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Dear Monday Morning ...

5:56 am Monday, 14th October, 2013

Dear Monday,

If I listen really carefully, I can hear you sharpening your claws and quietly whispering "have a nice day" in my ear. This fills me with dread. You appear far too often in my diary and I'm beginning to think that you derive some pleasure from my pain and humiliation. Are you my punishment for drinking too much wine over the weekend?

I know you say you care about me and promise me a good start to the week, but my Mondays are rarely good. I have been awake for two hours and already my day is showing signs of torment and I've just searched the internet for 'Who gives a shit' - as I thought, your name didn't come up.

I need to be honest with you; I'm breaking up with you. I'm seeing Tuesday and dreaming about Friday. It's me, not you.

Have a great day, I'm going back to bed and I beg you to show some mercy and leave me alone.


6:14 am Monday, 14th October, 2013

"I love Monday mornings" said nobody, EVER!

6:20 am Monday, 14th October, 2013

I'm going out with a mountain and I'm only five feet tree.
I was in love with a mountain but it was far too tall for me.
So I went around with a coal-hole instead,but I got covered in grime.
Now I'm going steady with Tuesday week,cos it's always there on time !
( Spike Milligan )

8:22 am Monday, 14th October, 2013

I am on record as saying that Monday is my fave day of the week. It therefore follows that I must love Monday mornings too.

That said it is wild wet and windy here right now and I have to be out and about in it, so by faith in Monday is somewhat diminished today.

But it is a day like any other, and probably doesn't deserve the bad rep. My attitude is to meet the fecker head on and dare it to do anything except smile on you.

I think it might be a wooly hat day though. See ya'll later for a lovely mellow monday evening xx

8:39 am Monday, 14th October, 2013

There's something very similar to this been doing the rounds on FB for a while now, lol, think it may even be on mine somewhere, lol... though I have to say that the world we live in now, is 360247, so don't think days matter so much anymore, for 3 of the last 4 years I worked 12 hour night shifts 4 on 4 off, so traditional weekedns went out the window, I often had my Saturday on a Tuesday, lol.......

11:49 am Monday, 14th October, 2013

Quite the contrary, in fact. Here in Japan it's been a Bank Holiday weekend, the weather has been fantastic, and yesterday I was entertaining a lady-friend here. This morning, being Bank Holiday Monday, I was able to luxuriate in my futon till 9AM and recoup my strength, followed by a leisurely tidy-up of the garden. I'm now enjoying a glass of Japanese "shochu" and planning my work for the remaining week. So you see.....Mondays don't necessarily need to be all that bad :-)

......But of course most people would never entertain the idea of being "switched off" from the rat race. Although they would always claim the contrary, they just can't tear themselves away from all that sexy stress and business-related chic :-)

11:57 am Monday, 14th October, 2013

Skebbie, if stress was sexy, I'd be well screwed!
(Did I just say that?)

Wilf, Man up? MAN UP? ......... where can I find him?

12:10 pm Monday, 14th October, 2013

BBW, Curvy, I wish. With two daughters and boyfriends and friends constantly around the house there is no privacy or peace. I wouldn't want it any other way really ... ;-)

There is just something about Mondays that makes you wish you'd worked harder on Friday. That 2 o'clock in the morning realisation that you're diary is full of crap things to do and there's no way you're ever going to get back to sleep after worrying about them.

12:41 pm Monday, 14th October, 2013

Used to really hate Monday's, that down beat miserable feeling but now I'm not that bothered. It's not that they make me happy its just that I'm bloody sick of them feeling crap.
Today's little beauty isn't too bad keeping me nicely busy but not being too argumentative.
Now Tuesdays they're crap..... What's the point of them?
Just remember seeing another Monday is much better than not experienceing another one.

5:11 pm Monday, 14th October, 2013

Mondays. Sigh, everyone off to workschool. I dread weekends.

7:06 pm Monday, 14th October, 2013

Wilf, I bet you do have a few ideas ... Shocking!

Group hug for Ronald xxx Visiting the blogs must cheer you up ;-)

7:13 pm Monday, 14th October, 2013

Ros, I don't mind New Year's Eve and have hosted some memorable parties. Problem is, hangover usually wipe out any hope of a decent New Year's Day.
Christmas ... blah ... Spend Christmas in the states whenever possible. Slight Grinchette tendencies.

