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Let's take football for example ...

6:01 am Tuesday, 8th April, 2014

Believe it of not, there are times when I think about things totally unrelated to the usual 'stuff' that occupies my mind (work, sex, work, bacon butties, big willies, sex, wine). This weekend, after listening to a radio podcast, I was thinking about the Suffragettes (I can tell you're impressed). They used a slogan, "Deeds Not Words" and they used to sew it onto banners and posters and yell it at passersby during marches etc. I really like that slogan.

Deeds Not Words ...

As a matter of fact, if ever I was going to get a tattoo (which I'm not because even at the age of forty four, I'm still afraid of what my mom would say), it would be "Deeds Not Words", in bold letters to remind people that I have a very low tolerance of bullshit.

Those who know me well, know that I don’t give serious advice in the lurve department because basically I am aware that the ridiculous state of my lurve life means you would be unwise to trust any romantic wisdom I might think I posses – but stay with me. I want to tell you about "Deeds Not Words" because I have recently been reminded of a romantic lesson.

That lesson is this: a person’s actions often betray their true feelings far more accurately than any words that come out of their mouths.

Let's take football for example ...

I really don't believe that any guy who is really 'into you' should make you watch football, EVER! This, in my humble opinion (yes, I can be humble), is a relationship truth and therefore I find football behaviour is an incredibly accurate relationship barometer.

Let me illustrate my point ...

I’ve got a colleague. A straight, single guy who is relatively good-looking, charming, has his own apartment in a nice end of town - quite a catch if you're a bit younger than I am (by about 15 years!). When participating in a little banter over coffee yesterday he told me he'd had a few dates with the same girl recently, but then went on to say it wasn't going too well.

Then my straight, single, good-looking, quite a catch colleague described his behaviour during his most recent date and totally proved the point of 'Deeds Not Words' as applicable to football.

I presume he had found her to be attractive because they’d been on a few dates and, when she asked what he was up to over the weekend, he said he was "tired, but you’re welcome to come over for dinner, if you want to."

So she did ...

His words, I think, gave his date the impression he was interested. After all, this would have been the third or fourth date with her, he'd been replying promptly to her text messages (always signing them with an ‘x’), telling her stories about his life, inviting her to his apartment etc. So when she arrived at his place for dinner, he ordered in pizza and made her watch the Chelsea v Stoke game on TV, telling her, "come on, you'll enjoy it" and, if that wasn’t 'deed enough', when she retired to his bed later that evening, my straight, single good-looking, quiet a catch colleague told me, he didn’t follow her in right away because he wanted to watch the Newcastle v Manchester United highlights on Match of the Day. "That’s when it should have been obvious, I just wasn’t that much into her." he said.

After he told me this, the little voices inside my head went totally mental, "Ha!" they yelled. "We knew it! How many times have we told you? Deeds Not Words!"

The Suffragettes really did know their shit! That’s how they got the vote and laid the path to emancipation that has led to me writing this sex blog (of debatable quality) under a pseudonym, Luv2sucU.

Although most of us girls adore you guys individually, as a group, you often fall flippin' short of expectation, so I've come to the conclusion that deeds, especially football related deeds, are often a good reason to be single. After all, no self-respecting girl who possesses the smallest amount of self-esteem should need to ever date a guy who wants to watch Match of the Day highlights more urgently than he wants to touch her naked, hungry and waiting flesh.

Guys, remember this wisdom. You may thank me one day ...

6:21 am Tuesday, 8th April, 2014

Luv2Suc, your words always bring a smile to my face and I give thanks to Hygea ( Goddess of Sport )that she made me a rugby ( union) player.
We take a much more balanced view of our sport and there are few of my acquaintance, who would not give full attention to a lady on a date.Perspective is a wonderful thing.
The club I used to play for,tended to attract Sloane Rangers from Kensington,Chelsea,Knightsbridge etc., and they would have felt slighted had they not been pulled into the communal bath after a match.
It's all a question of good manners and knowing what pleases a lady xxxx
ps. Mrs Pankhurst knew a thing or two! xxxx

8:47 am Tuesday, 8th April, 2014

I cannot think of the word "suffragette" without recalling the wise words of the erstwhile Captain Flasheart...

