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Men and their bedsheets!!!!!!!!!!

3:52 pm Tuesday, 8th October, 2013

Well after having a discussion with a member of the opposite sex on a night out, he proceeded to ask me whether or not he should put new clean bed sheets on his bed prior to meetings.

I have to say, I wasn't too sure where his question was leading but decided to play along. I explained that if I was meeting him and going back to his, then i'd would have expected clean fresh bed sheets to be on the bed along with a reasonably tidy room.

Why would any female/couple/male want to climb on a bed with dirty smelly sheets and engage in any sexual activity.

So now my mind is wondering do people, make sure that they have clean fresh bedding on prior to a meet or going on the town?

I have to say nothing like fresh clean sheets on the bed to roll around and mess them up!

So thoughts or am I asking too much!

5:01 pm Tuesday, 8th October, 2013

lol yes thought it would have been a no brainer..... clean sheets, clean body, dirty sex, lol

9:59 pm Tuesday, 8th October, 2013

Oh Dear God! Now I have to go out and buy bed sheets as well as condoms!!!!! When will the madness end?

Have always thought that my pink flannelette sheets and 'Power Ranger' bedspread would be suitable for any female! Hmphhhh.

Much love, MYS x x

10:04 pm Tuesday, 8th October, 2013

Well makesyousmile, you certainly live up to your name! img src="imagesadultemoticons001.gif"

12:13 am Wednesday, 9th October, 2013

Did he feel the need to ask whether he needed to shower that day, or better still just before the meet, as well - this genuinely isn't a wind up is it?

5:31 am Wednesday, 9th October, 2013

Rules of engagement as follows:

Before sex - Clean, fresh, good quality bed linen.
After sex - Not so clean or fresh, good quality bed linen.

Choice of bed linen design is important; I find this can set the mood and it's nice to know that guys have gone that extra length (no Power rangers! Care Bears or One Direction).

I know there is at least one site member who goes to extraordinary lengths to co-ordinate his bedding with what he is wearing. Now that is what you call paying attention to detail and must be worthy of a good time.

6:01 am Wednesday, 9th October, 2013

Being OCD houseproud, the answer to this one is pretty obvious as far as I'm concerned. However - we *could* be on the cusp of interesting territory here. Many female bloggers have as good as admitted that they are partial to a bit of rough, and have paroxysms of ecstacy at the mere mention of words like overalls, oil stains, swarfega and wood chippers. So in many respects it defies logic to assume that such women would baulk at slightly grubby bedsheets. Who knows, rutting with a macho stud in his lair, in the physical presence of the marks of his prowess and handiwork, perhaps with faint traces of pheromones and his last conquest still lingering under the duvet, many such women might feel hugely aroused :-)

If the situation were to be reversed, I doubt that few men would wrest their gaze from the tunnel-vision target of an attractive female partner with limbs asplay in anticipation, just so they could appraise the state of the bed linen :-)

In the present context, I think the cover of Steely Dan's album "Can't buy a thrill" is worthy of mention here :-)

6:27 am Wednesday, 9th October, 2013

You may have a point about 'a bit of rough', but draw the line at grubby bed linen. There must be some frightful data out there highlighting all the nasties that lurk in unwashed bed linen.

Who wants their arse bitten by some nasty bug found on some guy's crusty sheets? Gross!

6:37 am Wednesday, 9th October, 2013

Luv2: Er.....my previous post *was* written in a slightly jocular vein :-)

7:26 am Wednesday, 9th October, 2013

Luvs, No, 'Care Bears, or One Direction' either!!!!!!

That's it, I give up, quit, had enough, calling it a day! There's just no pleasing you ladies.

My 'piece de resistance' was going to be my matching, 'Holly Hobby' bed spread and pillow cases, but I guess that's not going to be good enough now either!

Next you will be telling me that the chamber pot under the bed is unsuitable too!

7:33 am Wednesday, 9th October, 2013

Clean, crisp and freshly ironed every week. Twice a week if it's hot.

7:45 am Wednesday, 9th October, 2013

Drew: And I thought *I* was OCD :-) Ironed ???? :-)

10:11 am Wednesday, 9th October, 2013

FA: There's a lot to be said for shagging on the floor or sofa: why restrict one's activity to the bedroom at all, in fact? Midwinter rutting in front of an open fire can deliver the very apex of sights and sensations.

2:02 pm Wednesday, 9th October, 2013

Nothing better than be curled up in front of them, with the lovely scent of wood and fresh pine cones, burning

6:26 am Thursday, 10th October, 2013

Fresh bed linen ? Absolutely ! If ever you have had occasion to sleep rough for a number of days ,without the opportunity to change your clothes,much less to shower and shave,you will appreciate as do I, the sheer luxury of sliding between freshly laundered,sweet-smelling crisp sheets with a freshly laundered ,sweet-smelling and crisp lady.
Sleep with Dawn French ? Er... no. Not because she is a large and rather ample lady ( there are many gorgeous BBW's on this site ,who are sexiness personified ) but rather because I find her one of the unfunniest,smug persons on TV and I like to laugh with a lady who has been good enough to share my bed.

