFP: It's a well known fact that some previous lady bloggers fessed up to being cock-watchers, so yes they *do* exist :-) |
4:41 pm Wednesday, 1st April, 2015
For me .. I prefer pics that leave something to my imagination. I hate full on explicit pics. Clothed with a suggestion of what's insifde is so much sexier. And fetch. Peel the lairs off slowly and what u find at the middle will send u into pleasure heaven xxxxxxxx img src="imagesadultemoticons013.gif" |
10:02 pm Wednesday, 1st April, 2015
As your such an expert Psavour can you tell me how some men of a certain age manage to make themselves out to be much younger than they actually are? |
1:13 am Thursday, 2nd April, 2015
Mac: I'm sure even gynaecologists get jaded after a while :-) |
11:02 pm Thursday, 2nd April, 2015
get a life |
11:07 pm Thursday, 2nd April, 2015
PEOPLE.....see past the SEE past the Colgate's not going to give you cleaner people's profile, arses from elbows lol....wouldn't it be lovely if all the profiles looked DisneyFied....white teeth, amazing pro photography....WE ARE PEOPLE IN ALL OUR SHAPES AND SHITTY PICTURES, LIVE WITH IT. The world is better for it :-) |
3:30 am Friday, 3rd April, 2015
4:19 am Friday, 3rd April, 2015
I think an interesting issue has been raised here (I know I adore debating lol). By skipping some people due to their pictures, are we actually being too superficial and missing on an amazing person who is maybe not very photogenic, does not have the tech skills or does not have the time?
10:38 am Friday, 3rd April, 2015
psavour: Yes we should stick to topic :-) However, the original theme is very much related to personal self-esteem, I suspect. Going back to what I said above, pictures of isolated arses and elbows reflect reluctance to post media that reflect the whole person. I don't necessarily think it means the person lacks artistic sense. So when I see such media, I conclude - perhaps sadly - that the person in question has something to hide. Yes I know :-) we are all "beautiful" inside. But many of us are not here simply to savour the inner goodness of someone's wonderful character. There are other websites catering for people who want that, and once I'm "past it", I might transfer my allegiance to one of those sites. At least for the time being, though, I need some degree of physical appeal in order to be drawn to someone. In that context, character and shared values are a bonus, but I'm still very much a visual person and there are certain aesthetic boundaries I will not cross (although admittedly these are becoming eroded with each year that passes :-) |
12:51 pm Friday, 3rd April, 2015
Didn't u know Lillie? It is the new trend "STICK TO IT!!!" img src="imagesadultemoticons012.gif" |
I'm afaid I'm often unable to read messages sent to me or reply to them so please catch me in the chat rooms .Thanks .Now on with my flight of fancy !