SEX: That three-letter word that can make you both blush and say "aahhh" is more than a mixing and mingling of genes or a simple act of fun, love or lust. It's been around since ... , oh yeah, nearly the beginning of time and it's still very much in fashion (well for most of us anyway).
Scientists, doctors, enthusiasts and crazy folk like us have delved into understanding and even improving the act and especially the outcomes. Who's willing to 'fess up to reading the Karma Sutra, or even just looking at the pictures? Who me??
It really can be exhausting: We read; we watch; we talk; we do; we don't; we can; we can't; we try; we fail; we cry; we laugh; we giggle; we wiggle and then ...... oh yeh, and then we blog :-)
Sometimes we share what we know and learn and other times, we keep it to ourselves. I've said it before, I'm a caring and sharing sort of girl so I'd like to share some 'interesting' facts about sex that I picked up from a reliable (yeh, right ...) source earlier today.
82% of women worry less about penis size than men (really?). This compares with only 55% of men who are satisfied with their penis size.
The majority of women who reported having frequent orgasms were more likely to say they prefer sex with men with larger penises. However, 62% of these women say that men with smaller penises often have more attractive personalities and therefore make more desirable lovers. See, we're not all superficial.
12% of women admitted to using their smartphones during sex. Whilst 83% of men admit to taking theirs to the toilet. Interestingly, the majority of these men were from Wales compared to a small percentage from the Midlands. Never ask a guy from Merthyr Tydfil to lend you his phone ... URGH!
Sleep deprived men are more likely to wrongly believe that women want to have sex with them. How many of you guy's work nightshift?
People who are into kinkier sex may be psychologically healthier. Apparently, those from Scotland are more likely to be into 'kinky sex' than most other parts of the UK.
Twelve percent of adults have had sex at work. Really? Not where I work, believe me!
According to a study, people who have sex once or twice a week have their immune systems boosted .... Atishoooo!
Think twice before swallowing if you're on a diet. There are five calories in a teaspoon of semen. The good news is, having sex burns as many calories as running 5 miles. Yes, I know some guys are now wondering how how the hell they can run 5 miles in 60 seconds ;-)
A woman's butt sticks out 25 percent more when she is wearing high heels. Damn that Jimmy Choo!
A blowjob is the number one sexual act. Word of warning girls (and guys), given the fact that men can ejaculate at 27mph, get those safety goggles on.
From an evolutionary standpoint: women are louder in bed to attract other males; men become more aroused when they think a woman has had sex recently.
One analysis suggests that women from the south of the country are more reserved in bed and prefer not to make any noise.
A single sperm contains 37.5 MB of DNA information. One ejaculation represents a data transfer of 15,875 GB, equivalent to the combined capacity of 62 MacBook Pro laptops. I'm left wondering how many guys regularly jiz over their keyboards ...
Male fruitflies rejected by females drink significantly more alcohol than those that have had a successful encounter. Fruit flies/humans ... any similarities?
Seven Viagra tablets are sold every second ... tee hee hee. More Viagra is sold in Winter months than other times of the year.
When sperm is left to dry on the skin leaves behind protein which can help to reduce wrinkles. Haha, while this may be an excellent anti-aging treatment, the obvious downside is that you have to walk around with sperm on your face ... Actually, this may not be so bad :-)
Studies have shown that men who looked at porn of two men and one woman produced more sperm than those who looked at just women. See, guys are just so competitive.
46% of women would give up having sex for two weeks rather than logging off the Internet for the same amount of time. This compares to just 18% of men. Blimey!!
Sex is 10 times more effective than Valium. Anyone fancy getting lovestoned?
That's the end of my list.
Remember, sex isn't the answer: Yes is the answer; sex is the question.
