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In the Dark - A short fantasy.

1:26 pm Monday, 5th September, 2022

Her hotel room had been paid for. Claire had entered with trepidation that he might already be there, but of course he was not. What was there were three dozen red roses in a silver vase atop the built-in bar. Two more vases, one on each of the nightstands flanking the bed, were filled with white roses and baby’s breath. Their scent filled the room with a faint scent of summer gardens. Laid across the pillow, in the center of the king bed, was a black satin blindfold with long red ribbons attached to the sides.
She had helped herself to a cold drink from the bar and gone into the bathroom to freshen up and check her hair. She wore her hair down and it came to her shoulders with a slight wave. Claire did not like to wear it like this- she preferred it pulled back with a headband, but he insisted it be down. She did not feel as if she looked her best. She had been instructed to not wear makeup, hairspray, or any other beauty products. He wanted her “as she was”.
Claire had agonized over what to wear but finally settled on a loose, cotton gypsy blouse, wide at the neck and held closed with a short string tied at the neck. She wore, as instructed, no bra, but her blouse kept sliding off her shoulders. She had tugged back up many times, all the way to the hotel, sure that everyone who saw her would realize she was wearing no bra. Her skirt was also of a gypsy style. It was full and multicolored. with ruffles circling her in layers to her ankles. It was shorter in the front but almost touched the ground in the back. She had always loved the way it moved with her when she walked. Her earrings were a contradiction to the boho style of her outfit. They were small dragonflies, on posts, and did not dangle. She didn't wear stockings and only wore a tiny white satin thong as underwear. Her shoes were red sandals with a two-inch heel, held on with straps that wrapped around her ankles.
She examined her watch before removing it and placed it next to the red roses as instructed. It was 6:45 pm on a Friday night, and he was supposed to arrive at 7 pm. It was then she noticed there was no clock in the room, it must have been removed before she checked in. He was allowed to be up to one-half-hour late before the contract was off, but he was not allowed to be early. Claire wondered how the heck she would know if he was overdue when she had no watch!
She stretched to reach the blindfold on the bed, but because she was only 5’2” she had to climb up on the bed to get it. Her full skirt got caught under her knees as she tried to crawl across the bed and she began to giggle at the absurdity of trying not to mess the duvet up but the gravity of her situation struck her, and she sobered. Blindfold retrieved, she walked to the window and drew the blackout curtains closed. She fiddled with one corner of the drape where there was a bit of a gap that allowed a ray of light. With the exception of the light slicing under the door from the hallway, the darkness was complete. Feeling her way back to the bed, she sat down on the side facing away from the door, holding the blindfold in her lap.
Claire had never met him. Months ago, she and some girlfriends had looked at a high-end website called “Fantasy Match”, laughed with them over the comments and agreed that this was not the way to find a man. However, the truth was, after her friends left, she continued to look through the postings and came across one that was eerily similar to a scenario she had daydreamed about since adolescence. She paid for a very expensive premium membership and was called by a “matchmaker” of the website almost immediately.
She stammered and blushed, as she explained why she had enrolled, but the woman on the other end quickly put her at ease. The matchmaker explained that all clients were interviewed personally, and background checks were conducted. Safe words were established for both parties. Members were required provide documentation of a negative STD test within one week of the fantasy date or the whole thing was called off.
This was not a quick process, but after 16 years of dreaming about a meeting like this, she was willing to wait a bit more. Surveys were filled out, fantasies were described in detail, and Fantasy Match was the go-between. Claire was never given the man’s email or name. No pictures were exchanged. Every night, however, she received an email from Fantasy Match telling her what her potential partner wanted for his fantasy and asking what her wishes were if the requests were acceptable. Over the course of a few weeks, she continued to negotiate until one night there was an email from Fantasy Match informing her that a plan had been devised that was acceptable to both her and the stranger.
Final paperwork was signed. The date, time and location were arranged, and the deal was sealed.
Claire continued to sit quietly on the bed per Fantasy instructions. With no watch she had no clue what time it was or how long she had been waiting but time seemed to have stopped. She began counting her breaths to estimate how long she had been waiting but every time there was a noise in the hallway, she startled and lost count. Was she insane?
