Yesterday, while sitting in the hairdressers, I read a very brief article about the noises males of our species make (or don't make) when having sex and the preferences of the ladies. I think it's only fair at this point to admit that any weekly magazine that only costs eighty nine pence is going to report data of dubious quality however I hate to say this guys, but once again it would seem (according to this popular magazine) that you're falling short of expectation in the bedroom:
87% of women were turned on by their man making noises when having sex (not the farting kind!!), yet 62% said that, even when doing something they know gets their man really turned on, there was very little sound coming from them to indicate it was feeling good. A whopping 51% admitted to finding this a distraction causing them to spend most of their time worrying that they were doing something wrong and not pleasing their man properly, rather than enjoying themselves. Fascinating article; don't you agree? ;-)
Admittedly, having your hair cut by Carlos and thinking about sex at the same time is never a good idea however it did give me a few minutes to think about my own views on this very serious matter ...
Guys, you know when you make that deep, low growling sound way down low in the back of your throat when I'm doing something you really, really, really like? Well, I just want to say that I like that; actually, I like that a lot. In fact, I would probably go so far as to say that it is one of the seriously hot, hot, hot things about having sex with you and you should know it turns me on big time.
Of course, I don't think it's hot when I make that noise (as I regularly do); omg no! I prefer not to think about it. I'm not embarrassed about it, it's just that it makes me worry that I'm about to pull 'that' face. You know the face I'm talking about; the ugly one that I have just as I am about to blissfully lose control, when I bite my lip and look like I'm in pain.
I prefer not to think about when I make that noise, but I want you to know that when you do it ... it's as hot as flippin' hell.
Call the fire brigade, something's smokin' ...
6:56 am Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
The Grunter: "Ugh…ugh…ugh…ugh…ugh...ugggh” |
7:43 am Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr |
8:17 am Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
Luv2Suc. Even now I'm leafing through my library of sheet music to find a song to sing to you while we're in the throes of passion.Any special requests ?..... Bearing in mind my upper register is not what it was.xx |
11:16 am Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
Ask Delilah about my orgasms....! ; - ) |
11:23 am Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
DrP: I can honestly say I have never made a guy piggy squeal. It reminds me of that film, Deliverance. "Life sucks when you squeal like a pig. Paddle faster, I can hear banjos". |
12:31 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
Northern, what exactly would Delilah say? Not that I'm interested of course (cough, cough) because that would make me some kind of pervette. I'm just being polite :-) |
12:44 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
For me the only things worse than a silent lover is a lousy or selfish lover. When they are silent i would tend to question whether i was pleasing them or not. |
1:42 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
L2 - Better ask her, I'll go all shy and pink being the shrinking violet that I am..... |
4:19 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
Sunshine, clearly we think alike. I have it on good authority that the correct spelling of that deep and low sound is grrrrrrrrmm. |
4:25 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
MissG, OMG WTF!!! Just googled it ... |
6:23 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
Gillibean, re, your head on a man's chest! It's one of my secret weapons!!! |
6:31 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
To quote Jimmy Carr (no not is that tax deductible) "Bang and the dirt's gone", that do it for you? |
6:41 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
That's a thought, what are the most inappropriate phrases that could be screamed whilst ejaculating? |
6:41 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
"Bang and the dirt's gone". Oh Gerry, you really do have a way with words. Get your collar you've pulled ;-)
6:56 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
Gerry, she could scream "Have you got it in yet?" |
7:09 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
Or she could sigh and say "was that it?" |
7:19 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
"Have you got it in yet" thanks for that, like some blokes don't have enough of a complex. |
7:22 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
There's the one noise a partner should be making and that's the obvious one, breathing. Otherwise your likely to be arrested. |
8:00 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
Gilli I'll happily bend over but spoilt it please do enlighten me? |
8:04 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
Gilli BTW I like the red hair. |
8:11 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
And (done right) the sexiest word in the English language? |
8:12 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
Done not don't... |
8:19 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
Gilli, he tells me he likes Brunettes all the time, the lyin' cheatin' son of a ...
8:46 pm Tuesday, 15th April, 2014
Don't worry gillibean, put your head back down on my chest again and let me recite some 18th century French poetry to you in my 'morning voice'! |
8:15 am Wednesday, 16th April, 2014
MYS, if I was a betting girl, I would say you could find yourself busy over the next few weeks if you carry on with that bears and honey growling. |
8:56 am Wednesday, 16th April, 2014
It just so happens ... |
12:56 pm Wednesday, 16th April, 2014
mmmmmm firstly I really cant believe u hadn't known about daddydaughter play! got another for you to look at (even I had to ask) kitten play!
