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Hell Fire Club Friday

3:44 pm Wednesday, 6th August, 2014

Going to the Hell Fire Club this weekend, if anyone has been there tell me about it. I'm hoping to have some great fun there

3:52 pm Wednesday, 6th August, 2014

Nigel your not going mad mate, and I really hate to be the one to tell you this, but you have a big white hole where your head should be! Lol.

4:40 pm Wednesday, 6th August, 2014

Does that imply that sex is "sinful" and that you are going to an imaginary place called Hell if you indulge in it ? :-)

2:07 pm Thursday, 7th August, 2014

Well im off to Hel Fire clu to see if I do actually do go to ell for gong out fucking....LOL

The big white hole has to be there sorry I need to preserve it until I meet the right people who don't want to just look at the mantel piece whilst stocking the fireimg src="imagesadultemoticons008.gif"

2:46 pm Thursday, 7th August, 2014

Have fun!

1:57 pm Monday, 11th August, 2014

Well hell fire is not up to what we thought it was. I am not willing to comment on here but if you want to know what the club is like then you will have to message usimg src="imagesadultemoticons023.gif"

4:13 pm Monday, 11th August, 2014

Nigel, have just realised your mistake and why you didn't enjoy it very much!

It's not the 'hell fire' club you were at, it was a typo! It should have read the 'elf ire' club! It's where angry elves meet and vent their spleen over the weeks events, and the lack of suitable well paid employment in Elf city!

2:04 pm Thursday, 14th August, 2014

Really wow I should have know better thanks so much for pointing that out to me.....Damn I should get out more and find a decent job to get paid more money and not be a stressed out elf in elf city.....img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

3:50 pm Thursday, 14th August, 2014

Fella I'd keep away from elves full stop! Apparently they're a crap shag reckon it's those stripey tights and pointed shoes they wear! Lol. img src="imagesadultemoticons025.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons025.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons025.gif"

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Mature Couple looking for a couple with Bi Male

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