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Shagging: What's it all about?

6:07 pm Thursday, 3rd July, 2014

Last week's blog was all about the thrill of the chase so I thought a natural follow on to this would be about the act itself and why we do 'it' (it being a technical term for shagging, of course). Now I know there are scientific reasons for having sex, but flippin' heck, ever since Darwin spouted his mouth off about his 'Feery ov Evilooshun', we've all kind of presumed that everything we do, everything we eat, everyone we're attracted to or choose to have sex with is ultimately linked to one goal: Ya know, the promise of new rug rats to keep the country supplied with future tax payers.

But sex is so much more than sprouting sprogs ... isn't it?

After successfully contributing my fair share to this nation's future, my willing efforts of baby making are now thankfully well and truly over and let me tell you ... sex has never been better. Really, I kid you not!

I demand (yes, demand) sex more often now than I ever did when I was in baby making mode and I don't feel guilty for admitting that; I'm lurvin' it and the best thing about it is, like my shoe collection, there's a style for every occasion. Depending on what time of the day, day of the week, week of the month or month of the year it is, I have sex for:

Stress relief (take me to bed and lose me forever);
passion (never mind the buttons, just rip 'em off)
health and safety (put out the fire, I'm smokin');
apologies (I'm sorry I scratched your new car and max'd out on my credit card)
sleepy comfort (Hmmm);
fun (oh yeah, woohoo!)
and at times, downright unadulterated selfish naughtiness (grrrrr ... I'm so going to Hell when I die).

So I'd like to tell Mr Darwin that his 'Feery ov Evilooshun' is tosh and he got it so wrong; sex in the 21st century isn't about baby making at all.

Move over Darwin, I'm renaming it the 'Theory of Evil Luv2' and it's simply and undeniably all about the pleasure ... mine!

6:31 pm Thursday, 3rd July, 2014

You're looking good for your age though Ronald. Share your secret!

6:35 pm Thursday, 3rd July, 2014


Isn't that what the coal gets delivered in down Kensington way?

7:19 pm Thursday, 3rd July, 2014

Riggs, its not a brass instrument either. Need a demo?

7:23 pm Thursday, 3rd July, 2014

MissG, there's nothing complicated about that ... at all. You have a clear sense of what you need and enjoy.

I guess, at this time in my life ... I need and enjoy both.
Ooo-er I'm bad

7:23 pm Thursday, 3rd July, 2014

MissG, there's nothing complicated about that ... at all. You have a clear sense of what you need and enjoy.

I guess, at this time in my life ... I need and enjoy both.
Ooo-er I'm bad

7:24 pm Thursday, 3rd July, 2014

Does that mean I'm twice as bad?

10:22 pm Thursday, 3rd July, 2014

Well put missgoodnight. Kudos to you! The three hundred red roses, boxes of hand made swiss chocolates, silk scarves spun by Appalachian fairies (honestly they exist)! The books of seventeenth century French poetry, and the gently singing telegrams will all be delivered shortly!

10:38 pm Thursday, 3rd July, 2014

i am absolutely with you Luv2, no that was last nights dream!! lol, i mean i absolutely agree with you that sex should be about enjoyment and pleasure, however you decide to embark on it!! I would not suggest for one minute that those that need romance are wrong, nor are those that yearn rampant wanton sex, the important point is it is about enjoyment not procreation!!,

10:53 pm Thursday, 3rd July, 2014

Ihave had my fair share of married life but alas that didn't work out too well for me. Lets just say my marriage stagnated and sex became somewhat boringmonotonous,in the latter stage non-existent asit takes two to keep theflames of desire burning bright in the bedroom.

Now while i like or dare i say love an active sex life,i am in no hurry to tie myself down to a deep & meaningful relationship. The fact that i'm enjoying singledom doesn't mean i plan on sleeping with ant male that might come my way. I'm only interested interested in sharing intimate time with someone who has more than a wham bam thank you ma'am to offer. As i have to feel a connection to a person before shall i say sharing myself. Which i believe leads to a bettermore mutually enjoyable time in the bedroom. Not that i imagine i will be making too many notches on the bedpost as i'm a rather fussy fecker ;-)

10:59 pm Thursday, 3rd July, 2014

Please excuse the errors in my previous post,just back from holiday and think my brain enjoying an extended break.x

11:42 pm Thursday, 3rd July, 2014

Would never disagree with a lovely lady like yourself Luv2 but Darwin was 100% correct. Sex and or the reproduction of the species is the life force that drives everything to nth degree in all species and going by the population explosion, human kind is very good at it lol. However, what Darwin perhaps overlooked was our innate ability to turn a necessary essential of life into a full blown full time hobby, helped of course by advertisement media, which links just about everything in some way or another to sex, it does sell an awful lot of stuff lol Rx

2:47 am Friday, 4th July, 2014

Now, now.....you shouldn't make fun of my former tutor's accent, even though he *has* fallen from grace with the Beeb :-)

Actually, I think Darwin would have been slightly miffed at what you've written, because - apart from his Origin of Species - what he had to say about "sexual selection" in humans was pretty relevant to the content of your blog, and recent research on human mating behaviour has substantiated his theory: it even helps to explain why women bitch about each other (haha.....).

