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A sad man's sexual story

4:26 pm Friday, 3rd June, 2022

He stood naked and damp from a shower looking in to the full length mirror.W. what the hell happened to you,? He thought. A big hanging stomach,a Hugh set of man boobs,some sagging arm skin and a very droopy set of ball's between his legs.Well at least I still got lots of hair on my head. A little gray,but it's all there. Aging can be heartless and evil.What makes it unbearable is the lack of sex.Back in the day he was good for 4 or 5 times a week, had a steady girl friend who loved sex and he would get lucky once and a while with some strange.He ended up marrying his steady and was coming up on their 40 year anniversary together.He thought back on the last time they were intimate. Was it last year's anniversary or my birthday? He didn't know for sure but it was well over a year. Now he was still somewhat sexual active .He watched some porn and masturbated a few times a week.He joined a bdsm web site and was curious about the life style. Oh how he longed for the touch of a woman. To be able to kiss her passionately and suck her hard nipples.To smell the sweetness of a damp pussy as he licked the juice from it.His wife was great at sex,but that was a long time ago.Now She is preoccupied taking care of her elderly family, stress at work.some health issues and a few extra pounds that made her feel unwanted sexually. He had told her repeatedly she still had it going on, but it didn't help. Maybe it was him. Over weight,out of shape,lack of stamina. It was getting hard to keep it up and the end was a just a drop or two of sperm.She would always make him finish in her mouth.She loved the taste of his cum but he knew she was disappointed the last few times they did make love.So what do you do?How can you fix a broken sex life? Day by day he got more depressed over it. He bought himself some sexy underwear and toys to help in his masterbation. He tried some different types of sexual pleasure, anal,nipple clamps, restraining himself.All were very hard to do by yourself. He was really getting into it ,but in the end he was alone. At a loss he just gave up and accepted the fact, it was over. Sex was a thing of the past. Get over it and move on with your life and be happy with what you got. One afternoon he came home from work and found her car in the driveway. Oh boy. What's the problem gonna be today? He thought.Drama from the inlaws, trouble at work, maybe she's sick.He entered the house and could smell some kind of flowers or incense. There was soft music playing in the other room. He went down the hallway passing the bed room.The door was open a crack and he noticed a flickering coming from inside. He opened it and found scented candles burning,satin sheets on the bed and the knight stand full of vibrators dildos and other toys.Very confused he made his way to the living room. There on the couch sat his wife drinking a glass of wine. What's going on here? Did I come home at a bad time? He asked. Nope your right on time. She stood up and his heart skipped a few beats. She had a black leather camasol on with smooth silk stockings,a pair of stiletto boots and a choker collar. WOW !!! You look beautiful.Am I at the wrong house? Did I come at a bad time? No No.. she laughed, your at the right place. I have been neglecting you and our marriage,sex life and my duty as a wife. I'm so so sorry. You have been spending a lot of time at that doughnut shop in the morning and I'm getting worried there's some one else. I'm hoping to make it up to you tonight.I know what you need and what you desire. Go take a shower and I'll meet you in the bedroom. She kissed him passionately bitting down on his lip and squeezing his dick she said, don't keep me waiting lover. He ran to the bathroom and quickly washed up then ran to his dresser and got out his new sexy underwear and choker collar with a chain attached to nipple clamps. He rubbed his nipples making them hard and attached the clamps to them. His dick shot up like a flag pole. He was ready. Hurring to the bedroom he found her laying on the bed with satin scarfs tied to her wrists ,arms at the head board ready to be bound. She had a ball gag in her mouth and a blindfold on her forehead.Making googly eyes at him she mumbled,I love your outfit. He leaned over her and tied the scarfs to the head board and lowered the blindfold over her eyes.He could feel her shake with pleasure.He started to kiss her neck and slowly worked his way down to her rock hard nipples. He loved the feel of the soft leather camasol. This outfit looks beautiful on you honey. He started sucking one of her nipples and put one of his clamps on the other. She shivered at first but then moaned in pleasure. He clamped the other one and moved on downward to her crotch. Licking his way passed it ,down her leg to the high heel and back up to her garters. He pulled on one with his teeth letting it snap back against her leg. She moaned in anticipation of what was next.He continued down the other leg kissing her stocking and boots. He returned up and finally rested his nose in her soaking wet pussy. It smelled so good .he couldn't control himself.Licking and sucking it wildly he herd her gaging for air. He reached up and pulled the ball from her mouth. She gasped for a breath and yelled.Oh god!! Don't stop. He had no intentions of stopping. Something smelled like lilacs,her pussy or ass.Didnt matter .he was licking both. Her freshly shaved pussy tasted so wonderful he didn't know if he was ever going to stop eating it. She groaned loudly as he entered a finger in it , then another and then a third. He worked them in and out as his pinky made it's way to her back side. A little moist from her pussy juice it had no problem entering her ass. He felt the hole open wider as she push it closer to his hand,wanting more. She arched her back up and shook in extacy.OH My god ...I missed you. His hand was soaked and his nose was dripping wet. WOW! What an orgasm. You haven't cum like that in years. No I haven't she said, quick, untie me and switch places. He did as she bound him to the bad and waisted no time start sucking his nipples replacing the clamps on him. I love these things,don't know where you got them or why but don't lose them. She tried to go slow licking him as he did ,but couldn't do it. She dove straight down to his dick and jammed it in her mouth. Oh! He wasn't expecting such aggression but didn't care. He through his head back and licked his lips. I missed you so much baby. That feels great. His dick was pounding as he felt the back of her throat on the head. She continued to suck bobbing her head up and down wildly,taking a finger and entering it in his ass slowly pushing it in up to the second knuckel. Oh my... I like that. His dick got even harder if that's possible. Oh yeah! I'm cumming he screamed. She held on even tighter and pumped with all her might .Beat after beat he felt like she sucked his guts out the end of his dick. Hoping he actually came some fluid this time he watched as she removed his member from her mouth and smiled at him swolling deeply and licking her lips. Man! I missed that stuff. Hope we can do some fucking later. I want some more of that..

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