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So It Was Meant to Be Just Once

1:39 pm Thursday, 16th June, 2022

So It Was Meant to Be Just Once.

I agreed to meet you in the end, you wore me down to the point that I could no longer refuse anymore.
You asked to meet but I politely refused, stating that I was not available. Later you sent another request that followed the same lines as before, but with some added flattery. I love your profile; I can accommodate and I love being naked even more so with you. This is how these conversations continued along with photos of you, mainly naked. Two months later you were still requesting to meet me, take me out and make love to me. Though Covid was rearing its ugly head again amongst society. I became a Nurse to a family member so had no time to make any meets. You continued to chase and cajole with words and descriptions; that you would love to kiss and caress the whole of my body; every square millimetre, top to bottom, left or right front to back, inside and out, it would be a lovely experience, you’re very curvaceous and I love that; I love your profile and the wording you use to express yourself. Your Pictures are seductive and tasteful and you are my idea of heaven. To be seeing you regularly if you agree would be amazing and perfect. Persistent is what you were every other day you would have a one-way conversation, full of what we would do, where we would go and how I am never off your mind day and night. This screams "Obsession" however you put a lot of effort into the correspondence. I continued to evade by general comments only and was very sparse in reply. This never seemed to worry you, the conversation would continue as if it was a full two-way chat. Admiration of the commitment after 2months of knockbacks. I relent and we exchange numbers to private chat on WhatsApp. So now we are into May, I know everything you would like to do to me and new ideas, that have your mind running away with itself. You often write asking questions but never allow time for an answer to reach you before you fire off the next thing that has entered your head. Two weeks in and I agree to visit you at your home and you can't wait, you send your address and I text to let you know I will be arriving in 35mins. I am excited now we have spent months texting and I am going to meet this ever-persistent man that is a naturist and wants to devour me. This thought makes me laugh out loud in the car as I drive along to him. He leaves a message telling me to come in as the door will be on the latch and he will be waiting. Now a little thrill buzzes as I draw up to the property and I park and leave the shelter of the car.
I walk through the gate and sure enough, the door was ajar, I step through the opening and then close it too behind me. I call hello and a “hello” greets me from the room to my left so I enter. He has the Tv on with motor racing playing he leans forward and kisses me on the cheek. Offering me a drink I opt for tea so he leaves the room and goes off to make drinks. I glance around the room then walk over to the window and look out onto the front garden and road beyond. I never heard him return to the room but I sensed him behind me I waited for him to speak or make a move. He whispers you are stunning and thank you; I am not sure what the thank you is for, but I accept it. He kisses the back of my neck I close my eyes and let the sensation run down my spine. The soft breath that wafts softly as he speaks to me, caresses the sensation of the kiss before. It is devine in nature highlighting the expectation of this meeting. He puts his arms around my waist and I turn to face him within them." Gorgeous" he says to me "you are even better in the flesh as I knew you would be". I thank him and he kisses my lips before kissing me deeper. My heart rate moves up a notch this is all very seductive, I move away from within his arms and pick the mug of tea up as a barrier between us, just for a moment to catch myself back into reality. I sit on the sofa and he sits alongside me, we chit-chat as I drink my tea. I place the mug down on the table and he leans in and kisses me, holds me close to him as his hand runs over my back. He pushes me gently down onto the sofa as he leans over my body, kissing my neck which has me wet as I am defenceless against the whispering air on my skin. My mind is saying for god sake fuck me now. I take an intake of breath as I skim my hands over his body then under his T-shirt playing with his nipples. He stands and takes his clothes off. Standing now naked in front of me his member is stood proud and stiff, he offers me his hand and pulls me up off the sofa. I am now standing, he unbuttons my shirt dress and slips it off. He then runs his fingers over the tops of my breasts before sliding his hands down the contours of my body. Skimming the garter belt, and panties to the stocking tops. His fingers then run between my legs over my mound, an intake of breath is taken as I bite my lip with wanton lust. All the time my body is craving a stronger touch. He holds my hand and leads me from the lounge up the stairs to the bedroom. Here he continues to undress me slowly as if savouring each touch and removal of the garment. It is erotic and sensual he turns me so my back is against him and he slowly runs butterfly kisses down my back. He then bends me forward as he continues the journey down. I can smell the sexual arousal of us both the musky heady scent, I know my pussy is so wet and throbbing with the want to be touched. kissing over my buttocks he draws a line down my spine with his fingernail it sends a shiver through me and I gasp out loud. I am so horny right now, he spreads my legs apart and then runs his tongue over the rim of my arse. "Fuck me" I want to jump his bones but he has a grip on my hips as he works his tongue that is flicking and sending delicious sensations into my core. I want to play too, but he stands and then puts his cock against my vagina and slowly slides his shaft into my throbbing wet pussy slow and easy and then slides it back out until only the head is inside me repeating this several times. As he pushes forward again I push back and it is deep and wonderful. I let him slide back out but I make him come all the way out and I take control back by turning to face him kissing him and telling him to get on the bed. He does as he is told and I climb up also, I hover above him before grinding against him as I lean forward on my arms to shower his face and neck with soft kisses. This is before I snake my body down his torso with my tongue. Licking over his nipples before nipping them which makes him gasp at the shock. I continue the journey to his cock that has precum sat on top like a teardrop waiting to fall, I scoop it up on my tongue and run it over my lips slowly. Returning to the head of your cock I swirl my tongue over the rim of it before sliding it down the shaft and over your balls. Running back up to the head before taking your cock whole within my mouth and sucking you in and drawing you out. You groan with each intake and release as my hand cups your balls before working my fingers along the perineum to your anus rim.I brush around your rim and then along the perineum back over your balls. You are thrusting now deep into my throat and I let my teeth graze over your shaft as you move; you say that you are about to come, I feel the moment that the orgasm hits and you thrust forward holding the convulsion as you pump your sperm into my mouth. I swallow as you are still cuming and I swish my tongue over the head which makes another spasm hit. "God your good" is the remark from you as you relax. I lean over you and kiss you on the lips before lying next to you. I roll onto my side to face you and you pull me into your arms and kiss my forehead. I stroke your torso absent-mindedly as we chill out, and then within a few minutes you are stirring again and rising to the occasion." You turn me on so bad" you say as you bounce onto your knees and pull my leg over your shoulder so that you are between my thighs. You go down on me and pull and lick my clitoris which has me on the edge, but you don't let me go over it. You hold me on the edge and keep pressing the nub to tantalise and tease. Then bring my legs over your shoulders as you thrust deep into me making sure you rub over my clitoris as you do. I am so desperate for a release, but no you flip me over and enter from behind doggy style. I put my hand over my vulva and stroke myself as you fuck me hard and fast. I rub against my clit whilst you grab my breasts and knead my nipples. I cry out "harder babe"; as you pinch my nipples, a wave of electric nerve shocks rushes through my body and the fizz of orgasm pulses into me making my muscles contract in my womb and stomach as the delicious sensation, courses through my pussy and I revel in the ecstasy of the pulses that throb deep into my groin. You cum at the same time and the feel of your cock enhances the pulse that I feel. We are both spent and climb into the bed and snuggle together before dozing to recoup our energy. I get up and dress an hour later after another session as I need to get back. Goodbyes said I have to admit I had a great day and rip off a quick text to that effect before I drive away. A text message pings back into my inbox as I drive I shall open it when I am home. Three days later we meet again this is just a drop by a quickie en route to somewhere else. Then we spend more time together what is going on?
This was meant to be a one-off however that has not been the case this has become a regular occurrence.