11:15 pm Friday, 27th September, 2013
'Sex' isn't that what posh people have their coal delivered in? |
11:46 pm Friday, 27th September, 2013
Orgasmic! I think I'm impressed ... |
11:52 pm Friday, 27th September, 2013
Fallen, that fag packet must be pretty worn out by now!!!!! |
11:57 pm Friday, 27th September, 2013
FA, you stole my line. |
12:09 am Saturday, 28th September, 2013
I find it hard to believe you are a 'peak-too-sooner' and headed for a steady decline. The world just isn't ready for that FA. |
12:13 am Saturday, 28th September, 2013
Curvy, I'm guessing you could be more likely to catch an STD from their Nokias than cockias. |
12:16 am Saturday, 28th September, 2013
" ...only GOOD sex is as good as valium." |
12:44 am Saturday, 28th September, 2013
Slightly boring initial response, admittedly, but how did you manage to sneak that succinct blog title past the blog police? Every time I try to do something similar, I'm told it has to be more than 20 characters :-) (Also, as I see many men with bare torsos for their main profile pics, I'm wondering why I was singled out and ordered to change mine to something innocuous..... yes I'm getting paranoid :-) |
12:45 am Saturday, 28th September, 2013
Back to topic - where did you dig up all this info and what are the sources? (sorry it's the scientist in me coming out.... :-) |
12:57 am Saturday, 28th September, 2013
Love the blog, and the comments huge smile on my face now, keep up the great work |
1:33 am Saturday, 28th September, 2013
Well now Luv2, your statistics made very interesting reading. My eyes were drawn especially to the juicy snippet that those from Scotland are more likely to be into kinky sex than most other parts of the UK. This Scot would be mighty interested to learn where the rest of his fellow kinksters are hiding. Wherever it is, it's not this website. There appear to be very few Scots here, the majority of "hubbers" being from England. |
9:23 am Saturday, 28th September, 2013
Skebbie, I did wonder about the title. I had to slip in an extra couple of letters and spaces but still didn't manage 21. Perhaps admin like reading my blogs :-)
9:31 am Saturday, 28th September, 2013
" .. and the comments huge smile on my face now." Glad to hear that's possible. :)
9:49 am Saturday, 28th September, 2013
Of course I'm looking in the right place. On re-reading my post, I can see the wording should have been tighter. There are Scots on the site for sure. I should have said there are very few Scots in proportion to the overwhelming majority of members from England: and that I stand by. |
11:14 am Saturday, 28th September, 2013
BadBoy, "... There are few Scots in proportion to the overwhelming majority of members from England" |
11:16 am Saturday, 28th September, 2013
No. Do you? |
11:34 am Saturday, 28th September, 2013
I may have one or two ... |
12:20 pm Saturday, 28th September, 2013
Just remember, there are lies, damned lies and statistics. But the heels thing is true. There was this girl at work a few years ago. Flat shoes or pumps, no bottom. Heels, damn, her bum made Miley Cyrus twerking look tame. |
6:24 pm Saturday, 28th September, 2013
Frisky, that has the makings of a good Saturday night out: Heels, pizza and cake. |
9:37 pm Saturday, 28th September, 2013
Anglophobia! Who said that ...? |
10:25 pm Saturday, 28th September, 2013
Once a Jock always a Jock ;-) |
1:48 am Sunday, 29th September, 2013
FA - to maintain your credibility, kindly confirm that your latest post was simply extracting the urine. |
9:47 am Sunday, 29th September, 2013
FA - behave yourself, or I shall let Mel Gibson who, as we all know, is Scotland's greatest warrior, loose on you. |
10:04 am Sunday, 29th September, 2013
I'm sure FA meant no offence (mwhahahah x) |
10:26 am Sunday, 29th September, 2013
As my DNA straddles the EnglandScots border, I'm sitting this one out on the fence. It used to be referred to as "The Debatable Land", but people then seemed to spend more time simply snatching it than debating it. I have good ancestral credentials in rape and pillage, and my forebears were renowned for their hard riding and long lances. |
10:31 am Sunday, 29th September, 2013
"my forebears were renowned for their hard riding and long lances." Ah, I wonder of it is in your jeans ... (ahem oops) I mean, genes. |
10:42 am Sunday, 29th September, 2013
Luv2 - great new pic! |
1:15 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
Once again Luv2 strikes gold! I shall dine out on those statistics. (although they may have more calories than sperm) |
3:51 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
FOM, Throbbin what about:
3:53 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
Depends on whether you class masturbation as sex. If so then I'd say it was higher than that judging by the state of some toilets I've been in. |
4:07 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
"women from the south of the country are more reserved in bed and prefer not to make any noise" interesting....if there are any woman from the south who wish to prove this theory wrong I am willing to sacrifice my body in the name of science.... |
4:51 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
I'm one of the 88%, but would seriously like to convert :) There's something sexy about the thought of two adults teasing each other in the workplace and getting so turned on they have to find somewhere secluded to fulfil their lust. Chances are slim now that I own my own company :( |
5:11 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
Why the hell did it censor eighty eight percent? lol |
5:15 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
I have it on good authority that owning your own company has certain advantages in this area FOM. Take, for example, the recruitment of a sexy young secretary. How easy would it be for a mature, professional guy to exercise his ego by talking his way into her pants when the rest of the staff have gone home? |
5:20 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
Quite easy, I take it you agree Luv2? |
5:29 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
That's too easy Luv2. And young secretaries, in my experience, arent the greatest fucks. You forget my icequeen inclinations ;) |
5:36 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
Too fucking easy (pardon the French).
