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Blog Title: I'll tell you later

6:49 am Monday, 12th May, 2014

You may have noticed that I have gotten into a habit of posting a weekly blog about something that I have recently experienced. I have no idea why I do this. I find writing can be therapeutic and at first, I looked at it as something to do when I can't sleep at silly o'clock. However now it seems that it's now become a routine, very much a part of Luv2's Law and an established feature in my diary 'to do list'.

Yeah, I know that makes me weird, it's probably the weirdest thing about me. I have a borderline compulsive obsession about being organised. Seriously, my diary would make your toes curl.

Why am I telling you this? Well, to kind of explain why I'm not writing a blog this week. I can't because I'm trying to break my obsession with my diary by removing non-essential 'to do items'. My diary is both a curse and a blessing and I have recently been shocked into the realisation of my dependency on it. I realised this when watching TV yesterday.

I watched a woman squeeze her way through her front door then climb, slither and crawl through stacks of newspapers, magazines and heaps of other stuff that she had crammed into her house. She had stuff that reached up to the ceiling forcing her to navigate a bizarre series of tunnels to move around her home.

It was a programme about compulsive, obsession disorders. This one was about hoarding. I was fascinated, horrified and, dare I say it, a little embarrassed. I usually go out of my way to avoid watching this sort of programme because it feels like staring at the inmates of a lunatic asylum, but I'm hooked. What is it about the compulsion to hold on to our things in the belief that they are too important, useful or sentimental to throw away? Is it because life moves so fast, we feel the need to cling on to things that remind us about special moments or is it a response to a society where we no longer mend our broken items but just replace them with new ones?

Anyway, this was meant to go someway to explain why I'm not writing a blog this week. My spare time will be spent clearing out the rubbish from my garage.

9:03 am Monday, 12th May, 2014

Let's hope it will not be a to long a process de-cluttering!

11:48 am Monday, 12th May, 2014

Wilf: Ah y'see she's a bit of transatlantic person.... :-) Might even pass for a "soccer Mom" :-)

Luv2: In fact the types of people you describe are not unusual in urban areas of Japan, where they are described as "gomi yashiki" ("trash mansions" :-)

Not sure whether OCD lies at the root of the problem. It seems to be more of an attention-seeking syndrome.

12:16 pm Monday, 12th May, 2014

Wilf, I'll have you know, that in my book (a very Olde English book), the use of a past participle of 'got' ie 'gotten' is correct. We modern day Brits just wrongly assume that it's an Americanism (Skebbie, you can have ten house points). However you can have five house points for recognising that we have more or less stopped using it in this country. I just like to defy convention, but what would I really know on this subject, eh ... ? ;-)

Skebbie, do you really think they hoard for attention? Bizarre!! Not sure why, but I have always imagined Japanese homes to be very sleek and minimalist. Maybe I've been influenced by too many movies.

12:17 pm Monday, 12th May, 2014

Ealish, it can be as deep as you like and can apply to whatever takes your fancy. My spring cleaning could apply to relationships, but equally the massive stack of National Geographic journals, four never used mountain bikes, old riding gear, garden furniture, two lamps and four pairs of old riding boots now fully converted in to luxury accommodation for the local mouse community.

12:42 pm Monday, 12th May, 2014

I take it you're not yet ready to chuck out your "BG survival knife" and Duke of Edinburgh's Award certificate :-)

Yes I think OCD accounts for only a portion of the reasons why people choose to live in rubbish. And of course in every culture there are exceptions to the norm. I even heard of one case in Tokyo where two elderly spinsters lived in a warren of trash within their own house, and communicated via a series of tunnels. One of them died one night and the other one didn't realize until only several days later. This is a true story.

5:28 pm Monday, 12th May, 2014

Shyboy, oh dear, that sounds very much like my Mom. I'm always nervous when she visits in case she does the finger test on the dusty surfaces in my lounge. She has this knack of making me feel like a naughty little girl who hasn't done her homework.

Skebbie!! Shame on you! How could you ever suggest I could part with my BG memorabilia. Ah ... I do love a man who looks like he's going to smell of fresh air.

6:26 pm Monday, 12th May, 2014

Wilf, you illustrate my point perfectly.

Mountain bikes: Daughters outgrown two of them a few years ago, but they're still in the garage. The other two? Bought with good intentions, but genuinely can't remember the last time they were used.
Riding boots: Nope, my calves do not have visible or hidden nipples (What are you talking about?). There is just something about well-worn leather that makes it so wrong to part with. I suppose I could sell them as 'vintage'.

My Lycra wearing days are well and truly over :-) There, I said it.

Does anyone know how to deal with squatting field mice?

9:20 pm Monday, 12th May, 2014

A subject that is currently very close to my heart luv2!

I've recently reached a stage in my life when I'm totally free! No family, no children, no commitments whatsoever! I have an almost clean slate that I can rewrite in anyway I like!

