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Non- binary = Traitor........

10:15 am Friday, 23rd August, 2013

Now we know why our trust levels are all "low". Turns out US traitor Bradley Manning is actually "Chelsea" & intends living as a woman from now on. So, at least as far as the Pentagon sees it, you can't trust a non-binary. Gays are fine, but GI's in thigh highs? No, no, no.

Of course, Bradley could be aiming to do his time in a female correctional facility, in which case the guy's a genius - doing his bird doing birds. Beats me why he's appealing the sentence, fuck parole, take the whole stretch, mate, probably a darn sight more fun than you'll see on the outside.

It's a shame the Cold War's over, I'd gladly have accepted a recruitment offer from the KGB in return for a medium to high annuity & an expense account at Agent Provocateur.

10:50 am Friday, 23rd August, 2013

Yes I wouldn't have fancied his chances if he'd ended up in Sing-Sing or San Quentin - being rogered senseless on a daily basis.

Compared with the lily-livered half-heartedness of European justice, don't you find the American penal system so refreshingly Victorian? You know......the "felon's jumpsuit", the clanking and rattling of shackles, the ludicrous 1000-year tariffs, and all those delicious terms such as "incarceration", "correctional facility", "penitentiary", etc., which are still in active usage.

11:51 am Friday, 23rd August, 2013

& let's not forget that delicious chestnut - the death penalty. Gas chamber & gimp mask, you've got to hand it to our old colony, they certainly keep the old world traditions alive.

12:32 pm Friday, 23rd August, 2013

frisky: Ever see "Cool Hand Luke" ? Great film :-)

1:17 pm Friday, 23rd August, 2013

FA - Yep, one sees the lead up to a section defence. But even so, I doubt Brad (please let his girlfriend be called Janet) is going to have much trouble playing bitch in a military jail, the queue probably reaches twice round the exercise yard... & that's just the guards.

3:24 pm Monday, 3rd November, 2014

Perhaps Bradders was really a tranny all along and his plan was to get into a womens penetentiary to do time offering the male guards sexual services for fags and phone cards I know I would 😃 and is it me or do people who comment on your blog then delete themselves is it you or some sinister plot to deny you of friends who are interested in your mind as well as your body 💋💋 just saying 😁 xx

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Femme Fatale TV seeks similar for tea and crumpet

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