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Woke up with this thought...

12:36 pm Tuesday, 8th November, 2022

This morning I woke slowly. I was having a dream and didn't want to end it and went into a sleepy/wake state where the dream could play out.

The dream...I was in a coffee shop having a midmorning snack. The place was crowded, there was at least one person sitting at all the tables.

I was crowd watching and saw a beautiful person with a cup and food looking around trying to find a place to sit. I motioned for them to sit at my table.

There was hesitation, but it was quickly overcome and they sat across the table from me.

At first we only made the briefest of acknowledgements and a thank you for offering to share a table.

After a few minutes we started an awkward conversation. Shared names, what kind of work we do, etc. As we warmed to each other the conversation began to move naturally.

I have to admit that the attraction was strong and there was a hope that they were feeling the same.

After an hour of conversation I suggested we go for a walk and get some fresh air, if they are not busy. To my surprise the offer was accepted and we left the shop and walked to a park and its multitude of trails.

After 30 minutes of walking and chatting we sat on a bench. We sat close to each other continuing a trend that developed during our walk. Some laughter, placing a hand on thigh, leaning in to talk quietly as if conspiring.

Then I suggested we go to my apartment. I was stunned and overjoyed when the offer was accepted!

It was a short walk to my building, rode the elevator, and next thing you know we were standing in my apartment.

I went to the kitchen for several minutes and returned with two glasses of water setting them on the coffee table. I was instructed to sit on the couch. I did.

We were getting aroused with all the sexual tension...my cock had become erect...and when I looked up at them standing in front of me I could see their skirt tenting. I was instantly harder!

No more words were spoken as they slowly raised their skirt. The silky material sliding on what can only be described as a large cock. As the last of the skirt slid away a six inch erect cock bounced in front of my face.

Both hands reached for my head and slowly pulled my face toward their hardness. My mouth opened automatically as the tip brushed my lips and entered my mouth.

Their cock felt glorious as it slid deep and pulled back to my lips only to slide deep slowly and rhythmically. I wanted this moment to last forever!

I released my cock from the confines of my pants and began to slowly stroke it matching the rhythm of the cock sliding in and out of my mouth.

The tempo began to increase. I felt their fingers curling entangled in my hair. Their balls started slapping my chin as they began to push deeper with each stroke.

I was in heaven, a cock in my mouth and my hand around my own. I was beginning to edge.

Suddenly they began to groan and the thrusting sped up as they were getting close. I could taste the precum!

My own cock was aching to release my semen when they groaned loud, thrust deep in my mouth, and exploded cum...I immediately squirted my load and began to suck all the juice from that beautiful cock...

I woke up from my half sleep with cum on my stomach...I scooped some up and sucked it off my fingers as the memory of the dream lingered...what a way to start the day! The only thing that would have made it better would be to taste another's cum.

10:57 am Saturday, 12th November, 2022

Sounds so hot I got hard imagining I was in your place

5:48 pm Wednesday, 16th November, 2022

Great way to wake up. I could see myself in similar position on my knees, sucking that cock.

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