Though extremely frightening to begin with, (still is in a small corner of my mind) it's also amazingly liberating, knowing I can go anywhere I like, and do whatever I want!

However, I suddenly realised I was trapped, both mentally, and physically. Trapped by piles of belongings that I'd amassed over the years, box after box of 'stuff' that I didn't want, need or really have any use for. Trinkets, collections, mementos, keepsakes, all from my past, and quite honestly completely useless.

Friends were also one of the biggest obstacles in my de-cluttering operation, looking at me as if I'd gone mad seeing me get rid of items that they knew me by! Arguing with me that I should keep it, just in case! I've tried to explain that this was the whole point, I'm me! a person, not a collection of items, and stuff!

Most of it has gone now, and though is taken a great deal of soul searching and questioning, I now understand why it was so important to me in the first place.

I feel a great sense of relief, and freedom now because I now understand that I don't need to carry things around with me to remind me of who I was, or to shape me into the person that I actually am!

9:57 pm Monday, 12th May, 2014

MYS got to agree, althlogh I only found it frightening for a short time. Then i felt empowered which other than the sense of freedom was the most wonderful feeling, one which i had almost forgotten how good it felt i hadn't felt it in many years.
So you see as well as de-cluttering inanimate objects i cleared my mind of all the clutter and dumped the baggage to free my mind, my soul. Free to be me....

10:11 pm Monday, 12th May, 2014

Glad there's at least two of us sunshine! img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif"

5:51 am Tuesday, 13th May, 2014

Luv2Suc. Re. your resident field mice.They do not carry disease so I will be seriously angry with you if I hear that you have cut off their tails with a carving knife !Besides, if you get an invitation to Prince Charmings Annual Charity Ball,in aid of sufferers of Obsessive Hoarders Syndrome, I will need their services in order to turn them into coachmen !

8:03 am Tuesday, 13th May, 2014

Fetch, your panto analogies, and theatrical stories constantly put a smile on my face.

However, I have to admit, as one who often makes up mental images of members from their profiles and blog comments, I can't help but giggle at yours!

I see you waking up in an oversized, misshapen wooden painted bed, a huge cardboard Sun rising up the wall on ropes and pulleys, and someone curled up at your feet dressed in a cat outfit!

(Don't worry, my meds kick in around nineish)!img src="imagesadultemoticons025.gif"

12:14 pm Tuesday, 13th May, 2014

Wilf, you really are incorrigible. I have just choked on my ham salad laughing at that. Fetch has given me an idea on how to deal with you. ;-)
I think it may well put an end to your mischief. img src="imagesadultemoticons012.gif"

12:44 pm Tuesday, 13th May, 2014

Thank you,Makes you smile !If I can bring a laugh to someone,then I'm content.
Didn't get too many playing serious parts,so I'm trying my best to make up for it now.
Your image of me with someone in a cat's outfit at my feet when I'm playing a Dame,invokes that classic panto line " Has anyone seen my pussy ? "

7:13 pm Tuesday, 13th May, 2014

Ok, ok you win this time. You've short-circuited my brain and rendered me speechless.
Make the most of it ... it's not likely to happen again.

Be afraid, be very afraid :-

7:16 pm Tuesday, 13th May, 2014

Doesn't everyone hoard things to one degree or other, some people just take it to the extreme.

Maybe they have some psychological problem about letting things go?

I was like that once, used to hoard things, I called them family, fucking things used to be lying around cluttering up my home, not anymore though I had a good clear out and got a new patio in with the deal.

7:19 pm Tuesday, 13th May, 2014

Oh almost forgot, anyone want to buy a shovel, only used once!

7:32 pm Tuesday, 13th May, 2014

There are some people I'd never get tired of hitting with a shovel Gerry. I'll buy it from you.

Wilf where are you ... ?

9:48 pm Wednesday, 14th May, 2014

Long chainsaw and ancient tractor eh? Always a winning combination in my opinion although others will remember the passion I have for my prismatic compass.

These items have however been usurped somewhat in my affections by a bag of jelly babies and a manwhore T shirt (readers may be delighted to learn that I have actually received queries from other site chaps as to where I got the T shirt from but they will never get me to talk. Never...)

I have managed months and months (and months) living out of the contents of a bergan (although my US colleagues did provide cable TV to be fair) yet I think I err on the side of Stig of the Dump in my predilection to hanging on to stuff just in case.

I do not consider myself a hoarder though as I am of the firm opinion that even if the K-Tel Chop-O-Matic does not see the light of day often (or at all for that matter) at some point Fiona Bruce will be swooning over it on the Antiques Roadshow. At which point I will sweep her off her feet and give her a demo of the art of using a GS shovel whilst taking a back bearing in mils of her left nipple. Then after she has banged the life out of me I will still be able to knock her up a decently presented salad.

She's not having the jelly babies though. They are promised to another.

12:11 pm Thursday, 15th May, 2014

Laughs maniacally to no one in particular, imagining using riggers, 'K-Tel' Chop O Matic on a bag of jelly babies!

