“I don't give a fuck!” is one of my favourite sayings at the moment. A fuck, many fucks, no fucks, all the fucks, fuck it, fuck that, fuck you, fuck me, fuck me hard, fuck me now ... Oh yeah! So many fucks for me to generously give or deny.
My Mom thinks that swearing is the most despicable thing a lady can do. "How could you?" she will whisper if she hears me say some offending word, "Someone will hear you."
Well, no shit Sherlock!
It could be said that those who use swear words speak more directly and are able to express themselves freely and more honestly. Perhaps some of the more mouthy fuckers amongst us are more trustworthy because we mean what we say and say what we mean.
Of course, the socially conservative crowd like my Mom would balk at this notion. They think that the use of swear words (even just occasionally) is uncouth, unclassy, uncivilised and very much the mark of the untrustworthy and low-breeding.
Don't get me wrong, I have no problems with people who don’t ever swear. You speak like your vocabulary got a polish from Mr Sheen? Good for you! Honestly, that’s great restraint. Yay for etiquette! Does it mean you’re better bred than me? Not on your life. The fact that I occasionally drop the odd swear word indicates nothing about my manners, how I was born, raised or educated. It speaks instead of the fact that sometimes, I really don't give a fuck and I will not temper my words so you are not offended by my ideas.
As far as my parents are concerned, I’ve come to accept that swearing is a generational sticking point that they’ll never, ever understand. Sunday lunch at my Mom's house are such a joy when my inner 'freedom of speech bitch activist' gets her purple pants in a twist. They just don’t grasp that I have found the word 'Fuck' to be one of the most versatile and liberating words of the 21st century.
The word Fuck has a certain linguistic 'Je ne sais quoi' and emotional resonance because sometimes, whether I am frightened, angry, happy, sad, excited or just flippin' horny, using or hearing the word 'Fuck' just feels fucking good. Do you know what I mean?
Me, I think it’s the words in between the odd swear word that are far more important and 'not giving a fuck' occasionally gives me the freedom to have fun and enjoy myself and that sounds like fucking poetry.
So trailer trash of me ...
9:57 am Monday, 5th May, 2014
If this blog has offended you in any way, either in part of whole, I'd just like to say: |
11:06 am Monday, 5th May, 2014
Call me "old school", but if I were on a date and the over-dinner conversation was strewn with invective and expletives from my lady companion, I would find it a massive turn-off. |
12:17 pm Monday, 5th May, 2014
I suppose like most self indulgent things, it's always about time and place and like calorie ridden chocolate, moderation. Never in front of the children. I just love to wind my parents up ... I'm such a disappointment. |
1:21 pm Monday, 5th May, 2014
For anyone who likes a good fucking singalong may I recommend Super Furry Animals - The Man Don't give a Fuck!. |
2:01 pm Monday, 5th May, 2014
Gilli, "I have my sweet & innocent head on today so please inbox me the T one." |
2:03 pm Monday, 5th May, 2014
The only time I enjoy hearing a woman say "fuck" is in the context of "Oh please......fuck me" or "Oh fuck......that feels amazing" :-) |
2:06 pm Monday, 5th May, 2014
Of course there's a case for swearing responsibly and vulgarity is best used only now and again otherwise, as Frisky said earlier, it loses its impact. I suppose whether or not it matters depends largely on what you think the point of swearing is in the first place. On reflection, for me, it's all about impact. I go for the shock factor which is easy to achieve because I don't do it often and NEVER in the workplace. This is surprising when you consider how many fucking dickheads, cockwankers, tits and arseholes I work with. |
2:11 pm Monday, 5th May, 2014
To be fair Skebbie, I'm sure lots of girls would agree that's the most enjoyable time to use it. I don't go for the shock factor here though ... as I say, it just kind of rolls of the tongue without thought, prompt or prior consideration of any consequence. |
3:03 pm Monday, 5th May, 2014
Gilli, I fuckin' knew that you fuckin' knew that really. haha that made me laugh. |
3:14 pm Monday, 5th May, 2014
Sensual, I agree, shocking, but it's so funny. Also, I should have said after your comment earlier: 'Wanna fuck' when asked as a question is sometimes music to my ears. It has the same effect on my ears that a bacon bitty has on my tastebuds. Mmm ... |
3:19 pm Monday, 5th May, 2014
Oh, fucketty, fuck ... That should read butty, not bitty. |
4:47 pm Monday, 5th May, 2014
As with most things Luv2 timing and place and moderation is everything, fuck is one of the most direct and useful words available but misuse and overuse merely reduces the impact of the word which is its most noteworthy factor.As in when someone is giving you an earful, merely smile until they have finished and then say excuse me, but I think you must have got me mixed up with someone who gives a flying FUCK and such like. Now if this comes from someone who you have never heard say the word FUCK before, this its impact is ten times ten in effect lol |
4:53 pm Monday, 5th May, 2014
Exactly Roger! |
4:56 pm Monday, 5th May, 2014
Haha, what a great blog. |
5:22 pm Monday, 5th May, 2014