I'm inclined to think that even when claiming to enjoy sex for pure pleasure, we are still selecting the same types of partners using criteria similar to those we'd employ for prospective procreation mates. I grant you that after child-raising we may feel freer to experiment with sexual partners outside our usual criteria: for example a white woman in her mid 40s might opt for being banged senseless by a black bloke in his 20s with Abs like shrink-wrapped aubergines, just so she can see whether all the fuss is really justified :-) But by and large I reckon our criteria don't alter a lot throughout life. Certainly mine haven't (at least in terms of female body type).

I too have made a pretty significant contribution to the gene pool (4 kids) and I played a huge role in their upbringing, working from home as I did so. I was always there for them. Unfortunately, however, that period was a sexual wasteland: it was almost as if sex had been entirely for altruistic procreation :-)

So it was a natural "process of evolution" (if you like) that led me explore my true sexual self (i.e. beyond the context of simply being a Dad :-) I don't think what I did was any different from what others *wish* they could do. To my way of thinking, sex is a form of exploration, self-discovery and self-affirmation that we all aspire to to various degrees. For some, a once-in-a-lifetime fling may be sufficient to satisfy that urge for self-discovery. For others, it may prove to be an Odyssey that lasts throughout their sexually active years. I suppose for me, I've always had a fascination for the human condition: specifically the female condition with its amazing anatomical, psychological and intellectual variations. Women are a blessing and I enjoy being with them, and if they pay me the compliment of total sharing, then reciprocating with everything I've got - even for a short time - is one of life's greatest gifts.

3:24 am Friday, 4th July, 2014

Luv"Suc, I am inclined to agree with you and conclude that Charles Darwin was just a miserable kill-joy.There have been many comedians,funny men and humourists , whose work I have enjoyed over the years but none to touch the hilarious sense of the ridiculous which God displayed when he invented shagging. Viewed by a casual observer this must appear one of the funniest sights ever to be seen.
You may have read the report received from the latest space probe to Mars.The astronauts had the first " close encounter " with the Martians. Naturally,in an exchange of cultural habits, the topic got round to reproduction of the species.As there was understandably, a language difficulty, the Martians gave the astronauts a practical demonstration.A lady Martian produced a balloon which she inflated. The male Marian took a pin and popped the balloon and out trotted a baby
A male and female astronaut then showed how we deal with the matter on Earth.When the martians had finished rolling around in fits of uncontrollable laughter, one of them inquired where the baby was.
" Oh that won't arrive for nine months " said the Earthlings.
" In that case " replied the Martian " What the hell was all that rush about at the end ? "

6:28 am Friday, 4th July, 2014

You must surely admit though, he got it wrong to some degree. The miserable kill-joy (Fetch's words, not mine), never did predict what has come to be know as 'girl power'. You see, as I see it, the 21st century woman has evolved into something he could never have imagined.

His views are somewhat dated and it's time for a refresh IMHO. Let's face it, mammals are named so after what defines them - the glands capable of sustaining life, but only women have these. Homo, a genus name for the human and reflects a male-centred 18th-century view that was prejudiced against women. I'm sure I could come up with more examples, but that male focused bias is now becoming harder to keep up as in this century, men are now less relevant to both making and bringing up cute lil'babies.

It’s clear that 'mankind' itself is a misnomer. It's the women (the female of our species) that defines us. We no longer have to fight to be thought of a 'man's equal'. Oh, no! We are far too ambitious for that.

There's a possibility that males will disappear along with the Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Dodo. So listen guys, if you know what's good for you and if you want to stay on this happy planet a little longer listen very carefully ... if we say we want sex, we mean we want it now.
God damn it, just get your pants off!

7:49 am Friday, 4th July, 2014

Luv2, what have you been taking, drinking, or reading? Hallucinations don't last long honey!! lol

8:24 am Friday, 4th July, 2014

Swinggo, tongue in cheek on the rocks.
Come on though, just last week you admitted (quote) "the hunt is almost totally controlled by the female."

Girl power?

9:24 am Friday, 4th July, 2014

Luv2: In fact the current concept of sexual selection has indeed been modified and refined from the original framework laid down by CD (unfortunate initials :-) to bring it up to date. But the basic concepts still apply, and if the biological differences between male and female are thrown out of the window because of some half-baked idea that they're not politically correct or conducive to contemporary gender roles, then life would be very boring indeed.

12:39 pm Friday, 4th July, 2014

Talk about state the bleedin' obvious! Of course men slightly outnumber the female population; we need our sex slaves readily available ... we say where, we say when, we say how many ;-)

I know I'm being ever so slightly facetious however you can dress this up as social or political if you want to; it doesn't matter. The facts are clear:

In the uk compulsory education system girls out perform boys by a significant margin;
females are outnumbering their male peers at university;
more woman are taking control of their fertility and choosing not to have babies;
ninety percent of lone parents are women;
and more significantly, women can dance backwards and in heels.