FA, I get what you mean about Wednesdays. Afterwards, you only get two days to do what is needed before the weekend otherwise you just bloody well worry about it Sunday night. It's a cyclical thing.

8:06 pm Monday, 14th October, 2013

Im going with the majority here. New Years Eve is the saddest biggest rip off in creation. Lots of people forcing themselves out to have a good time by getting fleeced by every bar, restaurant and taxi driver available.
Good times happen by accident and in a relaxed atmosphere not by being crammed in to pubs clubs and force fed shite christmas tunes and drinking crap overpriced booze.

Rant over!

8:25 pm Monday, 14th October, 2013

Don't really give a flying monkeys what day of the week it is!

What the weather's like, or if I have any money or recently got laid.

I'm alive! That's all that matters to me!

Much love mys.

1:35 am Tuesday, 15th October, 2013

I must start adopting this weekweekend system of working. Currently I only work on days that end in the letter Y so don't have any concept of Monday.

All work and no play makes Gerry as dull as dull pie with a particularly bland crust.

Aaaawwwww poor me. Current economic climate I'm just thankful I have a job.

2:36 am Tuesday, 15th October, 2013

Rigger: but surely tractors come with roofs and heaters as standard equipment?

2:46 am Tuesday, 15th October, 2013

Skebbie - you make a good observation about "switching off" from the rat race. I often found when I got home I was still putting some of the events of the working day into context.

2:53 am Tuesday, 15th October, 2013

Ros - I guess there's nothing like an occasional duck.

2:56 am Tuesday, 15th October, 2013

Troggy - I never felt that way about the phone on monday mornings - but I'll bet my secretary did!

3:07 am Tuesday, 15th October, 2013

Averagejoe - you make an interesting point about the Festive Season being not quite so festive. My problem is not with New Year's Eve but, rather, with the run-up to Christmas. By at least a week before Chistmas I'm well sick of carols and turkey.

Also, the sheer falseness of "good will to all men" really sticks in my gullet. As soon as Christmas is is over, the world goes back to the same selfish way it was before.

5:18 am Tuesday, 15th October, 2013

Ross, "Up into the forest tracks and along the canal with no-one but me and my thoughts (and the occasional duck)."

Don't you just hate auto correct?

1:01 pm Tuesday, 15th October, 2013

Actually Ros, in my current immature mood, I make that three. ;-x

1:28 pm Tuesday, 15th October, 2013

Luv2: Just out of academic interest:.....
If you are the busy work-oriented person you say you are, I'm slightly curious as to how you manage to delegate such a generous amount of time to full-time blogging. Even with my fairly laid back work ethic, I often find it hard to keep up with what's going on here (although - with reference to Wilf's current blog - it could well be that I'm a victim of flagging metabolic rates). Are you on steroidsspeed or something?? :-)

2:34 pm Tuesday, 15th October, 2013

Actually it was just a spur-of-the-moment, out-of-context observation, as Luv2 seems to crop up just about everywhere at the moment (sorry Luv2, but just in admiration of your blogging commitment :-)

8:47 pm Tuesday, 15th October, 2013

"I'm slightly curious as to how you manage to delegate such a generous amount of time to full-time blogging."

Skebbie, as you have taken an academic interest in my work life balance, you may have now noticed from blog times that my day starts at approximately 4am and ends at around 10pm leaving just enough time for sleep. The only exception to this is weekends, holidays and days that I work from home. This is a habit I acquired as a teenager.

You may also have noticed that I also take the odd lunch-break when lately I have been treating myself to a quick sneaky peek at the blogs to see what mischief I am missing. Believe you me, this can be a challenge with the level of interruptions I get.

Being a scientist, you may well be aware that us females are well-equipped through our DNA to multi-task and although my daughters are grown up and don't need me at morning time (far from it at that hour), I do have four-legged beasts that demand my attention followed by a tiresome commute to a job that I pretend to dislike. I come home satisfyingly knackered and after a quick and unhealthy meal, I step into my PJs and cosy up for a bit of snogging (sorry, I mean blogging) with my Ipad at approx 8 or 9pm.