Anyway as ever Luv2 you have selected an issue that has stopped me in my morning tracks and made a few brain cells bump into each other.

So today I will be concentrating on deeds - doing them and more importantly putting in place arrangements for them to be done.

The future ones will be dirty deeds though. Is that OK?

9:13 am Tuesday, 8th April, 2014

Hmmmmm, football or sex, rugby or sex , top gear or sex? Let me ponder that for one millisecond!

Yep thought as much! Sex!

Own a telly, not really sure why! Grown men kicking an inflatable pigs bladder around a well mown lawn into a butterfly net! Or worse, a ball that's pointed at each end!!!!! And an egotistical pumped up precocious prick babbling drivel about cars!

No contest!!!

12:59 pm Tuesday, 8th April, 2014

I admit I do enjoy watching the occasional football game, but it's not a lifestyle, if you know what I mean....(a bit like this site :-) As for cars, they do absolutely nothing for me (as long as my banger moves from A to B, I'm happy), and Top Gear is probably the prog at the very lowest level of my priorities (I always think the presenters resemble little boys who never progressed beyond the stage of sitting in cardboard boxes and shouting "brum, brum"......)

Another aspect of my own particular phenotype is that I've always been crap a multi-tasking. This means that dating and sex are placed in an individual category that is not adulterated (good word that....) with any of my other interests. Personally I can't understand the mentality of anyone who would prefer to be distracted by the Premier League if he has an attractive lady guest lounging vacantly on his sofa waiting to be entertained. Could this be an age thing, I wonder?

5:39 pm Tuesday, 8th April, 2014

Like it wilf! Come on luv2 'pictures,pictures,pictures!' (Grabs pitchfork and joins the ever increasing frenzied mob at the town hall steps!

5:57 pm Tuesday, 8th April, 2014

Hey Luv2 - I'll be around after Chelsea have beaten PSG. Best you make sure that my dinner's on the table when I get there too....!


7:14 pm Tuesday, 8th April, 2014

While Fetch and MsGeil get started on a game of rugby the rest of us can focus on the topic at hand ...

DrP, I do like to perv at the odd interesting tattoo, but not sure I could ever have one of my own. My rebelliousness only extended to an interesting piercing. If you didn't know it was there you'd never guess as I keep it well hidden. No Wilf - I have no intention of posting a photo of it :-) and can I just say, you're a very bad influence on MYS who is usually so well behaved. Shame on you both!!

Curvy and Skebbie, I feel your pain re Top Gear although I I would rather be subjected to an evening with James May and co than have to watch a football game. I should probably admit to faking the odd headache to escape to bed to watch Bear Grylls half way up a rock face. I feel so guilty now (hangs head in shame).

Riggs, day of dirty delicious deeds in da diary if you dare daaarrrling.

Northern, seriously? A win for Chelsea? PSG Really!!!!! Don't hold your breath for too long Mwahahaha

7:28 pm Tuesday, 8th April, 2014

Graham, chaining to railings? I agree, it sounds interesting. Note to self: Find something to protest about.

Tony, can I just say how nice it is to see a new face leaving a comment. With the exception of Frisky and Ronald, don't let these usual old miserable sods pick on you.

Right ... Chelsea PSG game is about to start. Just getting my six pack out of the fridge so I can drown out the sound of Adrian Chiles' boring tones.

Is it really an age thing? Younger guys would rather watch the match? I wonder how empty the chatroom is tonight? I may well pay it a visit.

