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We know we want to ......!

8:33 pm Sunday, 8th May, 2022

So here's the situation:

My husband and I have a strong, secure, confident relationship. While we have only just recently been married, we've been together for over 5 years now. All 5 of those years have been spent with a mutual interest in (and exposure to) the lifestyle. In fact, neither my husband nor I have ever been in a traditional, monogamous relationship. We were both introduced to swinging and ethical non monogamy individually (separate from one another) early on in our early adult lives and have decided that it was right for both of us ever since (lucky us - as we ended up together). We've both been to our local lifestyle clubs many times and have enjoyed the few, spontaneous encounters we've had there, as well as the few planned meet-ups we've enjoyed through this platform.

Acknowledging the above, and despite the many years of exposure we've had (and a very much established fact that it is indeed what we both want) we still have a disproportionate amount of trouble getting the nerve to get up and approach someone we are interested in, or respond in a way that is not willingly naïve when people show interest in us. During a night out at the club, we often end up just playing with each other and enjoying our own little display of exhibitionism for anyone who wants to watch. Don't get me wrong - we LOVE that... but we have discussed this numerous times and both agreed we wish we'd had the nerve to introduce ourselves to potential playmates, or simply make eye contact to convey we are open to approach.

Does anyone else have this issue?

Has anyone had this issue and then found ways to push yourself out of awkward sense of shyness?

We drive ourselves a little mad with it lol.

Thanks in advanced for your responses ♥️

8:32 am Monday, 9th May, 2022

thats nice to hear from u

10:46 am Monday, 9th May, 2022

Interesting....wish we could meet up.

11:02 am Monday, 9th May, 2022

me and my gf lets plan it... it will be amazing fun. anjali is also excited for it

1:19 pm Monday, 9th May, 2022

I guess booz helps in lowering some of that inhibition. Just for the first few times atleast. That or whatever else that works for you guys. Haha

4:16 pm Monday, 9th May, 2022

well to be honest there is no issue at all, just lots of trust, love, respect and a happy marriage. It would be ackward for anyone to approach directly. Lucky you two found each other, keep having fun

12:09 pm Wednesday, 11th May, 2022

Very Well written

6:18 am Thursday, 12th May, 2022

Firstly kudos to you for your journey. It's amazing and rare to find such partners that ease up your lives going forward.

I hard relate to the awkwardness yes. I have had the chance of meeting a couple from the lifestyle in a Bangalore club but it was very organic. And we couldn't realise when one thing led to other. Of course a little tipsy nature helped for sure.

I think the little trouble of getting charged up and approaching here is mostly due to the environment, culture here. It's subconsciously ingrained in our minds and we are engrossed with a lot of "what ifs". I mean had that been a club in Amsterdam i am sure you would just take a chance even if it's more scary and risky (may be). So yeah i mean i guess the best way to know is to take a leap of faith of course while you have established that you are exhibiting something and are open. Small gestures and straightaway asking also helps. Either they do or they don't. That's my two cents. 

4:47 am Saturday, 14th May, 2022

That's right and very obvious to have such tendencies. We are humans and inspite of quantum of a good ingredient called Lust inside us we still ought to behave like normal humans. This is normal and do enjoy this every time you break a shell and meet someone... Lust matters ..it's important

6:35 am Saturday, 14th May, 2022

yes its common.. the best advice is to dont stay together in clubs.. try to move around often so that you are easily approachable by others. when you like someone take a deep breath and just give him an eye contact and smile

2:53 pm Saturday, 14th May, 2022

So well articulated. This completely resonates with us too. While - we are fairly new and are no way in even a league that you belong in....but those trepidations and butterflies in the stomach gets to us too. The way we are...for us the final outcome is not sacrosanct, rather the journey, mutual excitement (with another couple), the pushing of boundaries (even fully clothed) and taking the mind to wonderful situations is so much rewarding. True - it has been hard for us to find couples who would want to take those small steps with us (most want to get in to bed immediately)....but hey, as long as there is hope, there will be scope! Cheers.. 

3:50 am Sunday, 15th May, 2022

Awesome 👍🏽

7:06 am Sunday, 15th May, 2022

Wonderful expression 

5:18 pm Sunday, 15th May, 2022

Hey let's get in touch

12:18 pm Wednesday, 18th May, 2022

we should meet up

12:18 pm Wednesday, 18th May, 2022

we are from kolkata

11:52 am Friday, 20th May, 2022

Hey guys lets catchup 

8:00 pm Friday, 20th May, 2022

Hey Guys, I have met many couples and even i feel kind of awkward to approach someone. Frankly speaking i feel it is very common and lot of people over here have gone through same. I don't know why but it happens, for instance few year back i was at club in Pune and i was constantly looking towards a girl giving her hint and even i felt she was also looking at me but when are eyes crossed each other i felt kind of awkward and shyness. But with time this things vanish away because you come to know how to play and you are confident enough that you can identify right people

2:25 am Monday, 23rd May, 2022

I am drive 

12:46 pm Monday, 23rd May, 2022

Its a very sincere and mature question to ask .

7:51 pm Monday, 23rd May, 2022

Well for one I'd normally try to initiate a normal conversation and see how things develop from there .

7:07 pm Wednesday, 1st June, 2022


1:56 pm Tuesday, 2nd August, 2022

Come in touch for sun fun and to spoil your Hotwife here at the sunny
Island while at your nice Vacation! 🙂 Would you see my cock deep and
hard closeup in your Wifes tight little cunt? Smell and taste our

3:06 pm Thursday, 4th August, 2022

wish we could meet

8:23 am Tuesday, 30th August, 2022

perfect couple with a perfect choice ! kudos guys ! would it be ok with you if I request to connect with you ? please do lemme know. thanks

9:55 am Saturday, 22nd October, 2022


5:58 pm Saturday, 10th December, 2022

Thank you so much guys💤😊💕

5:58 pm Saturday, 10th December, 2022

Thank you so much guys💤😊💕

1:43 pm Tuesday, 27th December, 2022

It's interesting read . I feel you should shed your inhibitions and introduce yourself. Take one step at a time 
All the best. Happy hunting. 

6:57 pm Sunday, 12th March, 2023

I would start with trying to build a rapport and during conversations, calibrate if the other person would be ok to be approached. Hope this helps!

Blog Introduction

Kolkata (India) Fun Loving - Married Couple - In Love - Hither magnifying carnal fun of life with couples matching same wave length to add some sex sparkles. . .

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