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Walking In My Shoes..............

2:42 pm Sunday, 6th July, 2014

I’m an average bloke (with an average name) and as such I assume I receive an average amount of interest from the women of this site. If I’m correct then this means approximately 1 mail from new contacts every few months and for those of us who delve into the murky world of chat, a pm from a new contact in a slightly shorter period of time. Yes I’m very lucky to have made friends with some great people on here and to chat and mail with them regularly, which I hugely enjoy and appreciate but for the purposes of this (average?) blog I will stick to new acquaintances. Now I might be underestimating all the other blokes on here and I’m sure you will tell me if I am but I’m guessing most don’t get avalanches of mails and pm’s either…

In contrast to the experiences of us fellas, I continually hear that women are inundated with masses of mails from mainly new blokes. Some of which is ok, some not, some funny and some just, well, erm …. Weird? Also any regular chatters know the amount of unwanted pm’s the ladies of this site receive as soon as they enter despite the protocol of people having to ask if pm’s are wanted and accepting the fact that they sometimes won’t be. This is such a bad problem I know it puts some ladies off the thought of even entering chat….

So just supposing some strange twist of fate happened overnight, the magnetic poles reversed and as if by magic so did the problems listed above? Ladies would you be happier if you suddenly received hardly any interest? Gone is all the grief and hassle of the Hot Tub and your mailbox is a contact desert? Would you prefer to do the chasing instead of having to wear out the delete button and the ignore settings? Would this put you in more control or less? Would you embrace the anonymity it gives you or would the lack of attention be a big loss?

Blokes would you long for the constant mails and pm’s of women wishing to contact you? ….. OK stupid question I know 99.9% would scream yes! But is there anyone out there who wouldn’t?

The one thing I’m worried about this blog is that people misinterpret it. I am NOT for 1 second suggesting women should have to endure all the grief that is associated with blokes hassling them because it is better than having no attention at all!!! It is more of a fun, tongue in cheek, role reversal blog. Would it be fun to see how the other half life & is the grass always greener on the other side?

So do you want to try walking in my shoes?

3:15 pm Sunday, 6th July, 2014

Joe: Like you, I'm quite happy with the trickle of interest I receive. Could it be an age thing I wonder (haha....). To be honest, I don't envy women on this site, but there again I'm not female, so perhaps there's an "attention-seeking gene" that I lack :-) Looking forward to seeing the responses :-)

4:08 pm Sunday, 6th July, 2014

"So do you want to try walking in my shoes? ".
Well, that all depends on whether or not you wear a size 6 Kurt Geiger heel.

I never get cross with pms in the chat room. Yes, I know it's a pain at times, but I don't visit that often so I don't see the point in getting upset about it. Jeez, it would be a bit flippin' weird if you went to a party and nobody chatted to you until you gave them permission first.
Wouldn't that be a bit 'standoffish'?

As I see it, I have three choices: I can return the pm and start a conversation; I can say no thanks or I can just delete it from the screen. If it gets out of hand, I can use the ignore button. Easy!
It would help if the pop up pm window wasn't over the chat on the main board though.

I've pmd guys without asking first and never had a complaint. Is it one rule for guys and another for girls?

4:21 pm Sunday, 6th July, 2014

Skebbie - Agreed! Not sure what I'd do if I got tons of messages anyway. I'm more than happy with any attention and very happy with the amount I have at the moment.

MissG - It depends on your definition of snowed under? 3 messages would approximately take me quarter of the year at my current rate so 3 in 1 day would be like a heavy blizzard!!! And quality will always be far more important than quantity :-)

Luv2 - Sorry they're size 10 DM's... Not saying there is different rules for the sexes but would you miss it if you didn't receive any? And if those you did pm refused most of the time?

Like I said in the last paragraph please don't get too serious. I'm not complaining at all just wondering which is the better of the 2 scenarios?

6:19 pm Sunday, 6th July, 2014

I used to get quite a lot of mails but to be honest i think that was because i decided to add a few pics, but thank goodness that mail frenzy has calmed down now, other than the odd one or two most of my mails are now from people i have built up some form of "friendship".

As for the chat room PMs......they can be a pain when you first enter chat but they soon calm down and i just say no thanks as i doin't do PM chat Mwahaha ( i only PM with a very select few)

Would i miss PM requests....NOPE. Would i miss Messeges, only if it was one's from friends that i have built up a somewhat regular correspondence with. As they are quality mails not like the ones you tend to get from random's.

7:07 pm Sunday, 6th July, 2014

I wouldn't miss them, but it is nice to have a quiet chat now and again. Some things are best not said in public ;-)

I currently have forty five unread messages in my inbox which makes me feel bad. I wish I had time to reply to the polite ones; it's rude not to.
If you're reading this comment and have sent me a nice message that I haven't responded to, please know that I am sincerely sorry. I will get to it eventually :-)

8:48 pm Sunday, 6th July, 2014

Happy as a sandboy over here thanks Joe!

Quality over quantity anyday.

8:55 pm Sunday, 6th July, 2014

45??? Bloody hell don't think I've had that many since I started!!!

StarG & Ronald you 2 can change over if you want .... There's a parallel universe just waiting for you!

That seems to be the consensus Riggs...