Hmm well i have to say i only use the "F" word in highly charged sexual moments as a request or a command or moments of sheer anger (which are not offten,i am rather a calm person);-) Deffo never would i say the "C" word i find that word not just vulgar but vile! |
7:17 pm Monday, 5th May, 2014
Slow4, even the Pope managed to do this in front of the masses. Remember the Italian word for 'example' is casso, not cazzo (which means fuck). I bet confessionals in Vatican City were busy that night. |
10:28 pm Monday, 5th May, 2014
OK well I confess that after a lifetime of being surrounded by soldiers who are incapable of communicating without resort to every anglo saxon curse imaginable I tend to save my expletives in general and my fuck in particular for the moments when it will cause maximum effect (harvest festival that sort of thing) |
12:32 am Tuesday, 6th May, 2014
Ohh right Luv2.. lol.. mind you, I'd believe anything of catholics.. and I was raised as one! Ugh.. (shudders...) |
5:03 am Tuesday, 6th May, 2014
Thankfully swear words are uncommon in the blogs and when they are used, I've found it's usually for comedic value. Surprisingly, there isn't much in the chat room either (not sure why I find that surprise). |
5:59 am Tuesday, 6th May, 2014
I'm sorry but I think that punctuating a sentence with this word,exhibits a lack of verbal skills I much prefer to use the correct word rather than the vernacular.Let me give you an example. " I met this fucking girl, she was fucking lovely.We went to the fucking pub and had a few fucking drinks.After,we got in the fucking car and fucked off to my place.I took her up to the fucking bedroom.....and we had sexual intercourse ! " |
6:27 am Tuesday, 6th May, 2014
GingerRed. Knowing your musical skills and fine soprano voice, I have an ideal role for you in my new musical " Fiddler's Fuck On The Roof "........I hope you don't mind heightsimg src="imagesadultemoticons016.gif" |
7:11 am Tuesday, 6th May, 2014
And now,in order to turn your minds to the beauty of the English language and to learn an appreciation of the heritage of golden subtleties and nuances bestowed upon us by our forefathers,I should like to recite a few lines,penned by one of our outstanding writers and poets. |
9:17 am Tuesday, 6th May, 2014
My favourite "limited vocab" example is: |
6:03 pm Tuesday, 6th May, 2014
Wilf, Wilf, Wilf ... what are we going to do with you? Only you can get away with saying that ;-) |
6:09 pm Tuesday, 6th May, 2014
My Avatar refuses ... |
6:39 pm Tuesday, 6th May, 2014
Luv2sucU, far be it for me to correct your Italian, but 'example' Is 'caso' and 'cazzo' is dick as in 'testa di cazzo' - Dickhead, 'fare l'amore' is to make love and fottare is to fuck.xx |
6:53 pm Tuesday, 6th May, 2014
... is off to write letter of complaint to both Daily Mail and the BBC. Journalism just isn't what it used to be. |
7:15 pm Tuesday, 6th May, 2014
Oh heck. I am having a small riggermoment - there is a lady on here who can talk dirty in Italian...... |
8:41 pm Tuesday, 6th May, 2014
Si rigger10, proprio cosi.x |
10:30 pm Tuesday, 6th May, 2014
PC - 40 years in Italy and 'cazzo' is used for 'fuck' I've obviously been mixing with the wrong people!!! |
5:52 am Wednesday, 7th May, 2014
Ah, my favourite Italian friend to the rescue. Grazie - I thought I had imagined it. |
12:05 pm Wednesday, 7th May, 2014
... is looking forward to having an opportunity to say "Cazzo che bello" in my most sexy voice. |
6:42 pm Wednesday, 7th May, 2014
I can't believe what I'm reading on here and originated by you of all people luv2. This juvenile outpouring of expletives for comedic entertainment value. My entire world has been shaken to the core to read luv2's potty mouthed recantation. |
7:35 pm Wednesday, 7th May, 2014
I could reach for the google translate (who would believe my mum was Italian and I can hardly speak a word of it) but I won't. |
8:32 pm Wednesday, 7th May, 2014
Allora PC (tu sei Italiano per caso), will write this in English in reply to your Italian blog, I accept that in that sense 'Che cazzo' does mean 'what the fuck' I had taken Luv2's blog too literally, sorry Luv2.xx |
1:14 am Thursday, 8th May, 2014
For me going back to the original use of swearing. The best I can come up with - which I also hope is grammatically correct
5:52 am Thursday, 8th May, 2014
Ealish, only one thing to say to you : |
6:03 am Thursday, 8th May, 2014
I don't like it when folks (usually my Mom) tell me it isn't necessary to swear. FFS, I know it isn't necessary, I'm not fucking stupid! :-) But seriously, it does amaze me how swearing is often considered more offensive than for example, human rights violations, the destruction of our environment or the fact that politicians are screwing up the NHS and crippling our education system with needless bureaucracy. |
5:40 pm Thursday, 8th May, 2014
Ok, ok I take the hint. I will add climate change to the list of things that offend me. |
5:47 pm Thursday, 8th May, 2014
Oh there you go then ... I'm weak. |
6:55 pm Thursday, 8th May, 2014
Just happy to please Wilf ;-) |
11:41 pm Thursday, 8th May, 2014
Ah Sensual it wasn't as correct as it should have been where instead of the word regurgitation I used the word recantation so rather than looking clever I made myself look like an ill educated copulating vagina! Translate if you like. Teach me to proof read before posting in future. |
10:51 am Saturday, 10th May, 2014
Ah the old "F" word it deffiently seems to come up quite frequent in today's world, Now call me old fashion! But I do feel there is a time and a place for this word when used...... |