Sexual fantasies probably aren't at the top of your topic list when chatting with friends, family, or your significant other. But should they be? Everyone has deep, dark fantasies, but no one ever talks about them. Many people suffer shame and guilt about the perverse nature of their fantasies. Everyone has Desires, Everyone has Fantasies, Most of the Married people had never detailed their fantasies to their Husband or Wife. It is your job to make sure & find out what your partner like deep down before they cross the line with someone else. Coz everyone has that moment when they met a new friend that highly attractive to them. you can't Resist, what you can't control.
My Advice is make a bucket list, the both of you, the Husband can make a list that he wants\like to do with his wife but not sure about asking her. also the Wife can make a list of her own what she want\like to do and afraid of asking husband might judge her. as I'm your threesome partner i can do all the things in the list also add my own things to it. so that you both can find out what are the things you both like & don't. even how wild & crazy you may think, you might enjoy it and you both may add it to your daily sex life!!!