Guys, you only have yourselves to blame. After centuries of misogynistic jibe, we fought back and we continue to work out our own destinies.

Us girls can do things twice as well as men and fortunately, you often make it so easy for us.


1:57 pm Friday, 4th July, 2014

I fear that by the time women have "worked out their destinies", all that magic that used to define the sexes will have been lost.

2:16 pm Friday, 4th July, 2014

So women have finally got what they want? Equality? My take is after hundreds of years!! we finally got them out to work!!! A careful bit of deception was needed for that one!!, equality and all that!! lol. Having to go and out and work for a living? if that's equality you can have it!!!
Remember though the males can still run faster, jump higher, and lift heavier things!! as well as being the world's best cooks, and tailors. You genuinely think we are equals? You are having a giraffe!!!!

If Ms Geil's transgender suggestion took off procreation would be all you have going for you!!!! lmao

7:30 pm Friday, 4th July, 2014

Doggydawn, MsG - "Enjoy" my point exactly.

Wilf, you can 'sub' for me any day. Just ask ...
How are you at housework?

Swinggo, we need to work to manage the large number of men who are often inept at anything they do in the workplace. Where would the country be without us?
Oh, and we let you jump, run and lift heavy items because, put simply ... why on earth would we want to, eh?

MsG, your transgender point is worth a thought or two. Perhaps we'll evolve into hermaphrodites, all earthworm like. I bet dear Mr Darwin didn't expect that one either.
I wonder what he would have made of a few minutes in the CD chat room. :-)

4:32 pm Saturday, 5th July, 2014

A French maid? Now there's a thought. Alas, the only French I know is kissing ... baa dum tssshhh

(thanks Troggy, I said I would keep that one in my pocket)

I wouldn't go so far as to say you were being pedantic. Just ... typically male ;-)

8:09 pm Monday, 7th July, 2014


Women can dance backwards.. in heels ???


I can't even dance forwards in me barefeet !!!

8:18 pm Monday, 7th July, 2014

you don't want to be dancing in bare feet when those girls have got them heels on!!!! Ouch!!!!! that would hurt!!!!!

8:26 pm Monday, 7th July, 2014

Hmm.. good point.

Better to get her horizontal asap eh?

I love Luv2's blogs, she kinda talks like a Yorkshire woman I think.
Have you any Yorkshire in you Luv2?

..would you LIKE a bit of Yorkshire in you? :)


9:18 pm Monday, 7th July, 2014


Its the Hokey Cokey for grown ups.

9:36 pm Monday, 7th July, 2014

In, out, in out then shake it all about. Oh yes ...

Slow4, Yorkshire Tea Bags on Bogoff at the moment ;)

Cunning linguist... Hmmm I'll have to think about that one; there's a joke there somewhere.

6:57 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014

Shagging as you put it is a very complicated subject, we as people not only have basic animalistic urges to satisfy but also more complex emotional ones. To what degree a person attaches emotional satisfaction to the physical act I would say has to do with way too many psychological factors than I could comprehend. Freud has theories on this if your interested, from what I've read though (admittedly not much) they're shite in my opinion.

I find I have three basic needs when it comes to shagging:

1. Pure animalistic urge, some days I wake up gagging for it for no reason and I just have to crack one off or I'll spend all day thinking about it and get fuck all done.

Sometimes sex with a stranger or maybe even a friend to satisfy an itch as I read someone refer to it can be great. If that person turns out to be a shit or treats you badly then the hangover can feel not so great.

2. Ego, I'm not egotistical but doesn't everyone likes to feel wanted and desirable, it's good for our confidence and self image but too much can have the adverse effect of making you a cunt.

Flirting can be a lot of fun and if that leads to a bit of slap and tickle in the stationery cupboard at the Christmas do then that can be fun too. Again with the wrong person this can turn out to be not so fun in the long term.

3. Love and affection, as the most intimate act between two human beings what better way of expressing your love for someone.

There's possibly nothing better than great sex with the love of your life. Unfortunately sometimes the love of your life doesn't always share your taste or have your drive which can be frustrating and lead to tensions.

I think as people we maybe go through phases of what we prefer, if we don't have a partner we find we have urges to satisfy so a one night stand will do. When our basic urge is satisfied but we want more then suddenly the one night stand won't do and it's time to move on.

I'm rambling now but you get the picture, it's horses for courses, just depends what course your on that particular day.

7:06 pm Tuesday, 8th July, 2014

I may have slightly wondered off topic with my rambling but I almost brought it back with my last comment, some day's all you want (and possibly have time for) is a bloody good seeing to. Other days lets cuddle up in front of the fire and bob the "Stings guide to Tantra" DVD on, it's gonna be a long night!

12:43 pm Thursday, 10th July, 2014

Too true wilf

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