12:16 am Monday, 7th July, 2014

On a slightly different tone. I am getting site generated e-mails from people wanting to chat to me.

Call me cynical but since I haven't renewed my VIP I am getting the Sanotgen effect. ONe mail a day every day.

I know they are site generated because some of the mails come from accounts where I already occasionaly chat with the person.

But I guess I get at least one mail a day so should be grateful

5:44 am Monday, 7th July, 2014

What I'd like to know is,do these guys who send mis-spelt,ungrammatical,one- line messages such as "fancy a shag ? " or " wanna see my cock ? " have any success ?
Most of the ladies on here seem to me to be erudite,intelligent women and I hope my faith in the fairer sex is justified in that they respond better to someone who is able to express himself in reasonable language.
I'm not saying that the odd cheeky and risque remark goes amiss providing it is delivered with style and good humour,most females seem to enjoy a little harmless smut.
For my part, I shall continue to quote John Keats, Dylan Thomas or Robert Burns as appropriate ( please see above ),and if any Irish friends appear...the great Oscar Wilde,of course.

6:12 am Monday, 7th July, 2014

Ealish I realise that there are more shades than I stated but I can only talk about my experience. What side of the fence is your mailbox closer to? And I might look good in a nice pair of heels but I'm sure I'd fall over and break an ankle before I'd even manage a couple of steps ;-)

Fetch I have often wondered the same thing? I'd imagine they don't but if they didn't you'd think they would give up after the first ten attempt or do they not just get the message?

2:30 pm Monday, 7th July, 2014

Star Girl,your point is well-madex xx I shall confine myself to quoting excepts to you from your fellow Scot, the great William McGonagall.After several declamations of " The Great Tay Bridge Disaster " I fully expect you will be porridge ( if not putty ) in my hands xxxxxxx

10:27 pm Monday, 7th July, 2014

StarG you do have to wonder about some people who don't get the message? Do you think they really don't get it or are they playing dumb?

Sassy as I said to MissG, 1 or 2 articulate mails would take me at least a whole Season! Would this be acceptable or would there be a tiny bit of you that would miss it?

Ealish the repetition monster just got me as well :-

12:12 am Tuesday, 8th July, 2014

Joe to think that while some are just plain old dumb but normally even they take the hint. Then you get the odd one or two that are only playing dumb, won't take no as an answer then turn abusive. Jeez i had one that i hit the IGGY button for but then he went onto the main board and was rather abusive.

Yes Ealish they are becoming a rare indeed.

4:55 am Tuesday, 8th July, 2014

I've never bothered with the chatroom, looks too much like hard work; and if it's overrun with illiterate blokes, what's the point?

6:33 am Tuesday, 8th July, 2014

doc: Just reset your mail preferences and the prob will stop. I managed to figure that out only recently..... :-)

I'm thinking of taking a course in txt spk and boorishness to see if it enhances my site presence :-) Maybe I should be "more pushy and assertive". (Wait a sec - is that what "doms" are supposed to do? :-)

7:25 am Tuesday, 8th July, 2014

Skeb, that sounds like a good ideal I'll have a look at that. It seems there's no option to send a preemptive 'I'm miles away, sod off' mail either. ..probably for the best!

1:58 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014

Joe, your wearing the wrong aftershave buddy, I'm inundated with mails and pms from women all over the place, they're positively crawling out of the woodwork to get to me! There's not an hour goes by when I don't have some scantily clad, sex crazed female demanding that I allow them to ravishing my body and jump on my bones! Usually they have friends with them and they always want to share!!!!!!!!!!!

"Sorry, eh what? oh yeah time for my medication again, coming nurse!"img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

11:08 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014

Are you wearing the aftershave or drinking it MYS? ....

Doktorzook not all of us blokes in chat are iletar...elliter......illitaer.....can't spell!!!!!

6:38 am Wednesday, 9th July, 2014

Pmsl MsG :-D........ I'm not sure my hairy size 10's would be that attractive and certainly couldn't carry it out with the flair Ealish and yourself achieve !

And you're both martyrs and so generous to vet my pics but the nightmares you'd have after might not be worth it ;-) lol

1:49 pm Wednesday, 9th July, 2014

I don't imagine there would be any shortage of willing volunteers to peep at... err sorry vet your pics Joe lol ;-)

10:05 pm Wednesday, 9th July, 2014

Join the queue SunShine & StarG...

p.s. Its very small.... (The queue).

11:00 pm Wednesday, 9th July, 2014

So how are you going to entertainamuse us while we wait in the queue Joe?;-)

11:36 pm Wednesday, 9th July, 2014

Im sure I've got something that can keep you 2 occupied ;-)

Travel Scrabble?........

12:05 am Thursday, 10th July, 2014

Damn and here was me thinking you would say a pack of cards to play a game of snap or poker ;-)

12:52 pm Thursday, 10th July, 2014

Ok I will agree to a game of "Travel Scrabble" if you return my "Mojo" unharmed. But get the dictionary looked out, oh and i mean the site version as the Cambridge one may not have the colourful words that may come up as we play ;-P

2:07 pm Sunday, 10th August, 2014

Sometimes you wonder why you bother?..............................

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Same Old Joe .. Definitely older & maybe wiser?

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