7:40 pm Tuesday, 8th April, 2014

Oh, and for the record ... Big Brother is watching.
Twelve seconds into the game and most of my friends list are still online. You are clearly not prioritising football tonight :-)

7:59 pm Tuesday, 8th April, 2014

"For 'tis sport to have the engineer hoist his own petard ..."
(Or something like that)

Wilf, you know quoting Shakespear has me weak at the knees. Phwoarr xx

8:00 pm Tuesday, 8th April, 2014

DrP are you taking The Tube? Hehe don't sit with your legs crossed :-)

9:25 pm Tuesday, 8th April, 2014

Ealish, I can recommend:
A Midsummer Night's Cream, King Rear, The Taming of the Screw, Much Ado About Nuttin', Two Gentlemen Do Verona, Two Gentlemen IN Verona, Two Gentlemen In Each Other, The Merchant of Penis, As You Like it. Hamlet's Hoe, Twelfth Night of Sodomy, Measure for Pleasure, OtheliaThe Whore of Venice Beach, The Temptress, The Two Horny Kinsman, Shannon Does Shakespeare, and The Sodomy of Cleopatra.

I think Fetch will now delete me from his friends list :-)

5:17 am Wednesday, 9th April, 2014

Indeed they did Ronald ... Indeed they did.

Jose Mourinho - a fine example of words and deeds. His modest words betray his egotistical deeds although to be fair, some would say that's what makes him a winner.

Frisky, exactly what dirty deeds are you thinking about there?

6:26 pm Wednesday, 9th April, 2014

Luv2Suc. Of course i will not delete you from my friends list. after all " Now was the winter of my discontent, made glorious summer by Luv2Suc "
However,I find that Keats gets one particular lady going on here ! Mind if I try you out and dedicate this extract to you ?
" Beauty is truth and truth is beauty. That is all ye know on earth and all ye need to know "img src="imagesadultemoticons029.gif"

6:29 pm Wednesday, 9th April, 2014

And from The merchant of Venice a line from Portia applicable to me " What's this ? A portrait of a blinking idiot ? "

6:43 pm Wednesday, 9th April, 2014

your local to me... can I get his number lol..... I refuse to watch football............. but maybe shes not that into him id have climbed on his lap and made him watch me instead :)

8:20 pm Wednesday, 9th April, 2014

Frisky, it wouldn't be the first time I've had a guy muck out my stable in the nod (I kid you not!)

FQ, maybe you're exactly what he needs! I'm convinced there's something not quite right with him to be honest. He just didn't see what the problem was and thought I was odd for thinking what he did (or didn't do) was out of order. I'm not sure he's going to see her again, but I suspect that's because she's decided to call it a day.

8:27 pm Wednesday, 9th April, 2014

Wild, Reduced Shakespeare Company. Blasphemy!!!

Fetch, phew. I thought you would strike me off your list. Personally, I prefer Poe, for many different reasons.

5:34 am Thursday, 10th April, 2014

Luv2Suc.Good old Edgar Allen Eh ?.Perhaps you might post an extract,or is it a case of " Quoth the little raver,no more " ?
At school during the Flower Power era,( Haight Ashbury,Timothy O'Leary ,Peace and Love and all that} I tried to compose a hip,spliff-induced version of Mark Anthony's speech from Julius Caesar. Thankfully,I can't remember much of it but it began...." Hey Brothers and Sisters, let me clue you in .I come to wail Caesar ,not to bug him Man, so be cool and chill "

6:13 am Thursday, 10th April, 2014

Fetch, between those intervals of horrible sanity, I have been known to lose myself reading Poe. It was many and many a year ago, In a kingdom by the sea ...
A personal favourite. Perhaps I should try and do a modern spliff-induced version of it. (Now got a reason to put Do Not Disturb on office door at lunchtime).

6:32 am Thursday, 10th April, 2014

I await with anticipation , the outcome of your meanderings through Poe. May I suggest you leaf though the works of Alan Ginsburg and Jack Kerouac, to put you in the right frame of mind. You will probably have to keep the " Do not Disturb " notice,hanging on the knob all afternoon......but....Hey ! xxxx

12:18 pm Thursday, 10th April, 2014

Fetch, as promised ...