1:40 pm Wednesday, 16th April, 2014
In view of all the comments about growling noises,I have decided to take up the trombone.Now, if I could manage two sliding in and out movements at the same time, that would be quite something, wouldn't it Remember, a trombone is " an ill-wind that nobody blows any good " |
1:43 pm Wednesday, 16th April, 2014
As for you ladies making loud noises, that wouldn't put me off at all, providing only that your pitch was on-key ! xx |
3:10 pm Wednesday, 16th April, 2014
With all the growling wouldn't it be like getting it owwwn with tony the tiger?
3:22 pm Wednesday, 16th April, 2014
Luv2 good job your not a betting girl! The 'bear growling & honey voices' don't appear to be having any effect at filling my dance card. Perhaps it's time to hibernate again! |
3:28 pm Wednesday, 16th April, 2014
Gillibean, the 'noisy club' works for me, the louder the better! Positively sends me to hear screams of passion, delight and ecstasy! |
8:24 pm Wednesday, 16th April, 2014
6:40 am Thursday, 17th April, 2014
Luv2Suc. Of course I don't use a tuning fork,but I'd be obliged if you would run through a few arpeggios to warm up, before intimacy. |
6:48 am Thursday, 17th April, 2014
SAS: Apology accepted ;-) |
7:16 am Thursday, 17th April, 2014
Fetch, there's no better exercise for fingers than bashing out a few arpeggios before breakfast. |
8:22 am Thursday, 17th April, 2014
Oh luv2, 'there's no better exercise for fingers than bashing out a few arpeggios before breakfast'. |
12:47 pm Thursday, 17th April, 2014
Right ! Luv2Suc, Wingit, Gilibean,Miss Goodnight, BBW liscios. Get your knickres off, I've booked the London Symphony Orchestra !img src="imagesadultemoticons016.gif" |
1:33 pm Thursday, 17th April, 2014
Thanks a bunch fetch1. Trying my hardest to concentrate, finish off my work and leave early ready for the hols! |
2:34 pm Thursday, 17th April, 2014
Shymike66 : Me too, the kids just don't sleep soundly anymore and our vocalization has gotten less, the as was mentioned the low voice, quiet moan, and ass grabbing makes up for it
3:55 pm Thursday, 17th April, 2014
Hmmm, interesting to read all the noise in this blog....The one I should imagine no woman, or possibly man, would want to hear is the grunt or snort as he rolls off and goes to sleep.img src="imagesadultemoticons021.gif" |
4:23 pm Thursday, 17th April, 2014
Proper, would totally agree with you on that. Personally, I always make sure I'm last to drop off! It's difficult at times, but makes sure there are no disagreeable noises for anyone to hear! img src="imagesadultemoticons025.gif" |
4:26 pm Thursday, 17th April, 2014
That should have read: 'I always make sure I'm the last person to drop off' |
5:14 pm Thursday, 17th April, 2014
This blog will go down in history ;) |
9:35 pm Thursday, 17th April, 2014
Perhaps we should both be swinging on the chandelier m'dear...? If only to fetch yer drawers down.....
11:00 pm Thursday, 17th April, 2014
On the advise of you ladies I've been practicing my bear growl scented with sweet honey....those bees can fly fooking fast when they want to! |
11:01 pm Thursday, 17th April, 2014
Gilli what's wrong with my raincoat? |
11:08 pm Thursday, 17th April, 2014
There's a fine line between sexy and out and out filthy creep. "Helloooohh" sexiest word? When uttered to a parlour maid by a monocle wearing toff in a smoking jacket with a sly grin and a raise of the eyebrow, really? |
11:14 pm Thursday, 17th April, 2014
I have to break up my comments into a number of instalments in an attempt that some of them actually appear on the blog for more than a few hours. If I ever run into the web master of this site I assure you he'll be making some fucking moaning sounds. |
11:22 pm Thursday, 17th April, 2014
AWww bless you Ronald. I know i shouldn't, but you did make me giggle there. |
6:46 am Friday, 18th April, 2014
I'm sure I don't speak for all guys but when I'm down and out grunting and groining it's at a time when I've lost all concentration. The concentration needed not to... Well finish.... Up until then I'm thinking about anything else it takes. I will defiantly try to harmonize the two states to try and please my woman.
9:18 pm Friday, 18th April, 2014
Fetch ... knickers are in my bag. |
7:40 am Monday, 21st April, 2014
Excellent, I'll practice my grunting. |
11:05 am Monday, 21st April, 2014
"P.S. Probably not the best idea to practice your grunting whilst wearing it though...." |
11:33 am Monday, 21st April, 2014
Urhhh, urhhh, ohhhh ohhhhh, urrrrgh, urrrrrgh, |
6:41 pm Wednesday, 23rd April, 2014
"Probably not the best idea to practice grunting while wearing it" that would explain the ASBO then! |