5:50 pm Thursday, 16th June, 2022

That's me babe x

5:43 pm Friday, 17th June, 2022

Very good 🙂 !

8:45 pm Thursday, 23rd June, 2022

Another fantastic story 

4:50 pm Monday, 25th July, 2022

sound awesome love mm

8:03 am Thursday, 28th July, 2022

This is too good,I love your writing so much. I am so turned on by your perfect tantalising words.

5:43 pm Sunday, 7th August, 2022

I love every single word that this woman writes, I just want one day with her myself so I can also let her enjoy my love making, I want to please her and let her enjoy my way of new and fresh ideas and feel her passion as her body is connected to me by both a mental and physical contact we will hold each other tightly as we fuck and I will not cum until you are ready to cum with me so that every lightbulb in the town comes on with the power we have created with such a massive  climax and every other one gets bigger and harder and better, until you beg for sleep.   

5:44 pm Sunday, 7th August, 2022

I love every single word that this woman writes, I just want one day with her myself so I can also let her enjoy my love making, I want to please her and let her enjoy my way of new and fresh ideas and feel her passion as her body is connected to me by both a mental and physical contact we will hold each other tightly as we fuck and I will not cum until you are ready to cum with me so that every lightbulb in the town comes on with the power we have created with such a massive  climax and every other one gets bigger and harder and better, until you beg for sleep.   

7:52 pm Sunday, 12th February, 2023

Fantastic dialogue ile do complete opposite to you but just as clear to get my point across. tell me where when and how u would like it and  ile gladly comply with your wishes 😁

Blog Introduction

Young at heart and very open and  like an adventure but in a marriage that has faulted in a rut

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