Can I just say that often the ultimate object of poetry is Truth (with a capital T) and it is Truth that 21st century raps are indeed poetry (who would have thought it). That Truth I was given on good authority today by members of a generation who 'know it all' and often have problems putting Words into Deeds.

Visual: Baggy jeans worn under arse cheeks, baggy hoodie, baseball cap worn backwards, arms swinging like chimps.

Cue the music: Classic beat box (similar to Snoop Dogg's "Drop it Like it's Hot")

tsp^ b b ^ts ** pfb pfb psh psh psh ^ts b b. (Chorus)

Yo it woz a long time ago ya' know
In a place by da sea
That a fine bit o'ass lived ya' know and her name woz Anna *^ts b b pft psh psh Lee
An' this fine bit o'ass lived wiff nahtin else than ta luv an' be luved by me.


I woz nahtin but a kid an' she woz a kid
In da place by da sea
An' we luved wi a luv more than luv
I fuckin' luved my Anna *^ts b b pft psh psh Lee
An' angels wi' da wings in heaven were jealous my fine bit of ass an' me


We'll be luvers forever
We'll be holding on togever
Never gonna sever our souls
When everything was wrong and everything was gone from me
I still fuckin' luv my Anna *^ts b b pft psh psh Lee


Inspired? No!?
Can someone please remind me what the word vocation means? I need a coffee ...

5:30 pm Thursday, 10th April, 2014

Fresh from the fray (or from being away several days getting laid - one of the two), Northern welcomed himself back to the blogs with a poem of his own:
Roses are red,
Violets are Blue,
Some poems rhyme,
But this one doesn't.

Some things never change....

7:07 pm Thursday, 10th April, 2014

Been out on the ratch North??

Oh well if we are doing daft poems then I give you:

Roses are lovely
Violets are gorgeous
Never sneak up
On Oscar Pistorious

I'll be surprised if that makes it past the gate guardians...

7:28 pm Thursday, 10th April, 2014

Surely the SportCars Vs a Sexy night in debate is a no brainer.

Most men are into all three in some way or another.

But when it comes to a date then it's the person you're with who should count. The deeds should be to be attentive to her needs and to make sure she is the centre of attnetion.

At the end of the day boys a saturday night in with a hot date should be be well enough to focus the mind.

And anyway MOTD is on again on Sunday morning so you can gain extra points by getting up early and bringing her breakfast in bed.

A winwin.

And who in the country now doesn't have a TV planner of some sort!!!!!!!

7:40 pm Thursday, 10th April, 2014

On yonder hill, there stood a cow,
It's not there now,
Musta moved........

7:57 pm Thursday, 10th April, 2014

Don't take any notice of me.

I am just in here sheltering from Funtimes latest blog....

8:35 pm Thursday, 10th April, 2014

Oh no!! What's he up to now?
Must go take a peek. If I don't come back, call the Kriminalpolizei as Funtimes is kidnapping staff for his sex shop.

8:47 pm Thursday, 10th April, 2014

Wilf (auto correct to Wild), I know ... I shock myself at times. To reassure both Frisky and yourself, it was penned with tongue planted firmly in cheek.

Shymannew, good point about the Sunday viewing! Sky plus (and other similar) but be improving sex lives up and down the country and let's not forget what it's doing for world peace.

As for the rest of you: You're too late for Valentines Day missives.

1:17 am Friday, 11th April, 2014

Luv2 - thanks for the postive viewpoint.

To be honest it would never happen with me.

If you're having a hot date then breakfast is more important than early morning MOTD.

I would thinkhope bringing breakfast in bed (having not watched Sunday's MOTD) would extend the hot Saturday night into an even hotter Sunday morning


11:38 pm Friday, 11th April, 2014

Blog monster paid a visit??

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