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ONE NEVER KNOWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2:50 am Thursday, 13th October, 2022

My most recent experience on site was different erotic and left me waiting and wondering. A lady in her late sixties messaged me.I am a gentle dom.She said she messaged me because my profile says that i am a gentle dom.[you should all read my profile] She explained that she has had sex only one way in her entire life..She never said ,but i presumed,missionary.She was married ,living with her husband, an id verry needy.She was never going to leave her husband even though he has not touched her in many years.She was facinated with BDSM,but needed someone gentle,and wanted to start slowly.I asked her to tell me more.She could not.I asked what were her desires.She could not say.She again explained that she only knew one thing.I probed further,and asked if it was easy for her to cum,was it difficult,or could she not cum at all.I was thinking ,did this husband even know how to make her cum? Her answer surprised me,but did not answer the question.she said i cum a lot watching porn.That is why i watch it.Wow,i never expected that.I then asked her what was the thing she most wanted to experience.She explained she always wanted to know what it would feel like to have clamps put on her nipples and clit,and asked if i would do it for her.I told her i would do anything she desired.I then explained that i thought that for the best experience you start slow and build to orgasm. I will give you the best you can imagine,but you have to obey me in all things.She did not know if she could.I explained that i would never harm her , and she would have a safe fraze to say any time things became too intense.She did not understand.I explained,a safe fraze tells me to stop'If I am biteing your clit and you are screaming,do you want more or do you want me to stop? Would you really bite my clit?It would give me great pleasure to do so,but lets get a safe fraze to quell your fears.She asked what do you suggest?After thinking a minute,I thought ,what would be the best thing I could do for her when she could take no more?The magic phraze had to be master can i cum now?At this point I lost concentration for a minute imagining how I would make her cum and how hard,but I snaped myself together,and we agreed on that fraze.We continued. Everyone knows that I am married since it is part of my profile,but i felt compelled to tell her that like her I have not had sex with my wife in many years,and like her I also will not abandon my wife. I had to say this. I next needed her to start obeying me.What is the first thing I am going to ask her to do?I will ask her to masterbate for me while i watched.It would be her first submission no pain,and I would make her feel good about it by thanking her afterward and telling her how much i enjoyed it.You may be thinking this is a mistake,but my style is gentle and with love.Lets get back to the story.At this point I remembered that she said she could only message with me when her husband was not home.It was 5am and we had been messageing since midnight.Now she had a question.What should we call each other?We settled on master mike and her site name whitch we cant devulge here.I now asked if she would masterbate for me.To my surprise she said,yes I am doing that right now.Then immediately before i could reply the message--got2go n.We have not made contact since.Its only a couple days,but I think about her constantly.So many questions.Did her husband catch her?What would he ,or could he have done?Is she ok?What did I learn?I think I have experienced the subs point of view.All knowledge can be used for good or bad.Will i use this knowledge to subjucate? I hope not,but I am a natural dom,and will we ever make contact again.ONE NEVER KNOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

11:13 am Thursday, 13th October, 2022

Hello babe

Blog Introduction

I'm 77 years old, living in the Island Park region.

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