"So Mr Yellow baby!" "You leave me little choice if you won't tell me where you hid my stash of vintage porn magazines"

"But I'm an innocent jelly baby, please have mercy"

Chop chop chop chop! Mwah mwah mwah!!!! img src="imagesadultemoticons003.gif"

12:46 pm Thursday, 15th May, 2014

Did wonder that too Wilf, still there's plenty of time for it to be slashed from the record! I didn't know it was the wee yellow fella, but I've a whole bag to decimate, so had to start somewhere! One of the little bastards knows something! Failing that it's onto the M&S Percy pigs next or the gummi bears! Mwah mwah mwah!

1:13 pm Thursday, 15th May, 2014

It's ok sensual, the green one fessed up! It couldn't stand the screams from its buddies anymore! Am enjoying this though, wonder if 'Eric the elephants' would enjoy a whizz round in the blender!

6:09 pm Thursday, 15th May, 2014

Fiona Bruce....no I'm betting more like Susanna Reid, I bet luv2 could give her a run for her money.

Uuuuhhhmmmm covered in haribo for me to eat off her, now there is a thought.

8:25 pm Thursday, 15th May, 2014

I am decidedly pre-haribo. Black jacks and fruit salads for me plus flying saucers.

On reflection, whilst my Bruce fantasy remains intact I am obliged to consider the undisputed fact that cheb-wise Ms B is nowt to write home to your fave granny about.

Now Sarah Beaney definitely has a brace worth bracing up for, but alas her propensity for DIYing leaves me colder than a cold thing.

Natasha Kaplinsky would be OK as a fluffer though - fine lips I recall plus I quite liked her hairdo. Kate Humble for hair too.

But none measure up to the stunningness that is Luc2.

8:27 pm Thursday, 15th May, 2014

AdminRachel, you've let me down! Couldn't you have kept this lot in check while I was away.

Kitchen gadgets, mouse casserole, boys' toys, jellybabies, nipples, antiques roadshow and trash mansions.
Ah ... the joys of blogging.

5:24 am Friday, 16th May, 2014

You're all far too kind and you wouldn't be saying those things if you saw me right now. Panda eyes and bed head are soooo not a good look. I need to get my ass out of. Ed and into the shower ...

Mac and Sensual ... publicly flirting! Tut tut, what is this, a sex site? Go get a room you two!

5:28 am Friday, 16th May, 2014

Oh feck! For the record, my ass isn't in Ed. Poor old Ed will be quivering in his boots right now.
That should read "get my ass OUT OF BED".

... is off to Specsavers for reading glasses today

12:35 pm Friday, 16th May, 2014

Couldn't agree more wilf,

It's high time that we were all took in hand, and given a serious tongue lashing for not keeping abreast of the situation.

We have become limp and flaccid and need to stand erect and firm against it! Putting pressure hard up to certain bodies, ensuring a fulfilling and satisfying outcome!

There is an ever increasing dampness in certain areas that needs plugging and the gap filling up tightly, we need to penetrate these holes swiftly, mount up and ride long and hard till the jobs complete!

There are way too many open mouths, and not wishing to cock things up, but this dictatorial situation cannot be allowed to shaft us any deeper than it already has.

Oh and by the way, what's an innuendo? img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

7:18 pm Friday, 16th May, 2014

Sensual "I blame the sunshine and the Friday feeling!!"
It certainly has a part to play. Don't you just love Fridays? ... she says with glass of wine in hand ;-)

Wilf, what on earth are you doing with your own laboratory? I'm now haunted by the thought of you hidden away in your lab and creating a Bride of Frankenstein type creature with many nipples of various sizes and colour for you to play with.


7:36 pm Friday, 16th May, 2014

Luv2, The question for me isn't so much as to why Wilf has a lab full of nipples, it's more that when can I assume my role as his faithful yet horribly disfigured assistant. (I'm already half way there!) Drooping left side of my face, limp lifeless leg and arm, hunched over as I walk. Have been practicing my, "master is busy in his laboratory, you will need to come back, yes" voice! img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

8:41 am Monday, 19th May, 2014

Nipples are not generally manetic Wilf - you know jolly well that a back bearing is a way of determining the bearing from a prominent object or feature to one's own position; a series of back bearings allow some triangulation normally ending up in a top hat on the map (which is actually a triangle and nothing like a fecking top hat).

So the feature needs to be prominent and recognisable. If it happens to be splendid looking as well that's a bonus.

Now wild horses would be unable to drag even the merest detail from me regarding the splendidness of any feature of any person that I may or may not have come across in the normal course of my social wanderings so you will never know and you will have to deduce for yourselves.

One thing though - I am exceptionally discerning!!!

10:39 am Monday, 19th May, 2014

In my best, Smeagol, Egor, Hunch back of Notre Dame voice,

"Master Wilf, loves me, master Wilf gives me pretty lady, 'Luvs2' nipple to play with" "So he does!"

img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

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