11:37 am Monday, 14th October, 2013

"While my leopard-skin duvet covers are available for especially favoured guests....."

Frankly, I'm shocked. I'd have thought that such taste would have been restricted to that of people appearing on the Jeremy Kyle show :-)

3:48 pm Monday, 14th October, 2013

Sally why is this aimed at just fellas??
i left a house where i had been invited by a couple (not this site) as the whole place was dirty and made my skin crawl

couldnt even contimplate staying made my excuses and leftimg src="imagesadultemoticons026.gif"

4:28 pm Monday, 14th October, 2013

The man was obviously an idiot lol

8:09 pm Monday, 14th October, 2013

Oupabear, it's not aimed at men. I was asked the question by a man. I then asked the question to everyone, wanting to know other people's thoughts. No one targeted and no offence intend towards any gendersexual orientation.

9:39 pm Monday, 14th October, 2013

The only thing that should be Dirty is the sex.

11:37 pm Saturday, 19th April, 2014


1:41 am Sunday, 20th April, 2014

Here's a thought...
Would any woman actually go to bed with a guy who needed to ask the question in the first place?

Surely we all have a good tidycleanupvacuumMr Sheen everything in sightfill the dishwasherhide our stuff in cupboards that wont fly open under the strain? lol.
Then put very fresh sheetsduvet n cover on the bed!!
Followed by a nice bottle of red and two glasses on the bedside cabinet of course.

At the last min, trim the orifices that you sniff and hear with... then have a thorough, thorough, THOROUGH shower.. scrub until you're down to a new layer of skin... with the obligatory "wire brush and Dettol" on the salient bits.. Good towel dry then brush the teeth like you mean to...
Dry properly, a pssssst of underarm and a (little) splosh of aftershave..
Chew a mint before she arrives.. and before opening the door (with a smile and a kiss), spit it out !!

Or have I been doing it wrong all these years?

Mind you...

If she turns up unexpectedly, the place isn't squeaky clean, but you both feel like you might explode if you don't do something NOW...

Well... sod the damn sheets, lol :)

5:44 am Monday, 27th April, 2015

I am very clean when have a date with a woman as beautiful as you are averything clean and fresh.img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"

12:17 pm Saturday, 30th May, 2015

No brainer clean sheets
img src="imagesadultemoticons022.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons022.gif"

3:01 pm Thursday, 25th June, 2015

If I had you coming round I would have brand new sheets just for you x

1:26 pm Wednesday, 22nd July, 2015

Clean sheets . bath . clean shaven . pubic hair trimmed . house spotless . scentsy wax going . nicy dressed . and if it was you sally I would let you make such a mess lol . x

9:48 pm Monday, 24th August, 2015

img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"

9:48 pm Monday, 24th August, 2015

img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"

9:48 pm Monday, 24th August, 2015

img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif"

2:24 pm Monday, 1st May, 2017

Asking too much! The park always has a fresh carpet of grass, if it's raining there is always the trees. X

3:16 am Friday, 16th June, 2017

boa noite

3:22 am Friday, 16th June, 2017

ola vc e de que cidade sou de campinas

12:44 am Thursday, 26th October, 2017

Wow beautiful 

12:55 pm Sunday, 31st December, 2017

What sort of imbecile actually needs to ASK if he should put clean bedding on..   
Unbelievable.   Is it any wonder that most women think men are Neanderthals. 

It would have been bad enough if he'd asked a mate of his, another bloke..   but to ask a woman, especially, is just the lowest.. 
What a romantic hey?   
A lovely glass of wine back at his place,  
Nibbles maybe while they chat.  (well, you never know...)  lol.  
The gentle, teasing undressing.. 
Then the tearing of clothes off each other, 
He throws her across the bed...   
She throws the duvet back..   and climbs onto the mattress..  
And promptly gets stuck to the muck left there from a thrash he had with another woman.. 

Lovely.   She will have felt sooooo lucky to have pulled this guy eh? 

10:34 am Wednesday, 17th January, 2018

Hi Sally. Male or female, don't we all put new sheets on our body before we go out to meet friends & other people then bring friends home to show them how clean & tidy you are, LOL

7:15 pm Wednesday, 23rd October, 2019


5:14 pm Sunday, 12th January, 2020

Wer do u stay dear

2:13 pm Monday, 3rd February, 2020

Hi baby I'm interested your profile nice meet me today are you free e reply😘

6:36 am Saturday, 5th March, 2022


11:51 pm Sunday, 13th March, 2022

You could you use at least two bedsheet it would be enough lol

6:59 pm Sunday, 15th May, 2022


5:16 am Tuesday, 6th June, 2023


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