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Wonderful thoughts to administer hormones

7:04 pm Tuesday, 18th February, 2014

Well thanks to suggestion to my last post am seriously thinking of administering hormones to Suzy. After research am aware of the physiological changes (looking fwd to her obtaining a natural curves figure and making her horny by sucking her nipples) however really interested.in mental changes and would love comments. I would hope Suzy would developed a naturally girly mind (only think of herself as a girl) with needs and desires). Also would hope her learnt mannerisms and deportment would become more hard wired (if that is not to blunt).
I guess the end physiological change would be her need for sexual pleasures would also lead her to gaining satisfaction from her responses to being filled and made love to as only a girl knows how!! She already has the desire to complete her O level training for real but it would be good to know that desire would be driven by the complete transformation using hormones.
Please feel free to offer you comments through your own journey. Xxxx mistress Zizi

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