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Make Me Smile ..............

9:12 pm Wednesday, 21st August, 2013

So there I was waiting for another boring, crappy day to end when 1 of my colleagues wandered over...
"I've gotta tell you" he said "women in boots get me really wild and horny!"
Slightly shocked by this revelation I replied "Really???"
"Yes but unfortunately they've banned me and now I have to shop at Superdrug instead"
Apart from feeling gullible that I'd fell for it, the joke made me smile and a grin broke out on an otherwise gloomy afternoon.
Sp people Roll Up! Roll Up! lets hear you smutty and cringeworthy jokes! Don't care how bad they are they can't be worse than that... or can they?

8:46 am Sunday, 15th September, 2013

If sex with three is a three some, and sex with four is a four some, can I still call you handsome?

6:01 am Wednesday, 8th January, 2014

Lmao thank you eroticgoddess - I LIKE that one

6:26 am Wednesday, 8th January, 2014

Wife and husband bought condoms with different flavours.
"Darling, I will turn off the light, put one on and you guess the flavour."
As soon as he turns off the light, the wife takes it in the mouth and says, "Easy, that's Gorgonzola flavour."
"Wait!" said the husband, "I haven't put it on yet."

Ewww ... well you did say you didn't mind bad ones Joe.

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Same Old Joe .. Definitely older & maybe wiser?

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