5:44 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
I kinda sense that. Which is what interests me about them. Knowing that the frosty exterior is not the true Luv2 ;) |
5:48 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
That's why I keep chatting to you. To learn more ;) Although there might be one or two other reasons too lol. |
6:04 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
On reflection FA, I was Mrs Available wife; horny and waiting, but certainly not low-hanging ;-)
6:10 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
Horny, waiting wife. What the hell was wrong with your man? |
6:17 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
Sure FA, but on your "take the low hanging fruit" principle, why didn't SucU's man do the business? |
6:20 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
I know, I know, I know .... blah blah blah
6:24 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
FOM " ... why didn't SucU's man do the business?" He did, it was a case of cake and eat it.
6:25 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
I had a book which had 101 uses for a cat. Apparently you can use its arse as a pencil sharpener. |
6:30 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
FA - having been a senior partner, I know exactly what was meant by not aiming for low-hangng fruit. However, as revenge for your remarks about the Scots (I am man enough and human enough to admit to a petty streak) I am not going to tell you. |
6:53 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
The old ones are the best!! |
6:55 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
FA - P.S. You're fired! |
8:52 pm Sunday, 29th September, 2013
Woodbines? It was the only cigarette I could think of. Oh, I've been sussed; I'm really 63.
12:07 pm Monday, 30th September, 2013
what do u do at work all day google sex lol.i understand the cum on face part cos u all want to look younger lol |
7:13 pm Monday, 30th September, 2013
I remember our Xmas parties. It was amazing how many people forgot about the security camera in the downstairs corridor ;) |
9:50 pm Monday, 30th September, 2013
Thank you Wilf xx you've cheered my evening :-) |
10:45 pm Monday, 30th September, 2013
"what is it about Christmas parties that make some people lose their inhibitions" |
10:46 pm Monday, 30th September, 2013
W T F |
11:02 pm Monday, 30th September, 2013
When Santa got stuck up the chimney, |
1:35 am Tuesday, 1st October, 2013
Curvybird - no end oy year bonus for you! |
1:39 am Tuesday, 1st October, 2013
Apologies for the typo - that should have read end of year bonus. |
2:56 am Tuesday, 1st October, 2013
Santa? Sorry, have we just been transported to the Good 'Ole US of A? . . . |
3:16 am Tuesday, 1st October, 2013
Luv2: Good grief I'm beginning to think your memory stretches back as far as Children's Favourites on the radio :-) (Oh.....what a giveaway !........) |
5:31 am Tuesday, 1st October, 2013
Whatever you do FA, don't feed them after midnight. :-)
7:20 am Tuesday, 1st October, 2013
FA: Referring back to your "low-hanging fruit" analogy, how would you class "windfalls" and how would you deal with them ? |
12:08 pm Tuesday, 1st October, 2013
Wilf - you don't have to be a marketing guru to get paid to spout "utter crap" - just go into politics LOL |
12:14 pm Tuesday, 1st October, 2013
FA: Now,'re being deliberately mischievous. Don't forget this is a "sex site" and not a quarterly shareholders' report. |
7:04 pm Tuesday, 1st October, 2013
FA, Wilf: Never screwed drunks? |
8:54 pm Tuesday, 1st October, 2013
" ... quarterly shareholder's reports to someone sitting on your face." |
1:16 pm Friday, 1st November, 2013
It's one twenty; I've had no lunch, but could do with a tequila or two right now. Tipsy sounds good for a Friday afternoon. Just a shame I can't ... |
5:09 pm Friday, 1st November, 2013
It's always a pleasure ;-) |