Claire gasped when she heard another noise in the hallway and she felt a shutter went down her spine. This was agonizing! It was also arousing. Her desire was to have sex with a stranger, silently and to leave afterward not knowing who he was. For each of them, parts of the agreement had been purposefully left unclear to allow room for improvisation. As Fantasy Match often quoted” what fun would it be it every little detail was known in advance?”
Her breath came to a halt when she heard a soft knock on the door. “Oh my god!" she told thought. “Don’t say ‘Come in’, do not say it!”
“Come in," she gasped. Apart from her safeword, those were the only two words she was allowed to say for the entire encounter.
Claire heard the door open and shut moments later. Then nothing. He had to be in the room but where?
Every sense of hers was alive trying to puzzle out the situation. She was trying not to panic, break her silence and run away. Although she knew she was allowed to leave at any time, she was so close to panicking that she didn’t hear him move across the room. Her breath was coming in short, quiet gasps and her pulse was racing. Her panties were wet. When she felt the bed shift behind her, she almost screamed. He was creeping across the bed behind her until he had positioned his legs on either side of her as if she was sitting in his lap. He was warm against her back. While he had requested, she wear no perfumes, she had asked for him to wear just a smidgeon of Brut aftershave. The warmth and scent heightened her growing arousal.
Reaching round her with both arms, he moved very slowly and touched her hands ever so softly. He used only his index fingers to stroke the back of her hands as softly as butterflies landing. He felt the blindfold clenched in her hands and carefully slid it out of her grip. Carrying the blindfold up to Claire’s face, he placed the black satin over her eyes, and tied the ribbons firmly behind her head. She could feel the coolness of the fabric and the snugness of the blindfold. Whatever faint light had been remained in the room it had now vanished completely.
Her request was for darkness, but he had permission to switch on the lights on once she was blindfolded. If he did Claire would never know. She felt him move away from here and heard him cross the room to fix a drink at the bar. Perhaps he turned lights on then? Perhaps not? She couldn't tell if the darkness was concealing her or the light was revealing her.
He must have taken his shoes off because she could no longer hear him walk. Where was he? He sat back down on the bed next to her but this time he sat down firmly causing the bed to bounce a tad. She let out a little cry before she clasped her hands over her mouth. He gave out a low chuckle at her reaction.
He twisted, reached behind her and began to use a firmer touch with both hands on her shoulders. He massaged her tense muscles gently but effectively. She felt her muscles beginning to melt into his hands. When her shoulders were no longer rigid, he undid the small tie in the front of her blouse and her blouse fell loosely to her shoulders.
Standing up and moving to Claire’s front, he pulled her up from the bed and held her calmly against his chest in an engulfing hug. He waited for her breath to slow and become regular. She could feel her pulse slow while at the same time she felt heat rise from her pelvis. He raised her arms above her head, put them together, palm to palm, in a prayer position, slowly raised the bottom edge of her blouse over her head and removed it. Without a bra her breasts were totally exposed, and she was very aware of that fact. With one hand, he smoothed her hair and with the other he flung her blouse to the corner of the room where it landed with a soft swish. She was aware her figure was attractive, but she was not enamored with it. Her calves were too thick and her ass was tiny. She was curious as to what he thought of her appearance but she would never know.
Claire kept her hands clasped and arms up since he had not indicated she was to lower them. With what felt like practiced hands, he pulled the elastic of her waistband away from her and lowered her skirt and by lifting her feet in sequence helped her to step out of it. His hand rose back up to her hips and he repeated the moves with her thong, again helping her to step out of them. He left her shoes on. He reached up and softly took her hands. As if he was leading a ballroom dance, he turned her around delicately bent her forward carefully onto the bed.
All without her having any knowledge of who he is.

2:39 pm Monday, 5th September, 2022

I like the way your mind works, what you fantasize about and want.

10:48 pm Monday, 5th September, 2022

I’m interested 😍

5:51 am Wednesday, 7th September, 2022

Very creative and great building of sexual urges.

4:58 pm Wednesday, 7th September, 2022

nice scenario.  How does it progress?

4:22 am Thursday, 8th September, 2022

Wow 🙌

5:53 am Tuesday, 13th September, 2022

I hope he lashed your clit with his tongue,  a blindfolded woman should always be eaten to orgasm,  it's  as exotic as it gets, then before she can recover mount her and finish her off, well ?

3:34 pm Thursday, 6th October, 2022

I want to be your dark fantasy 

9:21 am Saturday, 6th May, 2023


12:52 pm Sunday, 2nd July, 2023

Great story from a woman that knows how to add every detail ingredient to maintain maximum arousal!   Wonderful technique from an experienced writer! 

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