Hi everyone, my name is Andrew and I am looking for someone very special. I am special in my own way, I’m not handsome and I’m OK with that. I am very lucky that I have a job I love, a roof over my head that feels like home and a great group of friends who I can talk to. I am single and the independence I have with it is fantastic, but it just feels like I’m missing one piece of the puzzle that will make my life perfect. It’s not love because I have love already with my friends and family. It’s not sex because I’ve tried everything I want to and still felt unfulfilled. For me that missing piece is affection; having that someone to say “I love you” to and really meaning it without feeling awkward about it because you know that they feel the same in their own way.
Don’t get me wrong I want a sexual relationship as much as the next man, but I want it to be with someone special not just doing the horizontal rumba with a string of one night stands.
However, I’m pretty certain that everyone else is looking for their special someone as well. It has been my experience when it comes to online social networking and dating sites, that competition for attention is pretty fierce. I am lead to believe that women are sometimes inundated with messages and people to choose from, so how do I somehow catch their attention?