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Intriguing or boring? : Which blogs do you feel more like commenting on?

6:57 pm Sunday, 25th August, 2013

I haven't been here that long: only about 3 months in all. But the blogs have been an entertaining ride so far.

However, I must say that in terms of piquing my interest, some subjects hit the spot whereas others I just take one look at and pass right on by. Some regular posters may feel they have to comment on almost anything, whereas other may be more selective.

Examples of stuff that I would tend to ignore would include fashion advice for TG/CDs, people who feel they have to tell the world about family bereavements, amateur erotic novellas, people who think everyone is interested in the fact they've just had sex (yawn....), or blogs where people seem to revel in abject self-pity.

In most cases I feel that such things are beyond my brief and that any comment I make would be of little value. In other cases I simply feel that such topics should not be really in the blogs at all: I mean if I meet someone and have sex, I wouldn't feel compelled to brag about it or invite comment.

I'm not a hard-hearted bastard, and obviously I feel sorry if anyone has had a distressing life experience. But again, if it happened to me, I wouldn't write about it in a blog or expect people to offer solace on the internet.

So what do people think? Does anyone else share my views? I concede that some people's altruism and empathy may extend well beyond my own range. But I'd be interested to know who finds what boring/irrelevant or just plain daft on here.

8:04 pm Sunday, 25th August, 2013

I'm not a hard-hearted bastard ...

Oh dear, I think you have just about covered all the topics of my blogs in your tend to ignore list. :-(

I don't appear to be as discerning as you are in my blog reading although, I don't comment on all of them; Some I find more interesting and amusing than others.

I don't have a favourite sort of blog and I tend to read most of the recent blogs whether or not they are short stories or real life experiences etc. I comment if I have something to contribute.

I find I am irritated by blogs that are not well thought out, incomprehensible or just make me feel downright uncomfortable (there have been a few). I also see those that contain detail that belongs in profiles or the events diary pointless and add little or no value to the blogs.

I enjoy those that provoke differing opinions. I also enjoy blogs that give an insight into an author's personality, sense of humour, frame of mind, recent experience etc.

Long may they all continue xx

8:41 pm Sunday, 25th August, 2013

Thanks folks. I'm not arguing with people's right to blog. I'm simply trying to ascertain whether some people have aversions similar to my own. Even Olivers seems to be with me on the "I've just had a shag" issue :-) As I say - I sympathize with people who are in distress, but in choosing not to comment I'm simply reflecting what I'd expect from others if I were in the same situation. But that's just me: I'd want to keep it private and rely on close friends andor family.

I'm also not discriminating between what might be regarded as "low-brow" and "high-brow" either, because I'm an earthy sort at heart and can appreciate vulgarity and crudity as much as the next person. Also, as Kinky points out, a blog that is fairly mundane at the outset can be transformed into an interesting or amusing thread by some ascerbic or comic intervention.

Yeah we all respond in different ways, that's for sure. And I suppose that's my point in giving you an idea of stuff that wouldn't invite a response from yours truly.

9:40 pm Sunday, 25th August, 2013


10:23 pm Sunday, 25th August, 2013

Kinky: You already have my full attention without having to resort to erotic fantasy :-) Besides, you may recall that I'm not above contributing the odd erotic vignette, although it's usually a knee-jerk response to someone being flirty ;-)

FA: I wouldn't have expected a lover of haute cuisine such as yourself to enjoy peasant's victuals, so your stance is understandable.

Good job you didn't tell me that you'd spent all weekend fucking a slim, heavy-breasted 21-yr-old Japanese girl, as I'd probably have been jealous :-)

11:05 pm Sunday, 25th August, 2013

Good call on this one Skebbie.

Think you have covered most of the ones I tend to glaze over or give a wide berth to.

However, we are probably the most diverse crowd I've ever had the 'immense pleasure' of being included with, so for me personally it's a 'Sunday Newspaper Job', 'I know there will be adverts, supplements and other crap articles that hold absolutely no interest to me whatsoever, but I still buy it and love it, as without them it's just not a Sunday Newspaper!

bbwlicious Dont you dare stop blogging or I will be forced to come and poke you with a sharpened stick until you give in!!!!!

11:25 pm Sunday, 25th August, 2013

FA: Damn !!!! :-) Any chance of lending them out next weekend?

MYS: I like the way you liken the blogs to a newspaper: an apt comparison. Of course, like a newspaper, on this site there are personal ads too :-)

11:52 pm Sunday, 25th August, 2013

Roslyn: You are perfectly entitled to post anything you wish, obviously. It's just that I'd be crap about advising you on dress-sense :-) Like you, I tend to be a realist rather than a fantasist, so this is why I tend to "move swiftly on" if someone has posted an erotic fairy tale.