You are right, I do seem to pop up everywhere, especially on my own blogs (ahem ...). Do I irritate you? I irritate myself sometimes.

Anyhoos, thank you for reminding me that I need to get myself a life.


9:19 pm Tuesday, 15th October, 2013

Or for people trying to balance their metabolism with a view to shedding a few!!

5:58 am Wednesday, 16th October, 2013

Y'all enjoy your Wednesday. Just two more days to go ...

5:58 am Wednesday, 16th October, 2013

Y'all enjoy your Wednesday. Just two more days to go ...

6:36 am Wednesday, 16th October, 2013

Luv2: I'm just envious of your multi-tasking skills. I only seem to be able to focus on one thing at a time, so for me there tends to be a certain time of day that is "blog time". For that reason (as you also may have noticed with me), I tend to disappear from threads for long periods, and when I reappear I've invariably got a lot of catching up to do. The East-West time difference is also not conducive to real-time, rapid responses.

Far from needing to get a life, you seem to have a pretty full one. If it were me, though, I'd probably spontaneously combust if I attempted a similar degree of multi-tasking. I'd also probably feel tempted to shoot the dog, thus freeing up lots more valuable time :-)

10:44 am Thursday, 17th October, 2013

Wilf: I'm absolutely with you re. the "TGIF syndrome", but I suppose I'm fortunate in never having to have worked 9-5 in a place to which I had to commute (apart from a brief period in my 20s). Most of my adult dates are midweek, in fact... :-)

I'm not sure I agree about "undisciplined minds" though. I reckon people have different approaches to getting things done, and one's capabilities are at least partly genetically programmed. I find I work best if I devote myself to one task at a time. If I try to do too many things at once, mistakes creep in. Other people may find multitasking easier. Humankind are diverse.

10:59 am Thursday, 17th October, 2013

Wilf - with respect, you are totally wrong about multitasking. in a professional environment, good planning and disciplined minds go hand in hand, and I can assure you that multitasking is essential in order to enable one to perform effectively and discharge one's professional obligations. This is something that is picked at University and reinforced in an office environment, but in the final analysis I think that some people simply have a nutural aptitude to do several things competently at the same time.

11:02 am Thursday, 17th October, 2013

Wilf - I have just noticed a typo - "picked at Universty" should read " picked up at University"

12:19 pm Thursday, 17th October, 2013

Wilf, "nothing sadder that people who live for the weekend.'"

I didn't exactly say "I LIVE for the weekend", but hey ... Skebbie and yourself have cheered me up no end.

6:59 pm Thursday, 17th October, 2013

I saw a sign in one Regimental HQ some years ago which read:" Officers are reminded that after duties on Friday means after tea on Thursday and not after lunch on Wednesday". I think first parade on Monday was probably also sometime on Tuesday. Things have changed a lot since then, but somehow Monday was not in the officer's calendar.

10:29 pm Thursday, 17th October, 2013

Monday please come back!!!!!
Thursday you were really REALLY shit!
Please let Friday be the answer to everything.

6:37 am Friday, 18th October, 2013

Oo, GDU, we could be friends ;-)
Wine is always the answer, especially if it's a perfect shade of pink.

12:30 pm Friday, 18th October, 2013

You are talking pink lipstick aren't you? Yeah, right ...

3:09 pm Friday, 18th October, 2013

hmmmm, I've tried to follow the train of dialogue but my mind keeps drifting back to Luv2's original post. I don't get it, how CAN you drink too much wine? img src="imagesadultemoticons015.gif"

7:36 pm Friday, 18th October, 2013

Good wine deserves a good poem:- round the teeth and round the gumslook out liver here it comes

9:02 pm Friday, 18th October, 2013

FM, BB, I agree. Uncle Billy once wrote "Good wine is a good familiar creature if it be well used."

I use it well and often; take tonight for instance. Ooo, count those corks ...

6:03 am Monday, 4th November, 2013

Today is tomorrow: It happened!

Buster Green: "If you gotta shoot, aim high. I don't wanna hit the groundhog."

Wishing you all a lovely day x

7:43 am Monday, 4th November, 2013

Ron: You see? Joining the blogs has changed your life :-)

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