Being a biologist, I'm interested in evolution, so changes in blog direction as a result of mutation and natural selection are of particular interest :-)

9:41 am Monday, 26th August, 2013

I comment on blogs that seem to need an answer (that is, when I have something I really have to say, no matter how mundane).

I like writing, and try to come up with a new topic once in a while (though so many blogs are coming out lately that I can't think of new topics as much that haven't been done and sometimes overdone). But now I'm paranoid that some of my blogs fall under the "whiny" category....

10:47 am Monday, 26th August, 2013

ROSLYN, Oh, and it seems we have a little Yorkshire group forming

Strength in numbers. You will be hunting as a pack next :-)

11:17 am Monday, 26th August, 2013

I was toying with the idea of proposing a "Yorkshire bloggers' social" at my UK place (even though in my case the "Yorkshire" label is purely geographical), but then realized this particular group might not go down too well in the "local": a few years ago, while on a pub crawl with friends, I was actually *refused service* by a boor of a barman because he claimed I was gay. It seems hard to believe that such stuff still goes on, but in retrospect it amused me because I'm arguably one of the few straight men who have been on the receiving end of homophobia :-) It was a little reminiscent of that pub scene in "Withnail and I" where "I" is accused of being a "ponce" :-)

11:25 am Monday, 26th August, 2013

Skebbie, Roslyn

You all in a Yorkshire local would be like an adaptation of a scene from Monty Python's Flying Circus. :-)

11:42 am Monday, 26th August, 2013

"Ah yewst'll live in shoe box in't middle of the road....."

11:49 am Monday, 26th August, 2013

FA: Sorry, I was letting my imagination run away with me. For a brief moment I thought you might have been running a high-class escort agency, and planning a Berlusconi-style "bunga-bunga party".

11:53 am Monday, 26th August, 2013

Kinky: Presumably in gay bars ???

I have this image of you and Curvy hunting down prey like those raptors in Jurassic Park :-) What a great way to die :-)

11:58 am Monday, 26th August, 2013

jonnealas: Maybe you could accompany our group to ensure we don't get refused bar service :-)

12:06 pm Monday, 26th August, 2013


Aye, You must have had it tough. I bet you used to 'ave to get up out of shoebox at twelve o'clock at night and lick road clean wit' tongue.

12:07 pm Monday, 26th August, 2013

@Jonnealas, see Skebbie isn't a hard hearted B afterall. He didn't want you to feel left out.

3:33 pm Monday, 26th August, 2013

jon: Well that's a nice little plug for your youthfulness :-) Last time I went to B&Q I was asked whether I was interested in a senior citizen's saver card. I emerged crestfallen and utterly devastated :-)

4:37 pm Monday, 26th August, 2013

Haha.....that last post gave me a minute or two of genuine mirth.....

4:47 pm Monday, 26th August, 2013

FA: It just occurred to me that the pub clientele might have thought it curious a girl had just done the Three Peaks wearing heels and a mini-skirt. Maybe they were simply dumbfounded.

5:46 pm Monday, 26th August, 2013

I once got silly drunk in a local country pub with a friend who is a priest and yes, he was wearing his dog collar at the time. We were trying our best to play darts without laughing and as you can imagine we started to attract a fair amount of attention and disapproving looks. We were politely asked to leave when a stray dart broke a wall light.

7:03 pm Monday, 26th August, 2013

FA: It would have been even funnier if you'd been sitting on the summit in evening dress.

5:33 am Thursday, 6th February, 2014

Skebbie, I hope you don't mind, but I thought this blog of yours was worth revisiting in the hope that it generates some ideas.

Apologies in advance; it's such a burden having a blog running - and now you have two ;-)

6:27 am Thursday, 6th February, 2014

Yeah I admit resurrecting blogs is a bit of a cop-out, but sometimes giving them a fresh airing can attract some new contributors.

I suppose my views haven't changed much since last year. Must admit the ones I'm least attracted to are interminable erotic novellas - but hey that's just me. (Although such efforts seem to generate minimal comment as far as I can see.) I much prefer something that generates debate and banter, and an exchange of ideas.

10:07 am Thursday, 6th February, 2014

Missed this one first time around skebbie.
Not sure about the erotic stories. When they are bad they can be toe-curlingly terrible but recent ones by certain bloggers have shown when they're good they're very very good!
I think you can always tell the bad blogs by the number or lack of comments.
Personally I don't care if my blog is disagreed with, argued over, or shoots off in a completely different direction as long as it provokes some sort of reaction.
The worst response would be no response at all.

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I'm 56 years old, living in the Bradford region.

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